Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics - v. 20, n. 7 (juillet 1991)
Publié: | juillet 1991 |
Articles dans ce numéro
Auteur(s) | Titre | Page(s) |
Jing, Hung-Sying / Young, Mindhu | Impact interactions between two vibration systems under random excitation | 667-681 |
Singh, M. P. / Maldonado, G. O. | An improved response spectrum method for calculating seismic design response. Part 1: Classically damped structures | 621-635 |
Maldonado, G. O. / Singh, M. P. | An improved response spectrum method for calculating seismic design response. Part 2: Non-classically damped structures | 637-649 |
Meek, Jethro W. / Wolf, John P. | Insights on cutoff frequency for foundation on soil layer | 651-665 |
Bismarck-Nasr, Maher N. / De Marmo Oliveira, A. | On enhancement of accuracy in direct integration dynamic response problems | 699-703 |
Matsui, Kunihito / Iura, Masashi / Sasaki, Toshimi / Kosaka, Iku | Periodic response of a rigid block resting on a footing subjected to harmonic excitation | 683-697 |
Siller, Thomas J. / Christiano, Paul P. / Bielak, Jacobo | Seismic response of tied-back retaining walls | 605-620 |