Monserrat-López, Andrea / Viúla Faria, Duarte M. / Brantschen, Fabio / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández (2025): Performance of nodal regions of reinforced concrete frame corners subjected to opening bending moments. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 322 (janvier 2025).
Ramos, António / Marchão, Carla / Pacheco, João Nuno / Enfedaque, Alejandro / Coronelli, Dario / Faria, Duarte / de Brito, Jorge / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Marreiros, Rui: A review of punching behavior of slab–column connections with recycled coarse aggregate concrete. Dans: Structural Concrete.
Siqueira, João Paulo de Almeida / Albuquerque, Elaine Jaricuna Pereira de / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Sales Melo, Guilherme (2024): Punching shear in flat slabs with re-entrant corner columns and shear reinforcement. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 310 (juillet 2024).
Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Redaelli, Dario / Nogales Arroyo, Alejandro / Monserrat‐López, Andrea / Bourqui, Didier / de la Fuente Antequera, Albert (2024): Macrosynthetic fibers as replacement of conventional steel reinforcement for concrete of partition walls. Dans: Structural Concrete, v. 25, n. 2 (janvier 2024).
Ruiz, Rafael / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Todisco, Leonardo / Corres, Hugo (2024): Shear resistance of prestressed HPFRC beams without stirrups: A mechanical analysis of shear-transfer actions based on detailed experimental measurements. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 306 (mai 2024).
Siqueira, João Paulo de Almeida / Albuquerque, Elaine Jaricuna Pereira de / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Sales Melo, Guilherme (2024): Punching shear tests in flat slabs supported on re-entrant corner columns. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 308 (juin 2024).
dos Santos, Júlia Borges / Melo, Guilherme de Sales / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández (2024): Punching performance of flat slabs with openings accounting for the influence of moment transfer and shear reinforcement. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 303 (mars 2024).
Fernández‐Ordóñez, David / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Tošić, Nikola / Wan‐Wendner, Roman / de la Fuente, Albert (2023): Rethinking databases: The fib project for a connected data repository. Dans: Structural Concrete, v. 24, n. 4 (5 juillet 2023).
Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Regúlez, Borja / Todisco, Leonardo / Faria, Duarte M. V. / Corres, Hugo (2023): Reliability‐ and sustainability‐driven strategies for the maintenance of existing structures. Dans: Structural Concrete, v. 24, n. 4 (5 juillet 2023).
Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Muttoni, Aurelio / Simões, João T. / Faria, Duarte M. V.: A mechanical approach for the punching shear provisions in the second generation of Eurocode 2. Dans: Hormigón y acero.
Cantone, Raffaele / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Muttoni, Aurelio (2021): Shear force redistributions and resistance of slabs and wide beams. Dans: Structural Concrete, v. 22, n. 4 (juin 2021).
Moccia, Francesco / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Muttoni, Aurelio (2021): Spalling of concrete cover induced by reinforcement. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 237 (juin 2021).
Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Muttoni, Aurelio / Perret, Jacques (2011): Réaliser une canopée. Dans: Tracés, v. 137, n. 9 (18 mai 2011).
Valeri, Patrick / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Muttoni, Aurelio (2020): Modelling of Textile Reinforced Concrete in bending and shear with Elastic-Cracked Stress Fields. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 215 (juillet 2020).
Cavagnis, Francesco / Simões, João T. / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Muttoni, Aurelio (2020): Shear Strength of Members without Transverse Reinforcement Based on Development of Critical Shear Crack. Dans: ACI Structural Journal, v. 117, n. 1 (janvier 2020).
Einpaul, Jürgen / Ospina, Carlos E. / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Muttoni, Aurelio (2016): Punching Shear Capacity of Continuous Slabs. Dans: ACI Structural Journal, v. 113, n. 4 (juillet 2016).
Campana, Stefano / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Muttoni, Aurelio (2014): Shear Strength of Arch-Shaped Members without Transverse Reinforcement. Dans: ACI Structural Journal, v. 111, n. 3 (mai 2014).
Faria, Duarte M. V. / Einpaul, Jürgen / Ramos, António M. P. / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Muttoni, Aurelio (2014): On the efficiency of flat slabs strengthening against punching using externally bonded fibre reinforced polymers. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 73 (décembre 2014).
Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Muttoni, Aurelio / Gambarova, Pietro G. (2007): Relationship between Nonlinear Creep and Cracking of Concrete under Uniaxial Compression. Dans: Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, v. 5, n. 3 ( 2007).
Einpaul, Jürgen / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Muttoni, Aurelio (2018): Measurements of internal cracking in punching test slabs without shear reinforcement. Dans: Magazine of Concrete Research, v. 70, n. 15 (août 2018).
Hars, Eckart / Niketić, Filip / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández (2018): Response of RC panels accounting for crack development and its interaction with rebars. Dans: Magazine of Concrete Research, v. 70, n. 8 (avril 2018).
Sagaseta, Juan / Muttoni, Aurelio / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Tassinari, Luca (2011): Non-axis-symmetrical punching shear around internal columns of RC slabs without transverse reinforcement. Dans: Magazine of Concrete Research, v. 63, n. 6 (juin 2011).
Rupf, Michael / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Muttoni, Aurelio (2013): Post-tensioned girders with low amounts of shear reinforcement: Shear strength and influence of flanges. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 56 (novembre 2013).
Natário, Francisco / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Muttoni, Aurelio (2014): Shear strength of RC slabs under concentrated loads near clamped linear supports. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 76 (octobre 2014).
Cavagnis, Francesco / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Muttoni, Aurelio (2015): Shear failures in reinforced concrete members without transverse reinforcement: An analysis of the critical shear crack development on the basis of test results. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 103 (novembre 2015).
Cavagnis, Francesco / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Muttoni, Aurelio (2018): A mechanical model for failures in shear of members without transverse reinforcement based on development of a critical shear crack. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 157 (février 2018).
Simões, João T. / Bujnak, Jan / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Muttoni, Aurelio (2016): Punching shear tests on compact footings with uniform soil pressure. Dans: Structural Concrete, v. 17, n. 4 (août 2016).
Ruiz, Miguel Fernández / Muttoni, Aurelio (2018): Size effect in shear and punching shear failures of concrete members without transverse reinforcement: Differences between statically determinate members and redundant structures. Dans: Structural Concrete, v. 19, n. 1 (février 2018).
Muttoni, Aurelio / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández (2012): Levels-of-Approximation Approach in Codes of Practice. Dans: Structural Engineering International, v. 22, n. 2 (mai 2012).
Muttoni, Aurelio / Ruiz, Miguel Fernández (2012): The levels-of-approximation approach in MC 2010: application to punching shear provisions. Dans: Structural Concrete, v. 13, n. 1 (mars 2012).