Tunnels immergés: Litterature
Yang, Wen-Wu / Ozgur, Ozturk (2016): Advancement of Immersed Tunnel Construction Technologies in Sub-sea Crossings. Présenté pendant: IABSE Conference: Bridges and Structures Sustainability - Seeking Intelligent Solutions, Guangzhou, China, 8-11 May 2016, pp. 931-937.
Bowerman, Hugh / Pryer, John (1998): Advantages of British Bi-Steel in immersed tunnel construction. Présenté pendant: IABSE Colloquium: Tunnel structures, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1998, pp. 395.
Hakkaart, Chris / Nguyen, Nhut Quang (2003): Air pressure reducing shafts on immersed tunnels. Présenté pendant: IABSE Symposium: Structures for High-Speed Railway Transportation, Antwerp, Belgium, 27-29 August 2003, pp. 184-185.
Fundenberger, Jean-Paul (2003): Confortement de l'assise du tunnel immergé de Rostock (RFA). Dans: Travaux, n. 802 (novembre 2003), pp. 62-64.
Maréchal, F. / Faron, R. (1982): Construction des tunnels immergés. Dans: Travaux, n. 572 (décembre 1982), pp. 61-66.