Sebastiano Serlio
Spallone, Roberta / Vitali, Marco (2019): Geometry, Modularity and Proportion in the Extraordinario Libro by Sebastiano Serlio: 50 Portals Between Regola and Licentia. Dans: Nexus Network Journal, v. 22, n. 1 (février 2019), pp. 139-167.
Frommel, Sabine: Sebastiano Serlio. architecte de la Renaissance. Gallimard, Paris (France), pp. 400.
Frommel, Sabine (2003): Sebastiano Serlio Architect. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (Royaume-Uni).
Frommel, Sabine (2000): Sebastiano Serlio Architetetto. Electa.
Rosenfeld, Myra Nan (1969): Sebastiano Serlio's Late Style in the Avery Library Version of the Sixth Book on Domestic Architecture. Dans: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, v. 28, n. 3 (octobre 1969), pp. 155-172.