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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


Vikram Pakrashi ORCID

La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Varghese, Ramon / Boominathan, A. / Banerjee, Subhadeep / Pakrashi, Vikram (2024): Influence of Embedment on Seismic Pile Group Response: Experimental and Numerical Investigations. Dans: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 29, n. 11 (novembre 2024).


  2. Cox, Rónadh / Pakrashi, Vikram (2023): Field Studies of Megagravel Transport: Relevance for Coastal Infrastructure Engineering. Dans: ce/papers, v. 6, n. 5 (septembre 2023).


  3. Buckley, Tadhg / Ghosh, Bidisha / Pakrashi, Vikram (2022): A Feature Extraction & Selection Benchmark for Structural Health Monitoring. Dans: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 22, n. 3 (septembre 2022).


  4. Inturi, Vamsi / Balaji, Sai Venkatesh / Gyanam, Praharshitha / Pragada, Brahmini Priya Venkata / Geetha Rajasekharan, Sabareesh / Pakrashi, Vikram (2019): An integrated condition monitoring scheme for health state identification of a multi-stage gearbox through Hurst exponent estimates. Dans: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 22, n. 1 (novembre 2019).


  5. O'Byrne, Michael / Ghosh, Bidisha / Schoefs, Franck / O'Donnell, Deirdre / Wright, Robert / Pakrashi, Vikram (2015): Acquisition and Analysis of Dynamic Responses of a Historic Pedestrian Bridge using Video Image Processing. Dans: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, v. 628 (juillet 2015).


  6. O'Byrne, Michael / Ghosh, Bidisha / Schoefs, Franck / O'Donnell, Deirdre / Wright, Robert / Pakrashi, Vikram (2015): Acquisition and Analysis of Dynamic Responses of a Historic Pedestrian Bridge using Video Image Processing. Dans: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, v. 628 (juillet 2015).


  7. Chawla, Rohit / Pakrashi, Vikram (2022): Dynamic responses of a damaged double Euler–Bernoulli beam traversed by a ‘phantom’ vehicle. Dans: Structural Control and Health Monitoring, v. 29, n. 5 (3 avril 2022).


  8. Micu, E. Alexandra / OBrien, Eugene J. / Bowe, Cathal / Fitzgerald, Paul / Pakrashi, Vikram (2022): Bridge Damage and Repair Detection Using an Instrumented Train. Dans: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 27, n. 3 (mars 2022).


  9. Demartino, Cristoforo / Quaranta, Giuseppe / Maruccio, Claudio / Pakrashi, Vikram (2022): Feasibility of energy harvesting from vertical pedestrian‐induced vibrations of footbridges for smart monitoring applications. Dans: Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 37, n. 8 (octobre 2022).


  10. Joseph, Monica / Banerjee, Subhadeep / Pakrashi, Vikram (2021): Estimation of the dynamic amplification factor at backfill soil behind a gravity wall. Dans: Geotechnical Research, v. 8, n. 4 (décembre 2021).


  11. Wenzel, Helmut / Pakrashi, Vikram (2019): Guidelines and Recommendations from COST TU 1406. Présenté pendant: IABSE Symposium: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management, Guimarães, Portugal, 27-29 March 2019.


  12. Buckley, Tadhg / Pakrashi, Vikram / Ghosh, Bidisha (2021): A dynamic harmonic regression approach for bridge structural health monitoring. Dans: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 20, n. 6 (février 2021).


  13. Pakrashi, Vikram / O'Connor, Alan / Basu, Biswajit (2009): A Bridge-Vehicle Interaction Based Experimental Investigation of Damage Evolution. Dans: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 9, n. 4 (novembre 2009).


  14. Pakrashi, Vikram / O'Connor, Alan / Basu, Biswajit (2009): A comparative analysis of structural damage detection techniques by wavelet, kurtosis and pseudofractal methods. Dans: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, v. 32, n. 4 (juillet 2009).


  15. Doorley, Ronan / Pakrashi, Vikram / Szeto, W. Y. / Ghosh, Bidisha (2019): Designing cycle networks to maximize health, environmental, and travel time impacts: An optimization-based approach. Dans: International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, v. 14, n. 5 (avril 2019).


  16. Doorley, Ronan / Pakrashi, Vikram / Ghosh, Bidisha (2019): Health, environmental and travel cost impacts of urban cycling in Dublin, Ireland. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, v. 172, n. 2 (avril 2019).


  17. Galvin, Myles / Lenihan, Benjamin / Popovici, Emanuel / Doorley, Ronan / Pakrashi, Vikram / Ghosh, Bidisha (2020): Estimating environmental exposure of cyclists in Cork using limited sensing capabilities. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Urban Design and Planning, v. 173, n. 2 (avril 2020).


  18. Cahill, Paul / Jaksic, Vesna / Keane, John / O'Sullivan, Anthony / Mathewson, Alan / Ali, Shaikh Faruque / Pakrashi, Vikram (2016): Effect of Road Surface, Vehicle, and Device Characteristics on Energy Harvesting from Bridge-Vehicle Interactions. Dans: Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 31, n. 12 (novembre 2016).


  19. Cahill, Paul / Pakrashi, Vikram / Mathewson, Alan / Jackson, Nathan (2013): Energy Harvesting Potential of Piezoelectric Materials from Train-Bridge Interaction using Finite Element Modelling. Présenté pendant: IABSE Conference: Assessment, Upgrading and Refurbishment of Infrastructures, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 6-8 May 2013.


  20. Weninger-Vycudil, Alfred / Hanley, Ciarán / Deix, Stefan / O'Connor, Alan / Pakrashi, Vikram (2015): Cross-asset management for road infrastructure networks. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport, v. 168, n. 5 (octobre 2015).


  21. Weninger-Vycudil, Alfred / O'Connor, Alan / Hanley, Ciarán / Pakrashi, Vikram / Deix, Stefan (2015): Cross-asset management for road infrastructure networks. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport, v. 168, n. 5 (octobre 2015).


  22. Arrigan, John / Pakrashi, Vikram / Basu, Biswajit / Nagarajaiah, Satish (2011): Control of flapwise vibrations in wind turbine blades using semi-active tuned mass dampers. Dans: Structural Control and Health Monitoring, v. 18, n. 8 (décembre 2011).


  23. Pakrashi, Vikram / O'Connor, Alan / Basu, Biswajit (2010): Effect of tuned mass damper on the interaction of a quarter car model with a damaged bridge. Dans: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 6, n. 4 (août 2010).


  24. Hanley, Ciarán / Matos, José C. / Kelliher, Denis / Pakrashi, Vikram (2017): Integrating multivariate techniques in bridge management systems. Dans: Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, v. 2, n. 3 (juillet 2017).


  25. Cahill, Paul / Mathewson, Alan / Pakrashi, Vikram (2018): Experimental Validation of Piezoelectric Energy-Harvesting Device for Built Infrastructure Applications. Dans: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 23, n. 8 (août 2018).


  26. Cahill, Paul / Nuallain, Nora Aine Ni / Jackson, Nathan / Mathewson, Alan / Karoumi, Raid / Pakrashi, Vikram (2014): Energy Harvesting from Train-Induced Response in Bridges. Dans: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 19, n. 9 (septembre 2014).


  27. Cahill, Paul / Allen, Eoin / Pakrashi, Vikram / O'Connor, Alan (2013): Horizontal Loading Effects of Fresh Concrete on Precast Arches. Dans: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 18, n. 8 (août 2013).


  28. Ghosh, Bidisha / Pakrashi, Vikram / Schoefs, Franck (2011): High dynamic range image processing for non-destructive-testing. Dans: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, v. 15, n. 7 (janvier 2011).


  29. O'Donnell, Deirdre / Wright, Robert / O'Byrne, Michael / Sadhu, Ayan / Edwards Murphy, Fiona / Cahill, Paul / Kelliher, Denis / Ghosh, Bidisha / Schoefs, Franck / Mathewson, Alan / Popovici, Emanuel / Pakrashi, Vikram (2017): Modelling and testing of a historic steel suspension footbridge in Ireland. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Bridge Engineering, v. 170, n. 2 (juin 2017).


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