Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport - v. 157, n. 1 (février 2004)
Publié: | février 2004 |
Articles dans ce numéro
Auteur(s) | Titre | Page(s) |
Rochard, B. P. / Schmid, F. | Benefits of lower-mass trains for high speed rail operations | 51-64 |
Briefing: Road congestion: how modal shift and planning could reduce it | 3-5 | |
Hall, P. | The Buchanan report: 40 years on | 7-14 |
Gunay, B. | An investigation of lane utilisation on Turkish highways | 43-49 |
Buchanan, M. | More or less traffic in towns? | 27-41 |
Bayliss, D. | Urban mobility worldwide—how does it look today? | 15-25 |