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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. He, Xin / Zhai, Wanming / Guo, Yunlong (2025): Dynamic Performance of Wedge-Shaped Self-Leveling Sleepers in Railway Transition Zones. Dans: International Journal of Geomechanics, v. 25, n. 2 (février 2025).


  2. He, Qinglie / Yang, Yun / Yang, Jianjin / Zhu, Shengyang / Zhai, Wanming (2024): Experimental investigation of dynamic features and propagation law of ground vibrations induced by a suspended monorail train. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 183 (août 2024).


  3. Jiang, Peibin / Ling, Liang / Miao, Yuhao / Zhai, Wanming (2024): Experimental and numerical investigation of the track structure elasticity induced by resilient fastener on vehicle-track interaction and train running stability. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 319 (novembre 2024).


  4. He, Qinglie / Yang, Yun / Cai, Chengbiao / Zhu, Shengyang / Zhai, Wanming (2024): An efficient modeling methodology of monorail train and large-scale bridge interaction based on moving element technology. Dans: Computers & Structures, v. 300 (août 2024).


  5. Ren, Yuhao / Qu, Shuai / Yang, Jianjin / Li, Qiuyi / Zhu, Bin / Zhai, Wanming / Zhu, Shengyang (2023): An efficient three-dimensional dynamic stiffness-based model for predicting subway train-induced building vibrations. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 76 (octobre 2023).


  6. Gong, Junhu / Zhai, Wanming / Wang, Weixu / Wang, Bin / Sun, Tijia / Kechine, Wasyhun Afework (2023): Deformation mapping between pier settlement and maglev track for high-speed multi-span simply supported maglev bridge. Dans: Structures, v. 55 (septembre 2023).


  7. Chen, Shiqian / Guo, Lei / Fan, Junjie / Yi, Cai / Wang, Kaiyun / Zhai, Wanming (2023): Bandwidth-aware adaptive chirp mode decomposition for railway bearing fault diagnosis. Dans: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 23, n. 2 (juillet 2023).


  8. Bao, Yulong / Zhai, Wanming / Cai, Chengbiao / Zhu, Shengyang / Li, Yongle (2023): Experimental study on the influence of rolling angle on aerodynamic characteristics of suspended monorail trains. Dans: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, v. 232 (janvier 2023).


  9. Feng, Yang / Zhao, Chunfa / Zhai, Wanming / Tong, Laisheng / Liang, Xiao / Shu, Yao (2022): Dynamic Performance of Medium Speed Maglev Train Running Over Girders: Field Test and Numerical Simulation. Dans: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 23, n. 1 (juillet 2022).


  10. Chang, Chao / Ling, Liang / Han, Zhaoling / Wang, Kaiyun / Zhai, Wanming (2019): High-Speed Train-Track-Bridge Dynamic Interaction considering Wheel-Rail Contact Nonlinearity due to Wheel Hollow Wear. Dans: Shock and Vibration, v. 2019 (janvier 2019).


  11. Zhang, Xiaoan / Zhai, Wanming / Chen, Zhaowei / Yang, Jianjin (2018): Characteristic and mechanism of structural acoustic radiation for box girder bridge in urban rail transit. Dans: Science of The Total Environment, v. 627 (juin 2018).


  12. Wang, Jiacheng / Ling, Liang / Ding, Xin / Wang, Kaiyun / Zhai, Wanming (2022): The influence of aerodynamic loads on carbody low-frequency hunting of high-speed trains. Dans: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 22, n. 13 (mai 2022).


  13. Qu, Shuai / Yang, Jianjin / Feng, Yang / Peng, Yeye / Zhao, Chunfa / Zhu, Shengyang / Zhai, Wanming (2022): Ground vibration induced by maglev trains running inside tunnel: Numerical modelling and experimental validation. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 157 (juin 2022).


  14. Zhang, Jiawei / Cai, Chengbiao / Zhu, Shengyang / Wang, Mingze / He, Qinglie / Yang, Shangfu / Zhai, Wanming (2022): Experimental investigation on dynamic performance evolution of double-block ballastless track under high-cycle train loads. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 254 (mars 2022).


  15. Chen, Mei / Sun, Yu / Zhu, Shengyang / Zhai, Wanming (2021): Dynamic performance comparison of different types of ballastless tracks using vehicle-track-subgrade coupled dynamics model. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 249 (décembre 2021).


  16. Zhu, Shengyang / Cai, Chengbiao / Zhai, Wanming (2016): Interface Damage Assessment of Railway Slab Track Based on Reliability Techniques and Vehicle-Track Interactions. Dans: Journal of Transportation Engineering, v. 142, n. 10 (octobre 2016).


  17. He, Qinglie / Yang, Yun / Cai, Chengbiao / Zhu, Shengyang / Zhai, Wanming (2021): Experimental Investigation on Coupled Vibration Features of Suspended Monorail Train–Bridge System under Constant Speed and Braking Conditions. Dans: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 21, n. 12 (septembre 2021).


  18. Zhang, Xu / Zhao, Chunfa / Zhai, Wanming (2017): Dynamic Behavior Analysis of High-Speed Railway Ballast under Moving Vehicle Loads Using Discrete Element Method. Dans: International Journal of Geomechanics, v. 17, n. 7 (juillet 2017).


  19. Theyssen, Jannik S. / Aggestam, Emil / Zhu, Shengyang / Nielsen, Jens C. O. / Pieringer, Astrid / Kropp, Wolfgang / Zhai, Wanming (2021): Calibration and validation of the dynamic response of two slab track models using data from a full-scale test rig. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 234 (mai 2021).


  20. Ling, Liang / Jiang, Peibin / Wang, Kaiyun / Zhai, Wanming (2020): Dynamic interaction between rail vehicles and vibration-attenuating slab tracks. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 258 (octobre 2020).


  21. Zhao, Hai / Zhai, Wanming / Chen, Zaigang (2015): Effect of noise barrier on aerodynamic performance of high-speed train in crosswind. Dans: Wind & Structures, v. 20, n. 4 (avril 2015).


  22. Zhai, Wanming / Yang, Jizhong / Li, Zhen / Han, Haiyan (2015): Dynamics of high-speed train in crosswinds based on an air-train-track interaction model. Dans: Wind & Structures, v. 20, n. 2 (février 2015).


  23. He, Qinglie / Cai, Chengbiao / Zhu, Shengyang / Wang, Kaiyun / Jiang, Yongzhi / Zhai, Wanming (2020): Improvement on curve negotiation performance of suspended monorail vehicle considering flexible guideway. Dans: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 20, n. 5 (mai 2020).


  24. Zhu, Shengyang / Wang, Jianwei / Cai, Chengbiao / Wang, Kaiyun / Zhai, Wanming / Yang, Jizhong / Yan, Hua (2017): Development of a Vibration Attenuation Track at Low Frequencies for Urban Rail Transit. Dans: Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 32, n. 9 (août 2017).


  25. Sun, Yu / Guo, Yu / Chen, Zaigang / Zhai, Wanming (2018): Effect of Differential Ballast Settlement on Dynamic Response of Vehicle–Track Coupled Systems. Dans: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 18, n. 7 (juillet 2018).


  26. Zhang, Dawei / Zhai, Wanming / Wang, Kaiyun (2017): Dynamic interaction between heavy-haul train and track structure due to increasing axle load. Dans: Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, v. 18, n. 4 (octobre 2017).


  27. Zhang, Xu / Zhao, Chunfa / Zhai, Wanming (2019): Importance of load frequency in applying cyclic loads to investigate ballast deformation under high-speed train loads. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 120 (mai 2019).


  28. Zhai, Wanming / Wei, Kai / Song, Xiaolin / Shao, Minghe (2015): Experimental investigation into ground vibrations induced by very high speed trains on a non-ballasted track. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 72 (mai 2015).


  29. Luo, Jun / Zhu, Shengyang / Zhai, Wanming (2019): An efficient model for vehicle-slab track coupled dynamic analysis considering multiple slab cracks. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 215 (août 2019).


  30. Zhai, Wanming / Xu, Peng / Wei, Kai (2011): Analysis of vibration reduction characteristics and applicability of steel-spring floating-slab track. Dans: Journal of Modern Transportation, v. 19, n. 4 (décembre 2011).


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