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Khalifa Al-Jabri ORCID

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Amoatey, Patrick / Al-Saadi, Saleh / Al-Harthy, Issa / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Al-Azki, Saba: Indoor environmental quality in high school buildings during mild winter season: students’ perception and field measurements. In: Advances in Building Energy Research.


  2. Shereiqi, Amira A. / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Meddah, Mohammed S. / Sohel, Kazi Md Abu / Saleh, Alaa A. / Abdel-Gawwad, Hamdy A. (2025): Evaluating the dual role of sea water and metakaolin in the performance, efflorescence mitigation, and phase composition of sodium silicate-activated marble powder. In: Developments in the Built Environment, v. 21 (March 2025).


  3. Ansari, Abdullah / El-Hussain, Issa / Deif, Ahmed / Mohamed, Adel M. E. / Al-Shijbi, Yousuf / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Huang, Zhongkai (2024): Seismic vulnerability assessment and fragility analysis of tunnels in Oman: Development of risk matrices and functionality guidelines. In: Structures, v. 69 (November 2024).


  4. Abdel-Gawwad, Hamdy A. / El-Khayatt, Ahmed M. / Alkaoud, A. / Rashad, Alaa M. / Smarzewski, Piotr / Elrahman, Mohammed Abd / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Tawfik, Taher A. (2024): The potential application of partial activation for synthesizing one-part alkali-activated slag/fly ash precursor: A way for commercializing alkali-activated materials. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 21 (December 2024).


  5. Abdel-Gawwad, Hamdy A. / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Strzałkowski, Jarosław / Alghamdi, Hussam / Abadel, Aref A. / Abd Elrahman, Mohamed / Rashad, Alaa M. (2024): Sustainable utilization of sodium silicate-based lead glass sludge as an alkali-activator for alkali-activated slag: Performance, characterization, and Pb-stabilization. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 434 (July 2024).


  6. Abedi, Mohammadmahdi / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Han, Baoguo / Fangueiro, Raúl / Lourenço, Paulo B. / Correia, António Gomes (2024): Advancing infrastructure resilience: A polymeric composite reinforcement grid with self-sensing and self-heating capabilities. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 435 (July 2024).


  7. Sabu Sam, Varun / Adarsh, M. S. / Lyngdoh, Garry Robson / Marak, Garry Wegara K. / Anand, N. / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Andrushia, Diana (2023): Influence of elevated temperature on buckling capacity of mild steel-based cold-formed steel column sections– experimental investigation and finite element modelling. In: Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, v. 15, n. 3 (November 2023).


  8. Abedi, Mohammadmahdi / Kiran Sanivada, Usha / Ali Mirian, Seyed / Hassanshahi, Omid / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Correia, António Gomes / Lourenço, Paulo B. / Fangueiro, Raúl (2023): A self-sensing and self-heating planar braided composite for smart civil infrastructures reinforcement. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 387 (July 2023).


  9. Fares, Ali Issa / Sohel, Kazi Md Abu / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Al-Saidy, Abdullah (2023): Influence of ferrochrome slag as coarse and fine aggregates on thermal and strength properties of concrete at high temperatures. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 400 (October 2023).


  10. Abedi, Mohammadmahdi / Shayanfar, Javad / Al-Jabri, Khalifa (2023): Damage assessment via machine learning approaches: a systematic review. In: Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 24, n. 8 (June 2023).


  11. Prasad Burle, Vijaya / Kiran, Tattukolla / Anand, N. / Andrushia, Diana / Al-Jabri, Khalifa (2023): Post-fire investigation on the mechanical properties and physical characteristics of fibre-reinforced geopolymer concrete. In: Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, v. 15, n. 1 (June 2023).


  12. Amoatey, Patrick / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Al-Saadi, Saleh / Al-Harthy, Issa / Al-Khuzairi, Mohammed (2023): Impact of Indoor Environmental Quality on Students’ Comfort in High School Buildings during the Summer Season in an Extreme Climate. In: Journal of Architectural Engineering (ASCE), v. 29, n. 3 (September 2023).


  13. Jaya Kumar, G. / Kiran, Tattukolla / Anand, N. / Al-Jabri, Khalifa (2022): Influence of fire-resistant coating on the physical characteristics and residual mechanical properties of E350 steel section exposed to elevated temperature. In: Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, v. 14, n. 2 (August 2022).


  14. Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Hago, Abdel Wahid / Al-Saadi, Saleh / Amoatey, Patrick / Al-Harthy, Issa (2022): Structural and thermal performance of sustainable interlocking compressed earth blocks masonry units made with produced water from oilfields. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 17 (December 2022).


  15. Mathews, Mervin Ealiyas / Anand, N. / Andrushia A, Diana / Kiran, Tattukolla / Al-Jabri, Khalifa (2021): Flexural behavior of fire damaged self-compacting concrete beams strengthened with fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) wrapping. In: Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, v. 12, n. 4 (August 2021).


  16. Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Hago, Abdel Wahid / Al-Saadi, Saleh / Al-Harthy, Issa / Amoatey, Patrick (2021): Physico-thermal, mechanical, and toxicity properties of stabilised interlocking compressed earth blocks made with produced water from oilfields. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 42 (October 2021).


  17. Islam, M. Zahedul / Sohel, Kazi M. A. / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Al Harthy, A. (2021): Properties of concrete with ferrochrome slag as a fine aggregate at elevated temperatures. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 15 (December 2021).


  18. Thanaraj, Daniel Paul / Anand, N. / Arulraj, Prince / Al-Jabri, Khalifa (2020): Investigation on structural and thermal performance of reinforced concrete beams exposed to standard fire. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 32 (November 2020).


  19. Baawain, Mahad / Shoukry, Hamada / Al-Jabri, Khalifa (2020): An Investigation into the Thermo-Physical, Mechanical, and Microstructural Properties of Cement Mortar Incorporating Hybrid Waste Slags. In: International Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 19, n. 1 (August 2020).


  20. Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Shoukry, Hamada / Abdel Aal, Ahmed (2020): Physico-mechanical properties of lime–silica fume pastes modified with nano-metakaolin. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, v. 173, n. 9 (September 2020).


  21. Hassan, Hossam F. / Al-Jabri, Khalifa (2011): Laboratory Evaluation of Hot-Mix Asphalt Concrete Containing Copper Slag Aggregate. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 23, n. 6 (June 2011).


  22. Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Baawain, Mahad / Taha, Ramzi / Al-Kamyani, Zahran Saif / Al-Shamsi, Khalid / Ishtieh, Aysser (2013): Potential use of FCC spent catalyst as partial replacement of cement or sand in cement mortars. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 39 (February 2013).


  23. Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Al-Jahwari, Farooq (2012): Advanced Finite Element Modelling of Flexible End-Plate Beam-to-Column Joints in Fire. In: Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, v. 3, n. 1 (March 2012).


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