Markin, Slava / Cordova, Julian A. L. / Combrinck, Riaan / Mechtcherine, Viktor (2024): Deformation behaviour of 3D-printed concrete elements induced by plastic shrinkage. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 449 (octobre 2024).
Ivaniuk, Egor / Tošić, Zlata / Müller, Steffen / Lordick, Daniel / Mechtcherine, Viktor (2024): Automated manufacturing of reinforced modules of segmented shells based on 3D printing with strain-hardening cementitious composites. Dans: Automation in Construction, v. 166 (octobre 2024).
Dhahir, Mohammed K. / Neef, Tobias / Mechtcherine, Viktor / Marx, Steffen (2024): Chemical prestressing of concrete thin plates reinforced with mineral-impregnated carbon fibre (MCF) composites. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 317 (octobre 2024).
Mechtcherine, Viktor / Kuhn, Alexander / Mai, Inka / Nerella, Venkatesh Naidu / Weger, Daniel / Ivaniuk, Egor / Wiens, Udo (2024): Additive Fertigung mit Beton – Leitfaden für die Planung und die Durchführung von Projekten. Dans: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, v. 119, n. 4 (février 2024).
Mechtcherine, Viktor (2022): Beiträge zur Nachhaltigkeit im Betonbau. Dans: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, v. 117, n. 4 (avril 2022).
Signorini, Cesare / Bracklow, Franz / Hering, Marcus / Butler, Marko / Leicht, Lena / Schubert, Thomas / Beigh, Mirza A. B. / Beckmann, Birgit / Curbach, Manfred / Mechtcherine, Viktor (2023): Ballistic limit and damage assessment of hybrid fibre-reinforced cementitious thin composite plates under impact loading. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 80 (décembre 2023).
Utech, Toni / Neef, Tobias / Mechtcherine, Viktor / Scheffler, Christina (2023): Bio-Inspired Impregnations of Carbon Rovings for Tailored Bond Behavior in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Concrete. Dans: Buildings, v. 13, n. 12 (22 novembre 2023).
Kromoser, Benjamin / Butler, Marco / Hunger, Martin / Kimm, Magdalena / Kopf, Florian / Mechtcherine, Viktor / Pressmair, Nadine / Traverso, Marzia (2023): Article of RILEM TC 292-MCC: life cycle assessment (LCA) of non-metallic reinforcement for reinforcing concrete: manufacturing, durability, dismantling, recycling and reuse: a review. Dans: Materials and Structures, v. 56, n. 7 (10 août 2023).
Secrieru, Egor / Cotardo, Dario / Mechtcherine, Viktor / Lohaus, Ludger / Schröfl, Christof / Begemann, Christoph (2018): Changes in concrete properties during pumping and formation of lubricating material under pressure. Dans: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 108 (juin 2018).
Boshoff, William P. / Mechtcherine, Viktor / van Zijl, Gideon P. A. G. (2009): Characterising the time-dependant behaviour on the single fibre level of SHCC: Part 1: Mechanism of fibre pull-out creep. Dans: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 39, n. 9 (septembre 2009).
Boshoff, William P. / Mechtcherine, Viktor / van Zijl, Gideon P. A. G. (2009): Characterising the time-dependant behaviour on the single fibre level of SHCC: Part 2: The rate effects on fibre pull-out tests. Dans: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 39, n. 9 (septembre 2009).
Mechtcherine, Viktor / de Andrade Silva, Flávio / Müller, Steffen / Jun, Petr / Filho, Romildo Dias Toledo (2012): Coupled strain rate and temperature effects on the tensile behavior of strain-hardening cement-based composites (SHCC) with PVA fibers. Dans: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 42, n. 11 (novembre 2012).
Tošić, Zlata / Eichenauer, Martin Friedrich / Ivaniuk, Egor / Lordick, Daniel / Krasić, Sonja / Mechtcherine, Viktor (2022): Design and optimization of free-form surfaces for modular concrete 3D printing. Dans: Automation in Construction, v. 141 (septembre 2022).
Müller, Harald / Aïtcin, Pierre-Claude / Bentur, Arnon / Chiorino, Mario Alberto / Clément, Jean-Luc / Curbach, Manfred / Faust, Torsten / Hammer, Tor Arne / Jaccoud, Jean-Paul / Kessler-Kramer, Christoph / König, Gert / Marchand, Jacques / Mechtcherine, Viktor / Persson, Bertil / Reddi, S. A. / Reinhardt, H.-W. / Rinder, Tassilo / Rokugo, Keitetsu / Taerwe, Luc / Ueda, Tamon / Walraven, Joost (2008): Constitutive modelling of high strength / high performance concrete. fédération internationale du béton (fib), Lausanne (Suisse), ISBN 9782883940826.
Breiner, Raphael / Anders Burkart, Isabel / Mechtcherine, Viktor / Curbach, Manfred / Speck, Kerstin / Dehn, Frank / Häußler-Combe, Ulrich / Walraven, Joost C. / Reinhardt, Hans-Wolf / Lohaus, Ludger / Oneschkow, Nadja / Gehlen, Christoph / Beddoe, Robin / Müller, Harald S. (2013): Code-type models for structural behaviour of concrete. fédération internationale du béton (fib), Lausanne (Suisse), ISBN 9782883941106.
Mechtcherine, Viktor / Taubert, Markus / Müller, Steffen / Will, Frank / Storch, Florian / Plaschnick, Paul / Otto, Jens / Maiwald, Patrick (2022): 3D‐gedruckte monolithische Stahlbetonwände im CONPrint3D‐reinforced Verfahren. Dans: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, v. 117, n. 4 (avril 2022).
Dinh, Tin Trong / Hegler, Sebastian / Liebscher, Marco / Navarro de Sosa, Iñaki / Li, Huanyu / Plettemeier, Dirk / Drossel, Welf-Guntram / Mechtcherine, Viktor (2021): Dielectric material characterization of concrete in GHz range in dependence on pore volume and water content. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 311 (décembre 2021).
Markin, Viacheslav / Krause, Martin / Otto, Jens / Schröfl, Christof / Mechtcherine, Viktor (2021): 3D-printing with foam concrete: From material design and testing to application and sustainability. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 43 (novembre 2021).
Mechtcherine, Viktor / Wyrzykowski, Mateusz / Schröfl, Christof / Snoeck, Didier / Lura, Pietro / De Belie, Nele / Mignon, Arn / Van Vlierberghe, Sandra / Klemm, Agnieszka J. / Almeida, Fernando C. R. / Tenório Filho, José Roberto / Boshoff, William Peter / Reinhardt, Hans-Wolf / Igarashi, Shin-Ichi (2021): Application of super absorbent polymers (SAP) in concrete construction—update of RILEM state-of-the-art report. Dans: Materials and Structures, v. 54, n. 2 (23 février 2021).
Mechtcherine, Viktor / Markin, Viacheslav / Will, Frank / Näther, Mathias / Otto, Jens / Krause, Martin / Naidu, Venkatesh Nerella / Schröfl, Christof (2019): CONPrint3D Ultralight – Herstellung monolithischer, tragender, wärmedämmender Wandkonstruktionen durch additive Fertigung mit Schaumbeton/Production of monolithic, load-bearing, heat-insulating wall structures by additive manufacturing with foam concrete. Dans: Bauingenieur, v. 94, n. 11 (novembre 2019).
Neef, Tobias / Müller, Steffen / Mechtcherine, Viktor (2020): 3D‐Druck mit Carbonbeton: Technologie und die ersten Untersuchungsergebnisse. Dans: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, v. 115, n. 12 (août 2020).
Mechtcherine, Viktor / Grafe, Jasmin / Nerella, Venkatesh N. / Spaniol, Erik / Hertel, Martin / Füssel, Uwe (2018): 3D-printed steel reinforcement for digital concrete construction – Manufacture, mechanical properties and bond behaviour. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 179 (août 2018).
Mechtcherine, Viktor / Nerella, Venkatesh Naidu (2019): Beton-3D-Druck durch selektive Ablage. Anforderungen an Frischbeton und Materialprüfung. Dans: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, v. 114, n. 1 (janvier 2019).
Shyshko, Sergiy / Mechtcherine, Viktor (2013): Developing a Discrete Element Model for simulating fresh concrete: Experimental investigation and modelling of interactions between discrete aggregate particles with fine mortar between them. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 47 (octobre 2013).
Mechtcherine, Viktor / de Andrade Silva, Flávio / Butler, Marko / Zhu, Deju / Mobasher, Barzin / Gao, Shang-Lin / Mäder, Edith (2011): Behaviour of Strain-Hardening Cement-Based Composites Under High Strain Rates. Dans: Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, v. 9, n. 1 ( 2011).
Yazdi, Mohammad Ali / Liebscher, Marco / Hempel, Simone / Yang, Jian / Mechtcherine, Viktor (2018): Correlation of microstructural and mechanical properties of geopolymers produced from fly ash and slag at room temperature. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 191 (décembre 2018).
Schneider, Kai / Butler, Marko / Mechtcherine, Viktor (2017): Carbon Concrete Composites C3 - Nachhaltige Bindemittel und Betone für die Zukunft. Dans: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, v. 112, n. 12 (décembre 2017).
Thiel, Thomas / Grieger, Christoph / Mechtcherine, Viktor (2018): Cellulosefaser-Leichtbeton (CFLC). Dans: Bautechnik, v. 95, n. 10 (octobre 2018).
Mechtcherine, Viktor / Nerella, Venkatesh Naidu (2018): 3-D-Druck mit Beton: Sachstand, Entwicklungstendenzen, Herausforderungen. Dans: Bautechnik, v. 95, n. 4 (avril 2018).
Müller, Harald S. / Mechtcherine, Viktor / Kessler-Kramer, Christoph (2002): Bruchmechanische Eigenschaften von hochfestem Beton. Dans: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, v. 97, n. 9 (septembre 2002).