Jonscher, Clemens / Möller, Sören / Liesecke, Leon / Schuster, Daniel / Hofmeister, Benedikt / Grießmann, Tanja / Rolfes, Raimund (2024): Identification Uncertainties of Bending Modes of an Onshore Wind Turbine for Vibration-Based Monitoring. Dans: Structural Control and Health Monitoring, v. 2024 (janvier 2024).
Jonscher, Clemens / Möller, Sören / Liesecke, Leon / Hofmeister, Benedikt / Grießmann, Tanja / Rolfes, Raimund (2024): Heteroscedastic Gaussian processes for data normalisation in probabilistic novelty detection of a wind turbine. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 305 (avril 2024).
Tritschel, Franz Ferdinand / Markowski, Jan / Penner, Nikolai / Rolfes, Raimund / Lohaus, Ludger / Haist, Michael (2021): KI‐gestützte Qualitätssicherung für die Fließfertigung von UHFB‐Stabelementen. Dans: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, v. 116 (avril 2021).
Römgens, Niklas / Abbassi, Abderrahim / Jonscher, Clemens / Grießmann, Tanja / Rolfes, Raimund (2024): On using autoencoders with non-standardized time series data for damage localization. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 303 (mars 2024).
Jonscher, Clemens / Liesecke, Leon / Penner, Nikolai / Hofmeister, Benedikt / Grießmann, Tanja / Rolfes, Raimund (2023): Influence of system changes on closely spaced modes of a large-scale concrete tower for the application to structural health monitoring. Dans: Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, v. 13, n. 4-5 (avril 2023).
Gerendt, Christian / Hematipour, Maryam / Englisch, Nils / Scheffler, Sven / Rolfes, Raimund (2023): A finite element-based continuum damage model for mechanical joints in fiber metal laminates under static and fatigue loading. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 312 (mai 2023).
Wernitz, Stefan / Hofmeister, Benedikt / Jonscher, Clemens / Grießmann, Tanja / Rolfes, Raimund (2022): A new open‐database benchmark structure for vibration‐based Structural Health Monitoring. Dans: Structural Control and Health Monitoring, v. 29, n. 11 (septembre 2022).
Abbassi, Abderrahim / Römgens, Niklas / Tritschel, Franz Ferdinand / Penner, Nikolai / Rolfes, Raimund (2022): Evaluation of machine learning techniques for structural health monitoring using ultrasonic guided waves under varying temperature conditions. Dans: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 22, n. 2 (mai 2022).
Zerbst, Stephan / Tsiapoki, Stavroula / Rolfes, Raimund (2014): Novel approach for early damage detection on rotor blades of wind energy converters. Dans: Smart Structures and Systems, v. 14, n. 3 (septembre 2014).
Schuster, Daniel / Hente, Christian / Hübler, Clemens / Rolfes, Raimund (2021): Integrierte Entwurfs‐ und Betriebsmethodik für Offshore‐Megastrukturen. Dans: Bautechnik, v. 98, n. 8 (août 2021).
van den Broek, Sander / Minera, Sergio / Jansen, Eelco / Rolfes, Raimund (2021): Robust improvement of the asymmetric post-buckling behavior of a composite panel by perturbing fiber paths. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 270 (août 2021).
Tsiapoki, Stavroula / Bahrami, Omid / Häckell, Moritz W. / Lynch, Jerome P. / Rolfes, Raimund (2020): Combination of damage feature decisions with adaptive boosting for improving the detection performance of a structural health monitoring framework: Validation on an operating wind turbine. Dans: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 20, n. 2 (octobre 2020).
Tsiapoki, Stavroula / Häckell, Moritz W. / Grießmann, Tanja / Rolfes, Raimund (2017): Damage and ice detection on wind turbine rotor blades using a three-tier modular structural health monitoring framework. Dans: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 17, n. 5 (octobre 2017).
Arash, Behrouz / Unger, Robin / Exner, Wibke / Rolfes, Raimund (2021): A finite deformation gradient-enhanced damage model for nanoparticle/polymer nanocomposites: An atomistically-informed multiscale approach. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 258 (février 2021).
Degenhardt, Richard / Rolfes, Raimund / Zimmermann, Rolf / Rohwer, Klaus (2006): COCOMAT—improved material exploitation of composite airframe structures by accurate simulation of postbuckling and collapse. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 73, n. 2 (mai 2006).
Kriegesmann, Benedikt / Rolfes, Raimund / Hühne, Christian / Kling, Alexander: Fast probabilistic design procedure for axially compressed composite cylinders. Dans: Composite Structures.
Gerendt, Christian / Dean, Aamir / Mahrholz, Thorsten / Englisch, Nils / Krause, Stefan / Rolfes, Raimund (2020): On the progressive fatigue failure of mechanical composite joints: Numerical simulation and experimental validation. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 248 (septembre 2020).
Gerendt, Christian / Dean, Aamir / Mahrholz, Thorsten / Rolfes, Raimund (2019): On the progressive failure simulation and experimental validation of fiber metal laminate bolted joints. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 229 (décembre 2019).
Akterskaia, Margarita / Camanho, Pedro P. / Jansen, Eelco / Arteiro, Albertino / Rolfes, Raimund (2019): Progressive delamination analysis through two-way global-local coupling approach preserving energy dissipation for single-mode and mixed-mode loading. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 223 (septembre 2019).
Akterskaia, Margarita / Jansen, Eelco / Hallett, Stephen R. / Weaver, Paul / Rolfes, Raimund (2018): Analysis of skin-stringer debonding in composite panels through a two-way global-local method. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 202 (octobre 2018).
Balokas, Georgios / Czichon, Steffen / Rolfes, Raimund (2018): Neural network assisted multiscale analysis for the elastic properties prediction of 3D braided composites under uncertainty. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 183 (janvier 2018).
Akterskaia, Margarita / Jansen, Eelco / Hühne, Sina / Rolfes, Raimund (2018): Efficient progressive failure analysis of multi-stringer stiffened composite panels through a two-way loose coupling global-local approach. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 183 (janvier 2018).
Kriegesmann, Benedikt / Jansen, Eelco L. / Rolfes, Raimund (2012): Semi-analytic probabilistic analysis of axially compressed stiffened composite panels. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 94, n. 2 (janvier 2012).
Penner, Nikolai / Grießmann, Tanja / Rolfes, Raimund (2020): Monitoring of suction bucket jackets for offshore wind turbines: Dynamic load bearing behaviour and modelling. Dans: Marine Structures, v. 72 (juillet 2020).
Kriegesmann, Benedikt / Rolfes, Raimund / Hühne, Christian / Teßmer, Jan / Arbocz, Johann (2010): Probabilistic Design of Axially Compressed Composite Cylinders With Geometric and Loading Imperfections. Dans: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 10, n. 4 (octobre 2010).
Hofmeister, Benedikt / Bruns, Marlene / Rolfes, Raimund (2019): Finite element model updating using deterministic optimisation: A global pattern search approach. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 195 (septembre 2019).
Rolfes, Raimund / Vogler, Matthias / Czichon, Steffen / Ernst, Gerald (2011): Exploiting the structural reserve of textile composite structures by progressive failure analysis using a new orthotropic failure criterion. Dans: Computers & Structures, v. 89, n. 11-12 (juin 2011).
Hübler, Clemens / Häfele, Jan / Gebhardt, Cristian Guillermo / Rolfes, Raimund (2018): Experimentally supported consideration of operating point dependent soil properties in coupled dynamics of offshore wind turbines. Dans: Marine Structures, v. 57 (janvier 2018).
Schaumann, Peter / Gottschalk, Malte / Rolfes, Raimund / Häckell, Moritz (2012): Forschung an Tragstrukturen im Offshore-Windenergie-Testfeld alpha ventus. Dans: Stahlbau, v. 81, n. 9 (septembre 2012).