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Durability Features of the Vimy Memorial Bridge

 Durability Features of the Vimy Memorial Bridge
Auteur(s): , , , ,
Présenté pendant IABSE Conference: Structural Engineering: Providing Solutions to Global Challenges, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2015, publié dans , pp. 66-74
DOI: 10.2749/222137815818356945
Prix: € 25,00 incl. TVA pour document PDF  
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The Vimy Memorial Bridge is a new structure crossing the Rideau River in Ottawa, Canada. The Rideau River at the bridge location is part of the Rideau Canal System, a recognized National Historic S...
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Détails bibliographiques

Auteur(s): (Parsons, Ottawa, ON, Canada)
(Parsons, Ottawa, ON, Canada)
(Parsons, Ottawa, ON, Canada)
(Parsons, Ottawa, ON, Canada)
(Parsons, Ottawa, ON, Canada)
Médium: papier de conférence
Langue(s): anglais
Conférence: IABSE Conference: Structural Engineering: Providing Solutions to Global Challenges, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2015
Publié dans:
Page(s): 66-74 Nombre total de pages (du PDF): 9
Page(s): 66-74
Nombre total de pages (du PDF): 9
Année: 2015
DOI: 10.2749/222137815818356945

The Vimy Memorial Bridge is a new structure crossing the Rideau River in Ottawa, Canada. The Rideau River at the bridge location is part of the Rideau Canal System, a recognized National Historic Site in Canada and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. An overhead structure, comprised of steel tubular triple arches, that spans the entire waterway with a 125m main span, exceeded the imposed design requirements and resulted in an iconic gateway structure. The bridge design incorporated several durability features to achieve the 100-year design life and to minimize future works to the bridge at this nationally significant site.

pont durabilité suspentes arc

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