Mehrbod, Amirhossein / Behnamfar, Farhad / Aziminejad, Armin / Hashemol-Hosseini, Hamid: Fragility Curves of Stone Arch Bridges by Incremental Dynamic Analysis Method and DEM. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage.
Mehrabadi, Fatemeh A. / Zarfam, Panam / Aziminejad, Armin (2024): Damage Detection in Building Structures Using Modified Feature Selection and Optimization Algorithm. In: Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, v. 29, n. 4 (November 2024).
Amri, Mehdi / Moghadam, Abdolreza S. / Aziminejad, Armin / Mansoori, Mohammadreza (2024): The Effect of Varied Eccentricities of the Friction Pendulum Bearings on the Nonlinear Response of the Base-Isolated Asymmetric Buildings. In: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, v. 48, n. 6 (September 2024).
Shokrzadeh, Mohamad Reza / Aziminejad, Armin / Moghaddam, Abdolreza S. (2024): Evaluation of various FRP strengthening configurations for RC beam-column joints. In: Bridge Structures, v. 20, n. 1-2 (2 July 2024).
Vahidi, Mohammad / Aziminejad, Armin / Firoozi Nezamabadi, Maryam / Heristchian, Mahmoud (2023): Conflation of modal strain energy, spectral finite element, and machine learning techniques for damage detection in multi-span steel girder bridges with variable sections. In: Structures, v. 57 (November 2023).
Yarmohamadi, Pooya / Javadi, Pasha / Aziminejad, Armin (2023): Improvement of seismic performance of self-centering mid-rise RC frames by adding semi-rigid rocking columns. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 21, n. 13 (14 September 2023).
Vaziri, Hamid Reza / Mansoori, Mohammad Reza / Arbabi, Fereydoon / Aziminejad, Armin (2023): Implementation of an Advanced Macroelement Beam Model under Moving Load (Case Study: Iranian Railroad Projects). In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2023 (February 2023).
Nick, Hooman / Ashrafpoor, Asgar / Aziminejad, Armin (2023): Damage identification in steel frames using dual-criteria vibration-based damage detection method and artificial neural network. In: Structures, v. 51 (May 2023).
Maroofi, Elham / Mansoori, Mohammad Reza / Moghadam, Abdoreza S. / Aziminejad, Armin (2023): Introducing a new seismic resisting system with dual linked column frame and rocking motion. In: Structures, v. 47 (January 2023).
Kaveh, Ali / Zarfam, Panam / Aziminejad, Armin / Yosefpoor, Hosein (2022): Comparison of Four Chaotic Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Optimal Design of Large-Scale Truss Structures. In: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, v. 46, n. 6 (August 2022).
Shadman Heidari, Peyman / Aziminejad, Armin / Moghadam, A. S. / Jafari, Mohammad Ali (2022): Experimental and analytical investigation of drilled flange connections (DFCs) with radial drilling patterns. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 52 (July 2022).
Makhdoom, Omid / Aziminejad, Armin / Zarfam, Panam / Moghadam, Abdolreza Sarvghad (2022): Effect of the asymmetry level on collapse margin of torsionally stiff single-story buildings based on FEMA P695 methodology. In: Structures, v. 37 (March 2022).
Hafezi, Maryam / Aziminejad, Armin / Mansoori, Mohammad Reza / Hosseini, Mahmood / Moghadam, Abdolreza Sarvghad (2022): Improving the torsional response of asymmetric buildings with self-centering controlled rocking steel braced frame system. In: Advances in Structural Engineering, v. 25, n. 4 (January 2022).
Soleimani, Sahman / Moghadam, Abdolreza S. / Aziminejad, Armin (2022): Bidirectional energy-based pushover procedure as a fast approach to establish approximate IDA curves under biaxial seismic excitations: an evaluation for medium- and high-rise buildings. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 20, n. 5 (February 2022).
Bavandi, Mohammad / Moghadam, Abdolreza S. / Mansoori, Mohammad Reza / Aziminejad, Armin (2022): Assessment of Repairability Index of Building Connections with Posttensioned Strands. In: Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, v. 27, n. 1 (February 2022).
Bavandi, Mohammad / Moghadam, Abdolreza S. / Mansoori, Mohammad Reza / Aziminejad, Armin (2022): Development of repairability index for steel moment frames with post-tensioned self-centering connections. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 318 (February 2022).
Shabani, Mohammad Javad / Moghadam, Abdolreza Sarvghad / Aziminejad, Armin / Razzaghi, Mehran Seyed (2021): Energy-based criteria for assessment of box-section steel columns against progressive collapse. In: Structures, v. 34 (December 2021).
Bavandi, Mohammad / Moghadam, Abdolreza S. / Mansoori, Mohammad Reza / Aziminejad, Armin (2021): Introducing a new seismic efficiency index of post-tensioned self-centering steel moment connections. In: Structures, v. 33 (October 2021).
Malekzadeh, Hoodean / Hosseini, Mahmood / Abbasi, Hassan / Aziminejad, Armin / Adib Ramazani, Mohammadreza (2021): Developing a multi-variable vulnerability function for a class of multi-span continuous concrete box-girder highway bridges with emphasis on near-field earthquakes. In: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, v. 26, n. 11 (April 2021).
Maroofi, Elham / Mansoori, Mohammad Reza / Moghadam, Abdolreza S. / Aziminejad, Armin (2023): Evaluating Rocking Motion on the Seismic Performance of the Linked Column Frame System. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, v. 176, n. 6 (1 June 2023).
Fard, Sahand Sarioletlagh / Nekooei, Masoud / Oskouei, Asghar Vatani / Aziminejad, Armin (2019): Experimental and numerical modeling of horizontally-bent buried pipelines crossing fault slip. In: Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, v. 16, n. 3 ( 2019).
Shadman Heidari, Peyman / Aziminejad, Armin / Moghadam, A. S. / Jafari, Mohammad Ali (2020): Evaluation of drilled flange connections with combined arrangements of holes and notches. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 18, n. 14 (August 2020).
Kashani, Mostafa Ghanbari / Hosseini, Mahmood / Aziminejad, Armin (2017): Ocjena pouzdanosti vodoopskrbne mreže pomoću informacijske entropije primjenom projektnih/hidrauličkih parametara. Reliability assessment of water distribution network by means of informational entropy using design/hydraulic parameters. In: Građevinar, v. 69, n. 7 (August 2017).
Rahat Dahmardeh, Saman / Motamedi, Mehrtash / Aziminejad, Armin (2020): Effect of Torsional Component of Earthquakes on Response of Symmetric/Asymmetric Buildings. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, v. 173, n. 11 (November 2020).
Rahgozar, Navid / Moghadam, Abdolreza S. / Aziminejad, Armin (2016): Inelastic displacement ratios of fully self-centering controlled rocking systems subjected to near-source pulse-like ground motions. In: Engineering Structures, v. 108 (February 2016).
Sadeghi, Hossein / Heristchian, Mahmoud / Aziminejad, Armin / Nooshin, Hoshyar (2018): CFD simulation of hemispherical domes: structural flexibility and interference factors. In: Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 19, n. 5 (April 2018).
Soleimani, Sahman / Aziminejad, Armin / Moghadam, A. S. (2018): Approximate two-component incremental dynamic analysis using a bidirectional energy-based pushover procedure. In: Engineering Structures, v. 157 (February 2018).
Rahgozar, Nima / Moghadam, Abdolreza S. / Aziminejad, Armin (2018): Continuum Analysis Approach for Rocking Core-Moment Frames. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 144, n. 3 (March 2018).
Rahgozar, Nima / Moghadam, Abdolreza S. / Aziminejad, Armin (2018): Cantilever beam analogy for modal analysis of rocking core-moment frames. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 16, n. 9 (February 2018).
Hosseinzadeh, Leila / Mofid, Massood / Aziminejad, Armin / Emami, Fereshteh (2017): The Elastic interactive buckling strength of corrugated steel shear wall under pure shear force. In: The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, v. 26, n. 8 (10 June 2017).