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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Costanzo Di Perna

Die folgende Bibliografie enthält alle in dieser Datenbank indizierten Veröffentlichungen, die mit diesem Namen als Autor, Herausgeber oder anderweitig Beitragenden verbunden sind.

  1. Summa, Serena / Tarabelli, Luca / Di Perna, Costanzo / Stazi, Francesca (2024): Data-driven automation of HVAC systems: An experimental study in a university study room. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 95 (Oktober 2024).


  2. Summa, Serena / Remia, Giada / Di Perna, Costanzo / Stazi, Francesca (2024): Mechanically ventilated classrooms in central Italy's heritage school buildings: Proposal of archetypes and CO2 prediction models. In: Building and Environment, v. 265 (November 2024).


  3. D'Orazio, Marco / Di Perna, Costanzo / Di Giuseppe, Elisa / Coccia, Gianluca / Summa, Serena (2023): Evaluation of effectiveness and resources consumption of water mist spray systems in Mediterranean areas by predictions based on LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 99 (Dezember 2023).


  4. Coccia, Gianluca / Summa, Serena / Di Giuseppe, Elisa / D’Orazio, Marco / Zinzi, Michele / Di Perna, Costanzo (2023): Experimental evaluation of a water spray system for semi-outdoor spaces: Analysis of the effect of the operational parameters. In: Building and Environment, v. 241 (August 2023).


  5. Di Loreto, Samantha / Cantarini, Michela / Squartini, Stefano / Lori, Valter / Serpilli, Fabio / Di Perna, Costanzo (2023): Assessment of speech intelligibility in scholar classrooms by measurements and prediction methods. In: Building Acoustics, v. 30, n. 2 (April 2023).


  6. Latini, Arianna / Di Loreto, Samantha / Di Giuseppe, Elisa / D’Orazio, Marco / Di Perna, Costanzo (2023): Crossed Effect of Acoustics on Thermal Comfort and Productivity in Workplaces: A Case Study in Virtual Reality. In: Journal of Architectural Engineering (ASCE), v. 29, n. 2 (Juni 2023).


  7. Giosuè, Chiara / Pierpaoli, Mattia / Di Perna, Costanzo / Citterio, Barbara / Mangiaterra, Gianmarco / Ruello, Maria Letizia / Tittarelli, Francesca (2023): Properties of an innovative multi-functional finish for the improvement of indoor air quality. In: Building and Environment, v. 233 (April 2023).


  8. Stazi, Francesca / Pierandrei, Nicola / Di Perna, Costanzo / Tittarelli, Francesca (2022): Experimental evaluation of natural hydraulic lime renders with nanoclay and nanolime to protect raw earth building surfaces. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 17 (Dezember 2022).


  9. Summa, Serena / Mircoli, Alex / Potena, Domenico / Ulpiani, Giulia / Diamantini, Claudia / Di Perna, Costanzo (2023): Combining artificial intelligence and building engineering technologies towards energy efficiency: the case of ventilated façades. In: Construction Innovation, v. 24, n. 7 (Dezember 2023).


  10. Di Loreto, Samantha / Serpilli, Fabio / Lori, Valter / Di Perna, Costanzo (2022): The influence of the acoustic performance in the certification of a school buildings according to the ITACA protocol. In: Building Acoustics, v. 29, n. 4 (August 2022).


  11. Stazi, Francesca / Corinaldesi, Valeria / Capotondo, Ylenia / Porcarelli, Ilaria / Di Perna, Costanzo / D’Orazio, Marco (2022): Effect of pore modulating additives-sepiolite and colloidal nano silica-on physical, mechanical and durability properties of lime-based renders. In: Materials and Structures, v. 55, n. 4 (19 April 2022).


  12. Latini, Arianna / Di Giuseppe, Elisa / D'Orazio, Marco / Di Perna, Costanzo (2021): Exploring the use of immersive virtual reality to assess occupants’ productivity and comfort in workplaces: An experimental study on the role of walls colour. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 253 (Dezember 2021).


  13. Di Giuseppe, Elisa / Ulpiani, Giulia / Cancellieri, Claudia / Di Perna, Costanzo / D'Orazio, Marco / Zinzi, Michele (2021): Numerical modelling and experimental validation of the microclimatic impacts of water mist cooling in urban areas. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 231 (Januar 2021).


  14. D'Orazio, Marco / Di Perna, Costanzo / Di Giuseppe, Elisa (2014): A field study of thermal inertia of roofs and its influence on indoor comfort. In: Journal of Building Physics, v. 38, n. 1 (Juni 2014).


  15. D'Orazio, Marco / Di Perna, Costanzo / Di Giuseppe, Elisa / Morodo, Matteo (2012): Thermal performance of an insulated roof with reflective insulation: Field tests under hot climatic conditions. In: Journal of Building Physics, v. 36, n. 3 (Oktober 2012).


  16. Stazi, Francesca / Mastrucci, Alessio / Di Perna, Costanzo (2012): The behaviour of solar walls in residential buildings with different insulation levels: An experimental and numerical study. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 47 (April 2012).


  17. Stazi, Francesca / Vegliò, Ambra / Di Perna, Costanzo / Munafò, Placido (2012): Retrofitting using a dynamic envelope to ensure thermal comfort, energy savings and low environmental impact in Mediterranean climates. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 54 (November 2012).


  18. Stazi, Francesca / Vegliò, Ambra / Di Perna, Costanzo / Munafò, Placido (2013): Experimental comparison between 3 different traditional wall constructions and dynamic simulations to identify optimal thermal insulation strategies. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 60 (Mai 2013).


  19. Stazi, Francesca / Vegliò, Ambra / Di Perna, Costanzo (2014): Experimental assessment of a zinc-titanium ventilated façade in a Mediterranean climate. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 69 (Februar 2014).


  20. Stazi, Francesca / Bonfigli, Cecilia / Tomassoni, Elisa / Di Perna, Costanzo / Munafò, Placido (2015): The effect of high thermal insulation on high thermal mass: Is the dynamic behaviour of traditional envelopes in Mediterranean climates still possible?. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 88 (Februar 2015).


  21. Ulpiani, Giulia / Borgognoni, Matteo / Romagnoli, Alessandra / Di Perna, Costanzo (2016): Comparing the performance of on/off, PID and fuzzy controllers applied to the heating system of an energy-efficient building. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 116 (März 2016).


  22. Stazi, Francesca / Tomassoni, Elisa / Di Perna, Costanzo (2017): Super-insulated wooden envelopes in Mediterranean climate: Summer overheating, thermal comfort optimization, environmental impact on an Italian case study. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 138 (März 2017).


  23. Stazi, Francesca / Naspi, Federica / Ulpiani, Giulia / Di Perna, Costanzo (2017): Indoor air quality and thermal comfort optimization in classrooms developing an automatic system for windows opening and closing. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 139 (März 2017).


  24. Di Giuseppe, Elisa / Iannaccone, Monica / Telloni, Martina / D'Orazio, Marco / Di Perna, Costanzo (2017): Probabilistic life cycle costing of existing buildings retrofit interventions towards nZE target: Methodology and application example. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 144 (Juni 2017).


  25. Ulpiani, Giulia / Giuliani, Diego / Romagnoli, Alessandra / Di Perna, Costanzo (2017): Experimental monitoring of a sunspace applied to a NZEB mock-up: Assessing and comparing the energy benefits of different configurations. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 152 (Oktober 2017).


  26. Stazi, Francesca / Ulpiani, Giulia / Pergolini, Marianna / Di Perna, Costanzo / D'Orazio, Marco (2020): The role of wall layers properties on the thermal performance of ventilated facades: Experimental investigation on narrow-cavity design. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 209 (Februar 2020).


  27. Ulpiani, Giulia / Di Giuseppe, Elisa / Di Perna, Costanzo / D'Orazio, Marco / Zinzi, Michele (2019): Thermal comfort improvement in urban spaces with water spray systems: Field measurements and survey. In: Building and Environment, v. 156 (Juni 2019).


  28. Stazi, Francesca / Ulpiani, Giulia / Pergolini, Marianna / Magni, Daniela / Di Perna, Costanzo (2018): Experimental Comparison Between Three Types of Opaque Ventilated Facades. In: The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, v. 12, n. 1 (Dezember 2018).


  29. Giosuè, Chiara / Mobili, Alessandra / Di Perna, Costanzo / Tittarelli, Francesca (2019): Performance of lightweight cement-based and alkali-activated mortars exposed to high-temperature. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 220 (September 2019).


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