Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan - 1984
Publié: | 1984 |
Articles dans ce numéro
Auteur(s) | Titre | Page(s) |
Yoshimura, Yoshinori / Sakamoto, Shoetsu | トンネル入口部における先行車の視感輝度: Brightness of a car passing through a tunnel entrance | 73-73 |
Nakajima, Kunio / Akimoto, Shigeo / Sakamoto, Shoetu / Doi, Isamu | 本州四国連絡橋因島大橋の照明設備: Road lighting installation of the Innoshima bridge | 109-109 |
Tsuchiyama, Masami / Tanaka, Yoshihiro / Yoshikawa, Kojiro / Tamaru, Syuji / Sudani, Syuji | 海峡部長大橋の照明計画: Road lighting on the bridge across the sea route | 108-108 |
Saito, Mitsuru | 省エネルギー化を計つた建物における照明設備その4: Lighting in the super energy efficient building Part IV | 97-98 |
Kaneda, Makoto / Itou, Yukiteru / Watanabe, Takashi / Nagatomo, Yoshirou / Hirata, Mitsugu | 阪神高速道路大阪湾岸線・港大橋の投光照明: Hanshin Expressway harbor bridge projection lighting | 110-110 |