Concrete Journal (JCI) - v. 32, n. 5 (1994)
Publié: | 1994 |
Articles dans ce numéro
Auteur(s) | Titre | Page(s) |
Yoneda, Masahiro | PC斜張橋ケーブルの風による振動とその対策 (Wind-induced Cable Vibrations and Countermeasures of Cables of PC Cable-stayed Bridge) | 23-30 |
Maekawa, Koichi / Hasegawa, Toshiaki | コンクリート構成則の研究動向と課題 (The State-of-the-Art on Constitutive Laws of Concrete) | 13-22 |
Nakata, Shinsuke | プレキャスト鉄筋コンクリート構造の現状 (Present Situation of Precast Reinforced Concrete Structures) | 5-12 |
Fujihara, Y. / Kamioka, M. / Housido, T. | 中筋川ダムの景観設計 (Civic Design in Nakasujigawa Dam Project) | 31-40 |
Sekiguchi, T. / Sasai, Y. / Ishizuka, T. | 塩害を受けたRC床版の劣化度調査と保全工事 (Chloride Corrosion on RC Slabs and Rehabilitation Works) | 41-49 |
Tsuchiya, Y. / Mimura, K. / Arai, H. / Nagai, A. | 首都高速湾岸線東扇島高架橋 (仮称) の施工 (Construction of the Higashi-Ohgishima Viaduct (tentative name) on the Metropolitan Expressway Bay-shore Route) | 50-56 |