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M. T. Blanco-Varela ORCID

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Mabroum, S. / García-Lodeiro, I. / El Machi, A. / Chhaiba, S. / Taha, Y. / Benzaazoua, M. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Hakkou, R. (2024): Acid resistance of alkali-activated binders based on clays from phosphate mining by-products. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 95 (October 2024).


  2. Granizo, M. Luz / Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Martinez-Ramirez, S. (2007): Alkali activation of metakaolins: parameters affecting mechanical, structural and microstructural properties. In: Journal of Materials Science, v. 42, n. 9 (March 2007).


  3. García-Lodeiro, I. / Goracci, G. / Dolado, J. S. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. (2021): Mineralogical and microstructural alterations in a portland cement paste after an accelerated decalcification process. In: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 140 (February 2021).


  4. Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Aguilera, J. / Martinez-Ramirez, S. (2006): Effect of cement C3A content, temperature and storage medium on thaumasite formation in carbonated mortars. In: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 36, n. 4 (April 2006).


  5. Carmona-Quiroga, P. M. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. (2013): Ettringite decomposition in the presence of barium carbonate. In: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 52 (October 2013).


  6. Mabroum, S. / García-Lodeiro, I. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Taha, Y. / Chhaiba, S. / Indris, S. / Benzaazoua, M. / Mansori, M. / Hakkou, R. (2023): Formation of C S H and M S H gels in alkali-activated materials based on marl by-products from phosphate mines. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 365 (February 2023).


  7. Husillos-Rodríguez, N. / Martinez-Ramirez, S. / Zarzuela, R. / Mosquera, M. J. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. / García-Lodeiro, I. (2022): Effect of alkoxysilane on early age hydration in portland cement pastes. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 50 (June 2022).


  8. Padilla-Encinas, P. / Palomo, A. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Fernández-Carrasco, L. / Fernández-Jimenez, A. (2021): Monitoring early hydration of calcium sulfoaluminate clinker. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 295 (August 2021).


  9. Carmona-Quiroga, P. M. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. (2021): Barium carbonate and supplementary cementitious materials to counteract thaumasite sulfate attack in mortars: Effect of aggregate composition. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 282 (May 2021).


  10. Carmona-Quiroga, P. M. / Pachón-Montaño, A. / Queipo-de-Llano, J. / Martin-Caro, J. A. / López, D. / Paniagua, I. / Martínez, I. / Rubiano, F. / García-Lodeiro, I. / Fernández-Ordóñez, L. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Frías-López, E. (2021): Characterisation and diagnosis of heritage concrete: case studies at the Eduardo Torroja Institute, Madrid, Spain. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 71, n. 344 (August 2021).


  11. Dumitru, G. / Vázquez, T. / Puertas, F. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. (1999): Influencia de la adición del BaCO₃ sobre la hidratación del cemento portland. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 49, n. 254 (June 1999).


  12. Puertas Maroto, F. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Sagrera-Moreno, J. L. (1985): Estudio de la fluorellesteadita por difracción de rayos X: Propuesta de nuevas líneas de difracción. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 35, n. 198 (June 1985).


  13. Palomo, A. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Herrero, P. / Prendes, N. (2004): Rupestral paintings of the "La Graja" cave. Pigment characterization and digital image analysis = Pinturas rupestres de la cueva de "La Graja". Caracterización de pigmentos y análisis digital de imágenes. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 54, n. 273 (March 2004).


  14. Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Puertas, F. / Palomo, A. (1997): Los Rendering mortars in Medina Azahara, Part I: Material characterization and alteration process. Los revocos de Medina Azahara. Parte I: Caracterización del material y procesos de alteración. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 47, n. 245 (March 1997).


  15. Blanco-Varela, M. T. (1997): Los Rendering mortars in Medina Azahara, Part II: Material characterization and alteration causes. Los revocos de Medina Azahara. Parte II: Caracterización de la superficie policromada y causas de su deterioro. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 47, n. 246 (June 1997).


  16. Puertas, F. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Vázquez, T. (1988): Reactivity and burnability of cement raw materials witt high manganese content. Reactividad y aptitud a la cocción de crudos de cemento con elevados contenidos en manganeso. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 38, n. 210 (June 1988).


  17. Fernández-Carrasco, L. / Puertas, F. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Vázquez, T. (1999): New advances in the carbonation of aluminous cement. Alkaline hydrolisis. Nuevos avances en la carbonatación del cemento aluminoso. Hidrólisis alcalina. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 49, n. 253 (March 1999).


  18. Chhaiba, S. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Diouri, A. (2018): Moroccan oil shale and coal waste as alternative raw materials in Portland cement clinker manufacture. Clinkerisation reactions and clinker characterisation. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 68, n. 331 (July 2018).


  19. Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Martinez-Ramirez, S. / Gener, M. / Vázquez, T. (2005): Modifications induced by adding natural zeolitic pozzolans to cement paste. Modificaciones inducidas por la adición de puzolanas naturales zeolíticas en las pastas de cemento. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 55, n. 280 (December 2005).


  20. Carmona-Quiroga, P. M. / Martinez-Ramirez, S. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. (2008): Fluorinated anti-graffiti coating for natural stone. Protección de piedras naturales con un antigraffiti fluorado. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 58, n. 289-290 (May 2008).


  21. Fernández-Carrasco, L. / Puertas, F. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Vázquez, T. (2001): Carbonation of calcium aluminate cement pastes. Carbonatación de pastas de cemento de aluminato de calcio. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 51, n. 263-264 (December 2001).


  22. Igea, J. / Lapuente, P. / Martinez-Ramirez, S. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. (2012): Caracterización de morteros mudéjares de la iglesia de San Gil Abad (Zaragoza, España): Investigación de la tecnología de fabricación de morteros históricos de yeso. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 62, n. 308 (November 2012).


  23. Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Sáez del Bosque, I. F. / Martinez-Ramirez, S. (2015): Calorimetric study of the early stages of the nanosilica - tricalcium silicate hydration. Effect of temperature. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 65, n. 320 (November 2015).


  24. Husillos-Rodríguez, N. / Carmona-Quiroga, Paula María / Martinez-Ramirez, S. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Fort, R. (2018): Sacrificial mortars for surface desalination. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 173 (June 2018).


  25. Suárez-Navarro, J. A. / Lanzón, M. / Moreno-Reyes, A. M. / Gasco, C. / Alonso, M. M. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Puertas, F. (2019): Radiological behaviour of pigments and water repellents in cement-based mortars. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 225 (November 2019).


  26. Gutiérrez-González, S. / Gadea, J. / Rodríguez, A. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Calderón, V. (2012): Compatibility between gypsum and polyamide powder waste to produce lightweight plaster with enhanced thermal properties. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 34 (September 2012).


  27. Sáez del Bosque, I. F. / Martinez-Ramirez, S. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. (2014): FTIR study of the effect of temperature and nanosilica on the nano structure of C–S–H gel formed by hydrating tricalcium silicate. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 52 (February 2014).


  28. Sáez del Bosque, I. F. / Martín-Pastor, M. / Sobrados, I. / Martinez-Ramirez, S. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. (2016): Quantitative analysis of pure triclinic tricalcium silicate and C–S–H gels by 29Si NMR longitudinal relaxation time. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 107 (March 2016).


  29. Sáez del Bosque, I. F. / Martinez-Ramirez, S. / Martín-Pastor, M. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. (2014): Effect of temperature on C–S–H gel nanostructure in white cement. In: Materials and Structures, v. 47, n. 11 (November 2014).


  30. Chhaiba, S. / Blanco-Varela, M. T. / Diouri, A. / Bougarrani, S. (2018): Characterization and hydration of cements and pastes obtained from raw mix containing Moroccan oil shale and coal waste as a raw material. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 189 (November 2018).


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