Robert Le Ricolais
Langlois, Gilles-Antoine (2017): Un édifice majeur du XXe siècle menacé de disparition. Dans: Ædificare, v. 1, n. 2 ( 2017), pp. 205-234.
Vrontissi, M. (2016): The physical model in the structural studies of Robert Le Ricolais: "apparatus" or "hierogram". Présenté pendant: 3rd International Conference on Structures and Architecture Conference (ICSA2016), School of Architecture, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal (July 2016), pp. 1318-1326.
Motro, René (2007): Robert Le Ricolais (1894–1977) "Father of Spatial Structures". Dans: International Journal of Space Structures, v. 22, n. 4 (décembre 2007), pp. 233-238.
Tarczewski, Romuald (2017): Robert Le Ricolais and Lech Tomaszewski: little-known records of engineering inspiration. Présenté pendant: Interfaces: Architecture, Engineering, Science, Annual Meeting of the International Association of Shell & Spatial Structures (IASS), Hamburg, 25-27 September 2017.