Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - v. 29, n. 10 (octobre 2009)
Publié: | octobre 2009 |
Articles dans ce numéro
Auteur(s) | Titre | Page(s) |
Zhang, Jian / Tang, Yuchuan | Dimensional analysis of structures with translating and rocking foundations under near-fault ground motions | 1330-1346 |
Raychowdhury, Prishati | Effect of soil parameter uncertainty on seismic demand of low-rise steel buildings on dense silty sand | 1367-1378 |
Chen, Tsung-Chien / Lee, Ming-Hui / Wang, Huai-Min | Intelligent fuzzy weighted input estimation method for the multi-story buildings with unknown ground motion acceleration | 1379-1387 |
Strasser, Fleur O. / Bommer, Julian J. | Large-amplitude ground-motion recordings and their interpretations | 1305-1329 |
Stephenson, W. R. Bill / Benites, R. A. / Davenport, P. N. | Localised coherent response of the La Molina basin (Lima, Peru) to earthquakes, and future approaches suggested by Parkway basin (New Zealand) experience | 1347-1357 |
Gicev, V. / Trifunac, M. D. | Transient and permanent shear strains in a building excited by strong earthquake pulses | 1358-1366 |