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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. James, Patrick / Gao, Yu / Chater, Michael / Montazami, Azadeh / Gauthier, Stephanie / Turner, Phillip / Aragon, Victoria / Teli, Despoina / Mittal, Trinabh / Manfren, Massimiliano (2025): Preliminary findings of storytelling in schools as a pre-heatwave intervention to enhance children''s behaviour to improve thermal comfort. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 268 (janvier 2025).


  2. Vásquez, Natalia Giraldo / Bekö, Gabriel / Wargocki, Pawel / Cabovská, Blanka / Teli, Despoina / Dalenbäck, Jan-Olof / Ekberg, Lars / Psomas, Theofanis / Langer, Sarka (2023): Ventilation strategies and children's perception of the indoor environment in Swedish primary school classrooms. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 240 (juillet 2023).


  3. Cabovská, Blanka / Bekö, Gabriel / Teli, Despoina / Ekberg, Lars / Dalenbäck, Jan-Olof / Wargocki, Pawel / Psomas, Theofanis / Langer, Sarka (2022): Ventilation strategies and indoor air quality in Swedish primary school classrooms. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 226 (décembre 2022).


  4. Teli, Despoina / Psomas, Theofanis / Langer, Sarka / Trüschel, Anders / Dalenbäck, Jan-Olof (2021): Drivers of winter indoor temperatures in Swedish dwellings: Investigating the tails of the distribution. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 202 (septembre 2021).


  5. Psomas, Theofanis / Teli, Despoina / Langer, Sarka / Wahlgren, Paula / Wargocki, Pawel (2021): Indoor humidity of dwellings and association with building characteristics, behaviors and health in a northern climate. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 198 (juillet 2021).


  6. Teli, Despoina / Jentsch, Mark F. / James, Patrick A. B. (2012): Naturally ventilated classrooms: An assessment of existing comfort models for predicting the thermal sensation and preference of primary school children. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 53 (octobre 2012).


  7. Amin, Rucha / Teli, Despoina / James, Patrick / Bourikas, Leonidas (2016): The influence of a student’s ‘home’ climate on room temperature and indoor environmental controls use in a modern halls of residence. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 119 (mai 2016).


  8. Schweiker, Marcel / André, Maíra / Al-Atrash, Farah / Al-Khatri, Hanan / Alprianti, Rea Risky / Alsaad, Hayder / Amin, Rucha / Ampatzi, Eleni / Arsano, Alpha Yacob / Azar, Elie / Bannazadeh, Bahareh / Batagarawa, Amina / Becker, Susanne / Buonocore, Carolina / Cao, Bin / Choi, Joon-Ho / Chun, Chungyoon / Daanen, Hein / Damiati, Siti Aisyah / Daniel, Lyrian / De Vecchi, Renata / Dhaka, Shivraj / Domínguez-Amarillo, Samuel / Dudkiewicz, Edyta / Edappilly, Lakshmi Prabha / Fernández-Agüera, Jesica / Folkerts, Mireille / Frijns, Arjan / Gaona, Gabriel / Garg, Vishal / Gauthier, Stephanie / Jabbari, Shahla Ghaffari / Harimi, Djamila / Hellwig, Runa T. / Huebner, Gesche M. / Jin, Quan / Jowkar, Mina / Kim, Jungsoo / King, Nelson / Kingma, Boris / Koerniawan, M. Donny / Kolarik, Jakub / Kumar, Shailendra / Kwok, Alison / Lamberts, Roberto / Laska, Marta / Lee, M. C. Jeffrey / Lee, Yoonhee / Lindermayr, Vanessa / Mahaki, Mohammadbagher / Marcel-Okafor, Udochukwu / Marín-Restrepo, Laura / Marquardsen, Anna / Mar (2020): Evaluating assumptions of scales for subjective assessment of thermal environments – Do laypersons perceive them the way, we researchers believe?. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 211 (mars 2020).


  9. Hellwig, Runa T. / Teli, Despoina / Schweiker, Marcel / Choi, Joon-Ho / Lee, M. C. Jeffrey / Mora, Rodrigo / Rawal, Rajan / Wang, Zhaojun / Al-Atrash, Farah (2019): A framework for adopting adaptive thermal comfort principles in design and operation of buildings. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 205 (décembre 2019).


  10. Földváry Ličina, Veronika / Cheung, Toby / Zhang, Hui / de Dear, Richard / Parkinson, Thomas / Arens, Edward / Chun, Chungyoon / Schiavon, Stefano / Luo, Maohui / Brager, Gail / Li, Peixian / Kaam, Soazig / Adebamowo, Michael A. / Andamon, Mary Myla / Babich, Francesco / Bouden, Chiheb / Bukovianska, Hana / Candido, Christhina / Cao, Bin / Carlucci, Salvatore / Cheong, David K. W. / Choi, Joon-Ho / Cook, Malcolm / Cropper, Paul / Deuble, Max / Heidari, Shahin / Indraganti, Madhavi / Jin, Quan / Kim, Hyojin / Kim, Jungsoo / Konis, Kyle / Singh, Manoj K. / Kwok, Alison / Lamberts, Roberto / Loveday, Dennis / Langevin, Jared / Manu, Sanyogita / Moosmann, Cornelia / Nicol, Fergus / Ooka, Ryozo / Oseland, Nigel A. / Pagliano, Lorenzo / Petráš, Dušan / Rawal, Rajan / Romero, Ramona / Rijal, Hom Bahadur / Sekhar, Chandra / Schweiker, Marcel / Tartarini, Federico / Tanabe, Shin-ichi / Tham, Kwok Wai / Teli, Despoina / Toftum, Jorn / Toledo, Linda / Tsuzuki, Kazuyo / De Vecchi, Renata / Wagner, Andreas / Wang, Z (2018): Development of the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 142 (septembre 2018).


  11. Teli, Despoina / Jentsch, Mark F. / James, Patrick A. B. (2014): The role of a building's thermal properties on pupils' thermal comfort in junior school classrooms as determined in field studies. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 82 (décembre 2014).


  12. Teli, Despoina / James, Patrick A. B. / Jentsch, Mark F. (2015): Investigating the principal adaptive comfort relationships for young children. Dans: Building Research & Information, v. 43, n. 3 ( 2015).


  13. Teli, Despoina / James, Patrick A. B. / Jentsch, Mark F. (2013): Thermal comfort in naturally ventilated primary school classrooms. Dans: Building Research & Information, v. 41, n. 3 ( 2013).


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