Doubek, Pavel / Kumpová, Ivana / Malikova, Lucie / Al Khazali, Mohammad Sami / Seitl, Stanislav (2024): Determination of the geometric parameters of the defects based on the tomographically obtained data and their influence on the fatigue behavior of the S960 with laser cladded protective layers. Dans: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 19, n. 71 (8 octobre 2024).
Ríos, José D. / Cifuentes, Héctor / Leiva, Carlos / Seitl, Stanislav (2019): Analysis of the mechanical and fracture behavior of heated ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete by X-ray computed tomography. Dans: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 119 (mai 2019).
Doubek, Pavel / Malikova, Lucie / Miarka, Petr / Seitl, Stanislav (2023): Laser cladded protective layer on the S960 Change of microhardness in the vicinity of the bi-material interface. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 43 ( 2023).
Malikova, Lucie / Doubek, Pavel / Juhászová, Tereza / Krejsa, Martin / Seitl, Stanislav (2023): Fatigue crack propagation under corrosion of high-strength steel. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 43 ( 2023).
Klusak, Jan / Kozáková, Kamila / Jambor, Michal / Seitl, Stanislav (2023): Fatigue behavior of DIN 1.4307 and DIN 1.4306 stainless steels under high frequency loading. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 43 ( 2023).
Juhászová, Tereza / Miarka, Petr / Jindra, Daniel / Kala, Zdenek / Seitl, Stanislav (2023): Evaluation of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates in an IPE Beam Made of AISI 304 under Various Stress Ratios. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 43 ( 2023).
Bílek, Vlastimil / Soucek, Kamil / Khestl, Filip / Bujdos, David / Seitl, Stanislav (2023): Mechanical and Fracture Parameters of Concretes with Different Water to Cement Ratio in Two Different Conditions of Curing. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 43 ( 2023).
Seitl, Stanislav / Horník, Vít / Lesiuk, Grzegorz / Kunz, Ludvík (2023): Influence of Micro-structure of selected components made from AISI 304 on the mechanical properties. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 43 ( 2023).
Miarka, Petr / Seitl, Stanislav / Klusak, Jan / Malikova, Lucie / Merta, Ildiko / Bílek, Vlastimil (2023): High-cycle fatigue cracks in concrete investigated by μCT tomography. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 43 ( 2023).
Miarka, Petr / Seitl, Stanislav / Bílek, Vlastimil / Cifuentes, Héctor (2022): Assessment of fatigue resistance of concrete: S-N curves to the Paris’ law curves. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 341 (juillet 2022).
Seitl, Stanislav / Bílek, Vlastimil / Keršner, Zbynĕk / Veselý, Jiří (2010): Cement based composites for thin building elements: Fracture and fatigue parameters. Dans: Procedia Engineering, v. 2, n. 1 (avril 2010).
Seitl, Stanislav / Miarka, Petr / Sobek, Jakub / Klusak, Jan (2017): A numerical investigation of the stress intensity factor for a bent chevron notched specimen: Comparison of 2D and 3D solutions. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 5 ( 2017).
Krejsa, Martin / Seitl, Stanislav / Brozovsky, Jiri / Lehner, Petr (2017): Fatigue damage prediction of short edge crack under various load: Direct Optimized Probabilistic Calculation. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 5 ( 2017).
Seitl, Stanislav / Miarka, Petr / Klusak, Jan / Kala, Zdenek / Krejsa, Martin / Blasón, Sergio / Canteli, Alfonso F. (2018): Evaluation of fatigue properties of S355 J0 steel using ProFatigue and ProPagation software. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 13 ( 2018).
Miarka, Petr / Seitl, Stanislav / Sucharda, Oldrich / Bílek, Vlastimil (2019): Fracture Resistance of Alkali Activated Concrete under the Mixed Mode I/II Load Conditions. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 17 ( 2019).
Seitl, Stanislav / Andrade Lizarro, Julian Z. / Miarka, Petr (2021): Mixed Mode I/II Fracture Resistance of Various Civil Engineering Materials by Selected Criteria. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 33 ( 2021).
Braet, Lucas / Juhászová, Tereza / Jindra, Daniel / Miarka, Petr / Seitl, Stanislav (2021): Finding the optimal stress state of a stainless-steel IPE profile for fatigue experiments. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 33 ( 2021).
Malikova, Lucie / Miarka, Petr / Doubek, Pavel / Seitl, Stanislav (2021): Influence of the bi-material interface on the crack propagation through a thin protective layer. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 33 ( 2021).
Malikova, Lucie / Doubek, Pavel / Miarka, Petr / Seitl, Stanislav (2021): Influence of the interphase between laser-cladded metal layer and steel substrate on fatigue propagation of a short edge crack. Dans: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 16, n. 59 (22 décembre 2021).
Seitl, Stanislav / Miarka, Petr / Kala, Zdenek / Klusak, Jan (2017): Effect of rivet holes on calibration curves for edge cracks under various loading types in steel bridge structure. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 5 ( 2017).
Seitl, Stanislav / Miarka, Petr / Šimonová, Hana / Frantík, Petr / Keršner, Zbynĕk / Domski, Jacek / Katzer, Jacek: Change of Fatigue and Mechanical Fracture Properties of a Cement Composite due to Partial Replacement of Aggregate by Red Ceramic Waste. Dans: Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering.
Veselý, Václav / Sobek, Jakub / Šestáková, Lucie / Frantík, Petr / Seitl, Stanislav (2013): Multi-parameter crack tip stress state description for estimation of fracture process zone extent in silicate composite WST specimens. Dans: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 7, n. 25 (avril 2013).
Seitl, Stanislav / Miarka, Petr / Ruzicka, Vladimir / Malikova, Lucie / Cruces, Alejandro / Lopez Crespo, Pablo (2019): Approximation of the crack-tip field in fatigue cracks in bridge steel specimens: DIC analysis of different constraint levels. Dans: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 13, n. 49 (juin 2019).
De Corte, Wouter / Helincks, Peter / Boel, Veerle / Klusak, Jan / Seitl, Stanislav / De Schutter, Geert (2017): Generalised fracture mechanics approach to the interfacial failure analysis of a bonded steel-concrete joint. Dans: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 11, n. 42 (septembre 2017).
Seitl, Stanislav / Ríos, José D. / Cifuentes, Héctor (2017): Comparison of fracture toughness values of normal and high strength concrete determined by three point bend and modified disk-shaped compact tension specimens. Dans: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 11, n. 42 (septembre 2017).
Ruzicka, Vladimir / Malikova, Lucie / Seitl, Stanislav (2017): Over-deterministic method: The influence of rounding numbers on the accuracy of the values of Williams’ expansion terms. Dans: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 11, n. 42 (septembre 2017).
Seitl, Stanislav / Miarka, Petr (2017): Evaluation of mixed mode I/II fracture toughness of C 50/60 from Brazilian disc test. Dans: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 11, n. 42 (septembre 2017).
Klon, Jiri / Seitl, Stanislav / Šimonová, Hana / Keršner, Zbynĕk / Kumpová, Ivana / Vavrik, Daniel (2017): Pilot evaluation of a fracture process zone in a modified compact tension specimen by X-ray tomography. Dans: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 11, n. 42 (septembre 2017).
Cifuentes, Héctor / Lozano, Miguel / Holušová, Táňa / Medina, Fernando / Seitl, Stanislav / Fernández-Canteli, Alfonso (2017): Modified Disk-Shaped Compact Tension Test for Measuring Concrete Fracture Properties. Dans: International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, v. 11, n. 2 (juin 2017).