The Wave - Footbridge over Numedalslaagen

Auteur(s): |
Arne Eggen
Knut Gjerding-Smith |
Médium: | papier de conférence |
Langue(s): | anglais |
Conférence: | Footbridge 2014 - Past, Present & Future, London, 16-18 July 2014 |
Publié dans: | Footbridge 2014 - Past, Present & Future |
Année: | 2014 |
Abstrait: |
The project is a new footbridge crossing the river Numedalslaagen. The bridge connects the eastern and western parts of the town of Kongsberg in Norway, some 80 kilometres southwest of Oslo, and provides the main link of the overall pedestrian and bicycle road network there. The objective was to construct an aesthetically pleasing timber bridge in the river landscape. Emphasis was placed on finding a cost-effective solution based on a spatial truss construction in laminated wood where pedestrians cross the bridge inside the construction. The bridge runs in a straight line on the horizontal plane, following gentle curves in the vertical plane at a moderate gradient of 1: 17, thus creating elegant lines of movement in the landscape and simultaneously offering a fine experience for pedestrians. This is, after all, the very nature of the terrain in Norway. |
Mots-clé: |
esthétique design passerelle ossature tridimensionnelle
License: | Cette oeuvre est soumis au droits d'auteurs. Le(s) détenteur(s) des droits permet(tent) l'utilisation la visualistion et le téléchargement de cette oeuvre. La retransmission ou la publication nécessite la permission des détenteurs des droits. |
Ouvrages et projets
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sur cette fiche - Reference-ID
10070891 - Publié(e) le:
09.12.2014 - Modifié(e) le: