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E. M. Abutalipova

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Avrenyuk, A. N. / Timergaleeva, D. R. / Rusyaev, E. V. / Vilinchuk, V. L. / Abutalipova, E. M. (2017): Исследование структуры цементно-песчаных растворов при воз- действии сверхвысокочастотного электромагнитного излучения (Research of the structure of cement-sand solutions exposed to the superhigh-frequency electromagnetic radiation). In: Nanotechnologies in Construction / Нанотехнологии в строительстве, v. 9, n. 5 (October 2017).


  2. Yudin, P. E. / Abutalipova, E. M. / Petrov, S. S. / Maksimuk, A. V. / Mugallimov, F. M. (2017): Методика расчета концентраций CO 2 и H 2 S в жидкой фазе (The method to calculate concentration of CO2 and H2S in the liquid phase.). In: Nanotechnologies in Construction / Нанотехнологии в строительстве, v. 9, n. 4 (August 2017).


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