Concrete Journal (JCI) - v. 29, n. 6 (1991)
Publié: | 1991 |
Articles dans ce numéro
Auteur(s) | Titre | Page(s) |
Ogawa, N. / Matsuzawa, K. / Takeya, K. / Komai, K. | バングラデシュ・メグナ橋の建設 (Meghna Bridge Construction in Bangladesh) | 46-55 |
Ikeda, Shoji | 土木分野における合成構造・複合構造の現状 (Composite Structures and Hybrid Structures in Civil Engineering Field) | 4-12 |
Hirose, M. / Kiyohara, J. / Maeda, Y. / Sakai, Y. | 軟弱地盤着底式防波堤の設計と施工 (Development of a New Type of Dike (Breakwater) Directly Settling on Soft Ground without Soil Improvement) | 35-45 |
Tanigawa, Yasuo / Fukugawa, Yoshiaki | 鉄筋コンクリート造建物外壁の劣化診断と補修 (Diagnostics and Repair Methods for Deterioration of External Walls of Reinforced Concrete Buildings) | 13-21 |
Sugahara, S. / Mayama, S. | 高低差170mを二重ループで克服 (Challenge to High Elevation Gap (170 meters) by Double Loops Structure) | 22-34 |