Martin Wieland
Wieland, Martin / Wüthrich, Willy (2000): Couverture du Centre culturel et Palais des Congrès de Lucerne. Dans: Ingénieurs et architectes suisses, v. 126, n. 17 (6 septembre 2000).
Wieland, Martin (2001): Die unterschätzte Gefahr: erdbebensicheres Bauen ist dringend notwendig. Dans: TEC21, v. 127, n. 36 (7 septembre 2001).
Rau, A. Nagabhushana / Varma, Mahesh / Wieland, Martin (1990): Thoughts about technology transfer for development. Dans: IABSE Proceedings, v. 14 ( 1990).
Wieland, Martin / Wuethrich, Willy / Malla, Sujan (2000): The Congress Centre of Lucerne: Structural Engineering Challenges. Présenté pendant: IABSE Congress: Structural Engineering for Meeting Urban Transportation Challenges, Lucerne, Switzerland, 18-21 September 2000, pp. 273-280.
Wieland, Martin (2019): Models of Earthquake Ground Shaking Used in Seismic Design and Safety Checks of Large Dams. Dans: International Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 17, n. 4 (juin 2019), pp. 515-522.