Assessment of Running Pedestrian Induced Vibrations on a Stress-Ribbon Footbridge

Auteur(s): |
Elsa Caetano
Álvaro Cunha Luís Câncio Martins |
Médium: | papier de conférence |
Langue(s): | anglais |
Conférence: | 4th International Conference Footbridge 2011, Wroclaw, Poland, 6-8 July 2011 |
Publié dans: | Footbridge 2011 |
Année: | 2011 |
Abstrait: | The paper presents a numerical and experimental assessment of the dynamic effects induced by pedestrians on a stress-ribbon footbridge built in the Portuguese city of Benavente. As a characteristic of this typology, the bridge displays a lively behaviour and is particularly vulnerable to the excitation induced by running and jogging pedestrians. The present investigation aims at verifying the conservativeness of existing load models on the basis of an experiment in which both the pedestrian action and the footbridge response are characterised. |
License: | Cette oeuvre est soumis au droits d'auteurs. Le(s) détenteur(s) des droits permet(tent) l'utilisation la visualistion et le téléchargement de cette oeuvre. La retransmission ou la publication nécessite la permission des détenteurs des droits. |
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