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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Lu, Jian / Kong, Fanhua / Yin, Haiwei / Kang, Jian / Liu, Hongqing / Li, Zhenya / Huang, Hanchun / Zhou, Kejing / Yang, Shaoqi (2025): Extensive green roofs for noise abatement: Combined acoustic effects of substrate and vegetation in a 3D environment. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 270 (février 2025).


  2. Liu, Hongqing / Chen, Xuejian / Cheng, Po / Hu, Yao (2025): An efficient approach for determination of equivalent design strength and probability of failure for tunnel face in spatially random soils. Dans: Structures, v. 73 (mars 2025).


  3. Gai, Zhenyu / Yin, Haiwei / Kong, Fanhua / Su, Jie / Shen, Zhou / Sun, Hui / Yang, Shaoqi / Liu, Hongqing / Middel, Ariane (2025): How does shade infrastructure affect outdoor thermal comfort during hot, humid summers? Evidence from Nanjing, China. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 267 (janvier 2025).


  4. Yang, Shaoqi / Kong, Fanhua / Yin, Haiwei / Zhang, Ning / Tan, Taotao / Middel, Ariane / Liu, Hongqing (2023): Carbon dioxide reduction from an intensive green roof through carbon flux observations and energy consumption simulations. Dans: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 99 (décembre 2023).


  5. Wang, Rui / Zheng, Mingjie / Ao, Bin / Liu, Hongqing / Cheng, Peifeng (2023): Disintegration Characteristics Investigation of Carbonaceous Shale in High-Latitude Cold Regions. Dans: Buildings, v. 13, n. 2 (14 février 2023).


  6. Wu, Hong / Ye, Zhi / Zhang, Yuting / Liu, Hongqing / Liu, Huabei (2023): Seismic response of a shield tunnel crossing saturated sand deposits with different relative densities. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 166 (mars 2023).


  7. Liu, Hongqing / Song, Kezhi / Ye, Zhi / Wang, Chuanxin / Liu, Huabei (2022): Seismic fragility analysis of in-service shield tunnels considering surface building and joint-bolt corrosion. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 162 (novembre 2022).


  8. Zou, Yan / Zhang, Yeqin / Liu, Hongqing / Liu, Huabei / Miao, Yu (2021): Performance-based seismic assessment of shield tunnels by incorporating a nonlinear pseudostatic analysis approach for the soil-tunnel interaction. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 114 (août 2021).


  9. Zheng, Xiandi / Kong, Fanhua / Yin, Haiwei / Middel, Ariane / Liu, Hongqing / Wang, Ding / Sun, Tao / Lensky, Itamar (2021): Outdoor thermal performance of green roofs across multiple time scales: A case study in subtropical China. Dans: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 70 (juillet 2021).


  10. Liu, Hongqing / Kong, Fanhua / Yin, Haiwei / Middel, Ariane / Zheng, Xiandi / Huang, Jing / Xu, Hairong / Wang, Ding / Wen, Zhihao (2021): Impacts of green roofs on water, temperature, and air quality: A bibliometric review. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 196 (juin 2021).


  11. Liu, Hongqing / Shao, Yongbo / Lu, Ning / Wang, Qingli (2015): Hysteresis of concrete-filled circular tubular (CFCT) T-joints under axial load. Dans: Steel and Composite Structures, v. 18, n. 3 (mars 2015).


  12. Wang, Jie / Liu, Hongqing / Liu, Huabei / Zou, Yan (2019): Centrifuge model study on the seismic responses of shield tunnel. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 92 (octobre 2019).


  13. Wang, Jie / Liu, Hongqing / Liu, Huabei (2018): Measuring joint opening displacement between model shield-tunnel segments for reduced-scale model tests. Dans: Structures, v. 16 (novembre 2018).


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