Magazine of Concrete Research - v. 20, n. 62 (mars 1968)
Publié: | mars 1968 |
Articles dans ce numéro
Auteur(s) | Titre | Page(s) |
Hawkins, N. M. | The bearing strength of concrete loaded through rigid plates | 31-40 |
Midgley, H. G. | The composition of alite (tricalcium silicate) in a Portland cement clinker | 41-44 |
Sawko, F. / Saha, G. P. | Fatigue of concrete and its effect upon prestressed concrete beams | 21-30 |
Prince, M. R. / Kemp, K. O. | A new approach to the yield criterion for isotropically reinforced concrete slabs | 13-20 |
Thompson, N. E. | A note on the difficulties of measuring the thermal conductivity of concrete | 45-49 |
Cassie, W. F. / Moffat, A. I. B. | Research notes: Interstitial pressure in concrete for dams | 55-56 |
Cassie, W. F. / Moksnes, J. / Uzomaka, O. J. | Research notes: Some fundamental properties of plastic concrete | 54-55 |
Brown, Colin B. / Szabo, Zoltan S. | A study of bond between steel and restrained expanding concrete | 3-12 |