Building Services Engineering Research and Technology - v. 31, n. 2 (avril 2010)
Publié: | avril 2010 |
Articles dans ce numéro
Auteur(s) | Titre | Page(s) |
Raslan, R. / Davies, M. | An analysis of industry capability for the implementation of a software-based compliance approach for the UK Building Regulations 2006 | 141-162 |
Kalamees, T. / Kurnitski, J. / Jokisalo, J. / Eskola, L. / Jokiranta, K. / Vinha, J. | Measured and simulated air pressure conditions in Finnish residential buildings | 177-190 |
Mak, CM / Leung, WK / Jiang, GS | Measurement and prediction of road traffic noise at different building floor levels in Hong Kong | 131-139 |
Sun, Yongjun / Wang, Shengwei / Huang, Gongsheng | Model-based optimal start control strategy for multi-chiller plants in commercial buildings | 113-129 |
Mui, Kwok Wai / Wong, Ling Tim | Scoping indoor airborne fungi in an excellent indoor air quality office building in Hong Kong | 191-199 |
Tsui, A. / Spearpoint, MJ | Variability of sprinkler response time index and conduction factor using the plunge test | 163-176 |