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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


Pier Francesco Giordano ORCID

La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Quqa, Said / Lasri, Othmane / Delo, Giulia / Giordano, Pier Francesco / Surace, Cecilia / Marzani, Alessandro / Limongelli, Maria Pina: Regional-scale bridge health monitoring: survey of current methods and roadmap for future opportunities under changing climate. Dans: Structural Health Monitoring.


  2. Karagiannakis, George / Giordano, Pier Francesco / Limongelli, Maria Pina (2024): Resilience of transport infrastructure against natural hazards: attributes and indicators. Présenté pendant: IABSE Congress: Beyond Structural Engineering in a Changing World, San José, Cost Rica, 25-27 Seotember 2024.


  3. Brighenti, Francesca / Caspani, Valeria Francesca / Costa, Giancarlo / Giordano, Pier Francesco / Limongelli, Maria Pina / Zonta, Daniele (2024): Bridge management systems: A review on current practice in a digitizing world. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 321 (décembre 2024).


  4. Thöns, Sebastian / Caprani, Colin / Faber, Michael Havbro / Frangopol, Dan / Gardoni, Paolo / Giordano, Pier Francesco / Honfi, Dániel / Iannacone, Leandro / Khan, Mohammad Shihabuddin / Köhler, Jochen / Kim, Sunyong / De Koker, Nico / Limongelli, Maria Pina / Miraglia, Simona / Nielsen, Jannie Sønderkær / Pandey, Mahesh / Viljoen, Celeste (2025): On information value and decision analyses. Dans: Structural Safety, v. 113 (mars 2025).


  5. Sano, Silvia Di / Costa, Giancarlo / Giordano, Pier Francesco / Pregnolato, Maria / Limongelli, Maria Pina (2023): Multi‐risk assessment for bridges: the application of the Italian Guidelines. Dans: ce/papers, v. 6, n. 5 (septembre 2023).


  6. Lasri, Othmane / Giordano, Pier Francesco / Limongelli, Maria Pina / Previtali, Mattia (2023): Remote monitoring of a concrete bridge using PSInSAR. Dans: ce/papers, v. 6, n. 5 (septembre 2023).


  7. Aloisio, Angelo / Pasca, Dag Pasquale / De Santis, Yuri / Hillberger, Thomas / Giordano, Pier Francesco / Rosso, Marco Martino / Tomasi, Roberto / Limongelli, Maria Pina / Bedon, Chiara (2023): Vibration issues in timber structures: A state-of-the-art review. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 76 (octobre 2023).


  8. Giordano, Pier Francesco / Limongelli, Maria Pina (2022): The Benefit of Informed Risk-Based Management of Civil Infrastructures. Dans: Infrastructures, v. 7, n. 12 (décembre 2022).


  9. Pisani, Marco Andrea / Limongelli, Maria Pina / Giordano, Pier Francesco / Palermo, Mattia (2021): On the Effectiveness of Vibration-Based Monitoring for Integrity Management of Prestressed Structures. Dans: Infrastructures, v. 6, n. 12 (décembre 2021).


  10. Giordano, Pier Francesco / Quqa, Said / Limongelli, Maria Pina (2021): Statistical Approach for Vibration-Based Damage Localization in Civil Infrastructures Using Smart Sensor Networks. Dans: Infrastructures, v. 6, n. 2 (février 2021).


  11. Pregnolato, M. / Giordano, Pier Francesco / Prendergast, L. J. / Vardanega, P. J. / Limongelli, Maria Pina (2023): Comparison of risk-based methods for bridge scour management. Dans: Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, v. 8, n. 5 (janvier 2023).


  12. Giordano, Pier Francesco / Miraglia, Gaetano / Lenticchia, Erica / Ceravolo, Rosario / Limongelli, Maria Pina (2023): Satellite interferometric data for seismic damage assessment. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 44 ( 2023).


  13. Giordano, Pier Francesco / Quqa, Said / Limongelli, Maria Pina (2023): The value of monitoring a structural health monitoring system. Dans: Structural Safety, v. 100 (janvier 2023).


  14. Pregnolato, Maria / Giordano, Pier Francesco / Panici, Diego / Prendergast, Luke J. / Limongelli, Maria Pina (2024): A comparison of the UK and Italian national risk-based guidelines for assessing hydraulic actions on bridges. Dans: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 20, n. 1 (mars 2024).


  15. Giordano, Pier Francesco / Iacovino, Chiara / Quqa, Said / Limongelli, Maria Pina: The value of seismic structural health monitoring for post-earthquake building evacuation. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.


  16. Giordano, Pier Francesco / Prendergast, Luke J. / Limongelli, Maria Pina (2023): Quantifying the value of SHM information for bridges under flood-induced scour. Dans: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 19, n. 11 (mars 2023).


  17. Iacovino, Chiara / Turksezer, Zehra Irem / Giordano, Pier Francesco / Limongelli, Maria Pina (2022): Comparison of Bridge Inspection Policies in terms of Data Quality. Dans: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 27, n. 3 (mars 2022).


  18. Quqa, Said / Giordano, Pier Francesco / Limongelli, Maria Pina (2022): Shared micromobility-driven modal identification of urban bridges. Dans: Automation in Construction, v. 134 (février 2022).


  19. Pisani, Marco Andrea / Limongelli, Maria Pina / Giordano, Pier Francesco / Palermo, Mattia (2021): Numerical modeling strategy for deteriorated concrete decks in SHM applications. Présenté pendant: IABSE Congress: Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs, Ghent, Belgium, 22-24 September 2021.


  20. Turksezer, Zehra Irem / Iacovino, Chiara / Giordano, Pier Francesco / Limongelli, Maria Pina (2021): Development and Implementation of Indicators to Assess Bridge Inspection Practices. Dans: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 147, n. 12 (décembre 2021).


  21. Limongelli, Maria Pina / Turksezer, Zehra Irem / Giordano, Pier Francesco (2019): Structural Health Monitoring for cultural heritage constructions: a resilience perspective. Présenté pendant: IABSE Symposium: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management, Guimarães, Portugal, 27-29 March 2019.


  22. Iannacone, Leandro / Giordano, Pier Francesco / Gardoni, Paolo / Limongelli, Maria Pina (2021): Quantifying the value of information from inspecting and monitoring engineering systems subject to gradual and shock deterioration. Dans: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 21, n. 1 (décembre 2021).


  23. Giordano, Pier Francesco / Limongelli, Maria Pina (2022): The value of structural health monitoring in seismic emergency management of bridges. Dans: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 18, n. 4 (octobre 2022).


  24. Giordano, Pier Francesco / Prendergast, Luke J. / Limongelli, Maria Pina (2020): A framework for assessing the value of information for health monitoring of scoured bridges. Dans: Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, v. 10, n. 3 (mars 2020).


  25. Limongelli, Maria Pina / Giordano, Pier Francesco (2020): Vibration-based damage indicators: a comparison based on information entropy. Dans: Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, v. 10, n. 2 (mars 2020).


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