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Integral VFT-RS composite bridges - Efficient standard highway overpasses

 Integral VFT-RS composite bridges - Efficient standard highway overpasses
Auteur(s): , , ,
Présenté pendant IABSE Symposium: Challenges for Existing and Oncoming Structures, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-27 May 2022, publié dans , pp. 1013-1020
DOI: 10.2749/prague.2022.1013
Prix: € 25,00 incl. TVA pour document PDF  
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Starting from Germany, the VFT® bridge girder technology (prefabricated composite beam) has spread in several European countries in the last decades as further development of the standard steel-con...
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Détails bibliographiques

Auteur(s): (ArcelorMittal, Esch-sur-Alzette, G.D. of Luxemburg)
(ArcelorMittal, Esch-sur-Alzette, G.D. of Luxemburg)
(FH Potsdam, University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam, Germany)
(University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany)
Médium: papier de conférence
Langue(s): anglais
Conférence: IABSE Symposium: Challenges for Existing and Oncoming Structures, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-27 May 2022
Publié dans:
Page(s): 1013-1020 Nombre total de pages (du PDF): 8
Page(s): 1013-1020
Nombre total de pages (du PDF): 8
DOI: 10.2749/prague.2022.1013

Starting from Germany, the VFT® bridge girder technology (prefabricated composite beam) has spread in several European countries in the last decades as further development of the standard steel-concrete composite solution. Its configuration fits perfectly to integral frame bridges built over existing infrastructure with the scope to minimize the traffic disturbance. In this paper a further development with the focus on cost efficiency in span ranges of 40-55 m is proposed: the VFT-RS technology. The change consists in using standard rolled sections by adapting them into the integral frame bridge configuration, further enhancing the structural efficiency with the benefits of high- steel strength. The constructive details to achieve the polygonal form have been studied to allow easy fabrication and a maximal clearance height over highway traffic lanes. The VFT-RS solution is conceived as the economic option of standard highway overpasses, with the aim of an overall construction cost reduction of 5%.

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