Amoatey, Patrick / Al-Saadi, Saleh / Al-Harthy, Issa / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Al-Azki, Saba: Indoor environmental quality in high school buildings during mild winter season: students’ perception and field measurements. In: Advances in Building Energy Research.
Shereiqi, Amira A. / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Meddah, Mohammed S. / Sohel, Kazi Md Abu / Saleh, Alaa A. / Abdel-Gawwad, Hamdy A. (2025): Evaluating the dual role of sea water and metakaolin in the performance, efflorescence mitigation, and phase composition of sodium silicate-activated marble powder. In: Developments in the Built Environment, v. 21 (March 2025).
Ansari, Abdullah / El-Hussain, Issa / Deif, Ahmed / Mohamed, Adel M. E. / Al-Shijbi, Yousuf / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Huang, Zhongkai (2024): Seismic vulnerability assessment and fragility analysis of tunnels in Oman: Development of risk matrices and functionality guidelines. In: Structures, v. 69 (November 2024).
Abdel-Gawwad, Hamdy A. / El-Khayatt, Ahmed M. / Alkaoud, A. / Rashad, Alaa M. / Smarzewski, Piotr / Elrahman, Mohammed Abd / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Tawfik, Taher A. (2024): The potential application of partial activation for synthesizing one-part alkali-activated slag/fly ash precursor: A way for commercializing alkali-activated materials. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 21 (December 2024).
Abdel-Gawwad, Hamdy A. / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Strzałkowski, Jarosław / Alghamdi, Hussam / Abadel, Aref A. / Abd Elrahman, Mohamed / Rashad, Alaa M. (2024): Sustainable utilization of sodium silicate-based lead glass sludge as an alkali-activator for alkali-activated slag: Performance, characterization, and Pb-stabilization. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 434 (July 2024).
Abedi, Mohammadmahdi / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Han, Baoguo / Fangueiro, Raúl / Lourenço, Paulo B. / Correia, António Gomes (2024): Advancing infrastructure resilience: A polymeric composite reinforcement grid with self-sensing and self-heating capabilities. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 435 (July 2024).
Sabu Sam, Varun / Adarsh, M. S. / Lyngdoh, Garry Robson / Marak, Garry Wegara K. / Anand, N. / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Andrushia, Diana (2023): Influence of elevated temperature on buckling capacity of mild steel-based cold-formed steel column sections– experimental investigation and finite element modelling. In: Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, v. 15, n. 3 (November 2023).
Abedi, Mohammadmahdi / Kiran Sanivada, Usha / Ali Mirian, Seyed / Hassanshahi, Omid / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Correia, António Gomes / Lourenço, Paulo B. / Fangueiro, Raúl (2023): A self-sensing and self-heating planar braided composite for smart civil infrastructures reinforcement. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 387 (July 2023).
Fares, Ali Issa / Sohel, Kazi Md Abu / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Al-Saidy, Abdullah (2023): Influence of ferrochrome slag as coarse and fine aggregates on thermal and strength properties of concrete at high temperatures. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 400 (October 2023).
Abedi, Mohammadmahdi / Shayanfar, Javad / Al-Jabri, Khalifa (2023): Damage assessment via machine learning approaches: a systematic review. In: Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 24, n. 8 (June 2023).
Prasad Burle, Vijaya / Kiran, Tattukolla / Anand, N. / Andrushia, Diana / Al-Jabri, Khalifa (2023): Post-fire investigation on the mechanical properties and physical characteristics of fibre-reinforced geopolymer concrete. In: Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, v. 15, n. 1 (June 2023).
Amoatey, Patrick / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Al-Saadi, Saleh / Al-Harthy, Issa / Al-Khuzairi, Mohammed (2023): Impact of Indoor Environmental Quality on Students’ Comfort in High School Buildings during the Summer Season in an Extreme Climate. In: Journal of Architectural Engineering (ASCE), v. 29, n. 3 (September 2023).
Jaya Kumar, G. / Kiran, Tattukolla / Anand, N. / Al-Jabri, Khalifa (2022): Influence of fire-resistant coating on the physical characteristics and residual mechanical properties of E350 steel section exposed to elevated temperature. In: Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, v. 14, n. 2 (August 2022).
Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Hago, Abdel Wahid / Al-Saadi, Saleh / Amoatey, Patrick / Al-Harthy, Issa (2022): Structural and thermal performance of sustainable interlocking compressed earth blocks masonry units made with produced water from oilfields. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 17 (December 2022).
Mathews, Mervin Ealiyas / Anand, N. / Andrushia A, Diana / Kiran, Tattukolla / Al-Jabri, Khalifa (2021): Flexural behavior of fire damaged self-compacting concrete beams strengthened with fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) wrapping. In: Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, v. 12, n. 4 (August 2021).
Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Hago, Abdel Wahid / Al-Saadi, Saleh / Al-Harthy, Issa / Amoatey, Patrick (2021): Physico-thermal, mechanical, and toxicity properties of stabilised interlocking compressed earth blocks made with produced water from oilfields. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 42 (October 2021).
Islam, M. Zahedul / Sohel, Kazi M. A. / Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Al Harthy, A. (2021): Properties of concrete with ferrochrome slag as a fine aggregate at elevated temperatures. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 15 (December 2021).
Thanaraj, Daniel Paul / Anand, N. / Arulraj, Prince / Al-Jabri, Khalifa (2020): Investigation on structural and thermal performance of reinforced concrete beams exposed to standard fire. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 32 (November 2020).
Baawain, Mahad / Shoukry, Hamada / Al-Jabri, Khalifa (2020): An Investigation into the Thermo-Physical, Mechanical, and Microstructural Properties of Cement Mortar Incorporating Hybrid Waste Slags. In: International Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 19, n. 1 (August 2020).
Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Shoukry, Hamada / Abdel Aal, Ahmed (2020): Physico-mechanical properties of lime–silica fume pastes modified with nano-metakaolin. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, v. 173, n. 9 (September 2020).
Hassan, Hossam F. / Al-Jabri, Khalifa (2011): Laboratory Evaluation of Hot-Mix Asphalt Concrete Containing Copper Slag Aggregate. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 23, n. 6 (June 2011).
Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Baawain, Mahad / Taha, Ramzi / Al-Kamyani, Zahran Saif / Al-Shamsi, Khalid / Ishtieh, Aysser (2013): Potential use of FCC spent catalyst as partial replacement of cement or sand in cement mortars. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 39 (February 2013).
Al-Jabri, Khalifa / Al-Jahwari, Farooq (2012): Advanced Finite Element Modelling of Flexible End-Plate Beam-to-Column Joints in Fire. In: Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, v. 3, n. 1 (March 2012).