Summa, Serena / Tarabelli, Luca / Di Perna, Costanzo / Stazi, Francesca (2024): Data-driven automation of HVAC systems: An experimental study in a university study room. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 95 (octobre 2024).
Summa, Serena / Remia, Giada / Di Perna, Costanzo / Stazi, Francesca (2024): Mechanically ventilated classrooms in central Italy's heritage school buildings: Proposal of archetypes and CO2 prediction models. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 265 (novembre 2024).
D'Orazio, Marco / Di Perna, Costanzo / Di Giuseppe, Elisa / Coccia, Gianluca / Summa, Serena (2023): Evaluation of effectiveness and resources consumption of water mist spray systems in Mediterranean areas by predictions based on LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks. Dans: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 99 (décembre 2023).
Coccia, Gianluca / Summa, Serena / Di Giuseppe, Elisa / D’Orazio, Marco / Zinzi, Michele / Di Perna, Costanzo (2023): Experimental evaluation of a water spray system for semi-outdoor spaces: Analysis of the effect of the operational parameters. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 241 (août 2023).
Di Loreto, Samantha / Cantarini, Michela / Squartini, Stefano / Lori, Valter / Serpilli, Fabio / Di Perna, Costanzo (2023): Assessment of speech intelligibility in scholar classrooms by measurements and prediction methods. Dans: Building Acoustics, v. 30, n. 2 (avril 2023).
Latini, Arianna / Di Loreto, Samantha / Di Giuseppe, Elisa / D’Orazio, Marco / Di Perna, Costanzo (2023): Crossed Effect of Acoustics on Thermal Comfort and Productivity in Workplaces: A Case Study in Virtual Reality. Dans: Journal of Architectural Engineering (ASCE), v. 29, n. 2 (juin 2023).
Giosuè, Chiara / Pierpaoli, Mattia / Di Perna, Costanzo / Citterio, Barbara / Mangiaterra, Gianmarco / Ruello, Maria Letizia / Tittarelli, Francesca (2023): Properties of an innovative multi-functional finish for the improvement of indoor air quality. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 233 (avril 2023).
Stazi, Francesca / Pierandrei, Nicola / Di Perna, Costanzo / Tittarelli, Francesca (2022): Experimental evaluation of natural hydraulic lime renders with nanoclay and nanolime to protect raw earth building surfaces. Dans: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 17 (décembre 2022).
Summa, Serena / Mircoli, Alex / Potena, Domenico / Ulpiani, Giulia / Diamantini, Claudia / Di Perna, Costanzo (2023): Combining artificial intelligence and building engineering technologies towards energy efficiency: the case of ventilated façades. Dans: Construction Innovation, v. 24, n. 7 (décembre 2023).
Di Loreto, Samantha / Serpilli, Fabio / Lori, Valter / Di Perna, Costanzo (2022): The influence of the acoustic performance in the certification of a school buildings according to the ITACA protocol. Dans: Building Acoustics, v. 29, n. 4 (août 2022).
Stazi, Francesca / Corinaldesi, Valeria / Capotondo, Ylenia / Porcarelli, Ilaria / Di Perna, Costanzo / D’Orazio, Marco (2022): Effect of pore modulating additives-sepiolite and colloidal nano silica-on physical, mechanical and durability properties of lime-based renders. Dans: Materials and Structures, v. 55, n. 4 (19 avril 2022).
Latini, Arianna / Di Giuseppe, Elisa / D'Orazio, Marco / Di Perna, Costanzo (2021): Exploring the use of immersive virtual reality to assess occupants’ productivity and comfort in workplaces: An experimental study on the role of walls colour. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 253 (décembre 2021).
Di Giuseppe, Elisa / Ulpiani, Giulia / Cancellieri, Claudia / Di Perna, Costanzo / D'Orazio, Marco / Zinzi, Michele (2021): Numerical modelling and experimental validation of the microclimatic impacts of water mist cooling in urban areas. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 231 (janvier 2021).
D'Orazio, Marco / Di Perna, Costanzo / Di Giuseppe, Elisa (2014): A field study of thermal inertia of roofs and its influence on indoor comfort. Dans: Journal of Building Physics, v. 38, n. 1 (juin 2014).
D'Orazio, Marco / Di Perna, Costanzo / Di Giuseppe, Elisa / Morodo, Matteo (2012): Thermal performance of an insulated roof with reflective insulation: Field tests under hot climatic conditions. Dans: Journal of Building Physics, v. 36, n. 3 (octobre 2012).
Stazi, Francesca / Mastrucci, Alessio / Di Perna, Costanzo (2012): The behaviour of solar walls in residential buildings with different insulation levels: An experimental and numerical study. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 47 (avril 2012).
Stazi, Francesca / Vegliò, Ambra / Di Perna, Costanzo / Munafò, Placido (2012): Retrofitting using a dynamic envelope to ensure thermal comfort, energy savings and low environmental impact in Mediterranean climates. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 54 (novembre 2012).
Stazi, Francesca / Vegliò, Ambra / Di Perna, Costanzo / Munafò, Placido (2013): Experimental comparison between 3 different traditional wall constructions and dynamic simulations to identify optimal thermal insulation strategies. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 60 (mai 2013).
Stazi, Francesca / Vegliò, Ambra / Di Perna, Costanzo (2014): Experimental assessment of a zinc-titanium ventilated façade in a Mediterranean climate. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 69 (février 2014).
Stazi, Francesca / Bonfigli, Cecilia / Tomassoni, Elisa / Di Perna, Costanzo / Munafò, Placido (2015): The effect of high thermal insulation on high thermal mass: Is the dynamic behaviour of traditional envelopes in Mediterranean climates still possible?. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 88 (février 2015).
Ulpiani, Giulia / Borgognoni, Matteo / Romagnoli, Alessandra / Di Perna, Costanzo (2016): Comparing the performance of on/off, PID and fuzzy controllers applied to the heating system of an energy-efficient building. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 116 (mars 2016).
Stazi, Francesca / Tomassoni, Elisa / Di Perna, Costanzo (2017): Super-insulated wooden envelopes in Mediterranean climate: Summer overheating, thermal comfort optimization, environmental impact on an Italian case study. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 138 (mars 2017).
Stazi, Francesca / Naspi, Federica / Ulpiani, Giulia / Di Perna, Costanzo (2017): Indoor air quality and thermal comfort optimization in classrooms developing an automatic system for windows opening and closing. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 139 (mars 2017).
Di Giuseppe, Elisa / Iannaccone, Monica / Telloni, Martina / D'Orazio, Marco / Di Perna, Costanzo (2017): Probabilistic life cycle costing of existing buildings retrofit interventions towards nZE target: Methodology and application example. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 144 (juin 2017).
Ulpiani, Giulia / Giuliani, Diego / Romagnoli, Alessandra / Di Perna, Costanzo (2017): Experimental monitoring of a sunspace applied to a NZEB mock-up: Assessing and comparing the energy benefits of different configurations. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 152 (octobre 2017).
Stazi, Francesca / Ulpiani, Giulia / Pergolini, Marianna / Di Perna, Costanzo / D'Orazio, Marco (2020): The role of wall layers properties on the thermal performance of ventilated facades: Experimental investigation on narrow-cavity design. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 209 (février 2020).
Ulpiani, Giulia / Di Giuseppe, Elisa / Di Perna, Costanzo / D'Orazio, Marco / Zinzi, Michele (2019): Thermal comfort improvement in urban spaces with water spray systems: Field measurements and survey. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 156 (juin 2019).
Stazi, Francesca / Ulpiani, Giulia / Pergolini, Marianna / Magni, Daniela / Di Perna, Costanzo (2018): Experimental Comparison Between Three Types of Opaque Ventilated Facades. Dans: The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, v. 12, n. 1 (décembre 2018).
Giosuè, Chiara / Mobili, Alessandra / Di Perna, Costanzo / Tittarelli, Francesca (2019): Performance of lightweight cement-based and alkali-activated mortars exposed to high-temperature. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 220 (septembre 2019).