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Ouvrages & projets
Participation dans les ouvrages et projets suivants:
- 17th Street Causeway Bridge (2002)
- Abraham Lincoln Bridge (2015)
- AirTrain JFK (2003)
- Alameda Street Bridge (2001)
- Augustus Tower (2005)
- Barker Hall (1960)
- Barrage de Folsom (1956)
- Barrage de Loch Raven (1914)
- Buchanan Dam (1937)
- California Science Center Parking Structure
- Canal de Panama (1914)
- Château d'eau de Boynton Beach
- Cowboys Stadium (2009)
- DeFazio Pedestrian Bridge (1999)
- Des Plaines River Valley Bridge (2007)
- Downers Grove Interchange East-North Ramp
- Downers Grove Interchange South-East Ramp
- Downers Grove Interchange South-West Ramp
- Drumanard Tunnel
- East Golf Cart Bridge
- Eastside Reservoir West Dam (1999)
- Electra (2008)
- Europa-by-the-Sea
- Finley Road Bridge
- George V. Voinovich Bridges (2016)
- Gilboa Dam (1926)
- Gramercy Green (2007)
- Grand Canyon Skywalk (2007)
- Hard Rock Hotel Parking Garage
- Hollywood & Highland Mall
- I-10 Purple Heart Memorial Bridge (2019)
- I-35W Saint Anthony Falls Bridge (2008)
- I-39 Kishwaukee River Bridges (1980)
- I-95 Androscoggin River Bridge (1955)
- Jamestown Verrazzano Bridge (1992)
- Kodak Theatre (2001)
- Las Vegas Monorail System (2004)
- Liberty University Tunnel (2014)
- Lower Screwtail Bridge (1998)
- Marina Blue (2007)
- Marlins Park (2012)
- Marriott's Grand Chateau (2016)
- McKenzie River Bridge (2003)
- Metropolis Las Vegas (2006)
- MGM Residence Tower A (2006)
- MGM Residence Tower B (2006)
- MGM Residence Tower C (2007)
- Mid-Bay Bridge (1993)
- Nancy Creek Tunnel (2005)
- North Avenue Bridge (2008)
- North Sixth Street Viaduct (2002)
- Ocean City Causeway Visitors Center Bridge (2013)
- One Bennett Park (2019)
- One World Trade Center (2014)
- Otay River Bridge (2007)
- Pacific Avenue Overcrossing (2001)
- Palace Tower (1998)
- Paris Hotel (1999)
- Pasadena City Hall (1927)
- Penobscot Narrows Bridge and Observatory (2006)
- Plymouth Avenue Bridge (1983)
- Pont Bolognesi (2002)
- Pont de Koror-Babeldaob (2002)
- Pont du Golden Gate (1937)
- Pont sur le La Plata
- Pont Talmadge (1991)
- Red Rock Casino, Resort and Spa (2006)
- Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel (2004)
- Réservoir LNG d'EcoElectrica (2000)
- Réservoir LNG de Point Fortin (No. 4) (2006)
- ReTRAC (2006)
- Rio Dam
- Rose Bowl Stadium (1922)
- Route 35 Victory Bridge (2005)
- Roy Inks Dam (1938)
- San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge (1969)
- Santa Monica Civic Center Parking Structure
- Seven Oaks Dam (1999)
- Sidney Lanier Bridge (2003)
- Silver Legacy Resort & Casino (1995)
- Skylink (2005)
- Slickrock Creek Retention Reservoir Dam (2002)
- SoHo Lofts (2006)
- South Coast Hotel, Casino, and Spa (2005)
- Stanley Hall (2004)
- Stewart Mountain Dam (1930)
- Sturgeon Pool Dam (1922)
- Susquehanna River Bridge (2007)
- The Bridge of Honor (2008)
- The Paramount (2002)
- Towers of Channelside (2007)
- Trent Street Bridge
- Trump International Hotel & Tower (2008)
- Venetian Resort Hotel & Casino (1999)
- Veterans' Glass City Skyway (2007)
- W Hotel Fort Lauderdale (2009)
- W Hotel Residences (2009)
- Wacker Drive Viaduct
- West Golf Cart Bridge
- West Point Dam
- Willow Island Locks and Dam (2016)
- Wiltern Center Parking Garage (1996)
- Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge (2008)
- Wynn Las Vegas (2005)
Espace logo réservé!
Cette fiche est en format standard pour l'instant. Avec un profil prémium il serait possible de montrer plus d'informations y compris évidemment le logo de l'entreprise.
Informations de contact

Relations à d'autres entreprises
Liens pertinents
Publications pertinentes
- DSI America opens new Monostrand Production Facility in Florida. Dans: DSI Info, n. 14 ( 2006- 2007), pp. 72.
- DSI Amerika eröffnet neues Monolitzenwerk in Florida. Dans: DSI Info, n. 14 ( 2006- 2007), pp. 72.
- DSI eröffnet neues Werk für Bergbauprodukte in Salt Lake City, USA. Zeitgleich mit der Ankunft des Olympischen Feuers für die Winterspiele 2002 eröffnete DSI ein neues Werk in Salt Lake City. Dans: DSI Info, n. 11 ( 2002- 2003), pp. 44.
- DSI opens new facility for mining products in Salt Lake City, USA. At the same time the Olympic Fire arrived for the 2002 Winter Games, DSI opened its new facility in Salt Lake City. Dans: DSI Info, n. 11 ( 2002- 2003), pp. 44.
- Expansion of Florida Monostrand Business. Dans: DSI Info, n. 15 ( 2007- 2008), pp. 64.
- Informations
sur cette fiche - Firm-ID
1008503 - Publié(e) le:
06.02.2008 - Modifié(e) le: