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Optimization of Composition of Waterproofing Material Based on Modified Fine-Grained Concrete

Médium: article de revue
Langue(s): anglais
Publié dans: Buildings, , n. 6, v. 14
Page(s): 1748
DOI: 10.3390/buildings14061748

The purpose of the research described in this article was to optimize the compositions based on hydraulic-modified binder and construction waste for waterproofing and repair of concrete or brick structures in contact with the ground, as well as the study of properties and development of the basis of the methodology for selecting the composition of such a waterproofing system. Processing of the results of the experiment was carried out by statistical and analytical methods. The research was based on a method for determining the adhesive strength of a waterproofing coating, based on the determination when the insulating layers are torn off. As a result of the calculation and experimental verification, the composition of the waterproofing material was obtained, which corresponds to an adhesive strength of 3.8 MPa; the strength of the waterproofing layer was 36–37 MPa, as well as the amounts of the main components: acrylic resin 3.9%; finely ground concrete waste 80 kg/m3; plasticizer consumption (0.38…0.39%) at the optimum moisture content of the base surface (9.7…9.8%).

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