Zhang, Siyuan / Zhu, Bin / Shao, Zhuyu / Lu, Gaoming / Cong, Haiyong (2025): Experimental and theoretical studies on the heat extraction and smoke transportation via a board-coupled ceiling extraction system in tunnel fires. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 157 (mars 2025).
Zhu, Bin / Cong, Haiyong / Shao, Zhuyu / Hu, Hairuo / Ye, Lili / Bi, Yubo / Zeng, Yiping (2025): Numerical studies on the synergistic effects of smoke extraction and control performance by mechanical ventilation shafts during tunnel fires. Dans: Underground Space, v. 21 (avril 2025).
Hu, Jing / Mo, Pin-Qiang / Li, Xu-Ping / Gao, Liu / Zhu, Bin / Li, Rui-Lin (2024): The angle of repose and base stress distribution of granular piles: An experimental investigation. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 448 (octobre 2024).
Li, Junchao / Guan, Longhua / Wang, Yubing / Zhu, Bin / Chen, Yunmin (2024): Centrifuge modelling on seismic failure of MSW landfills with high water level. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 182 (juillet 2024).
Yang, Yumin / Jiang, Nan / Zhou, Chuanbo / Meng, Xianzhong / Zhu, Bin / Cai, Zhongwei (2024): Damage analysis and safety control of surrounding rock around peripheral hole of diversion tunnel. Dans: Engineering Failure Analysis, v. 160 (juin 2024).
Zhao, Ke / Jiang, Nan / Zhou, Chuanbo / Li, Haibo / Cai, Zhongwei / Zhu, Bin (2022): Dynamic behavior and failure of buried gas pipeline considering the pipe connection form subjected to blasting seismic waves. Dans: Thin-Walled Structures, v. 170 (janvier 2022).
Huang, Xieping / Yue, Yansong / Zhu, Bin / Chen, Yunmin (2024): Failure analysis of underground concrete silo under near-field soil explosion. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 147 (mai 2024).
Zhu, Bin / Cong, Haiyong / Yu, Binshan / Shao, Zhuyu / Ye, Lili / Bi, Yubo / Zeng, Yiping (2024): Experimental study on the performance of synergistic ventilation system combining shaft with mechanical ventilation in extra-long road tunnels. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 147 (mai 2024).
Ren, Yuhao / Qu, Shuai / Yang, Jianjin / Li, Qiuyi / Zhu, Bin / Zhai, Wanming / Zhu, Shengyang (2023): An efficient three-dimensional dynamic stiffness-based model for predicting subway train-induced building vibrations. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 76 (octobre 2023).
Wang, Yubing / Zhang, Zhongchang / Wu, Xiaofeng / Zhu, Bin (2023): Centrifuge tests for seismic response of single pile foundation supported wind turbines in sand influenced by earthquake history. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, v. 22, n. 3 (mai 2023).
Zhu, Bin / Zhang, Jing / Zeng, Xian-bin (2023): Analysis of internal erosion in granular soil during deep excavation with a Water-Inrush incident in a covered karst area. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 132 (février 2023).
Zhao, Huatian / Shi, Gang / Li, Shuailing / Zhang, Naizhou / Zhuang, Shanxiang / Zhu, Bin (2023): Experimental and numerical study of undersized shear panel dampers with bolted connections. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 280 (avril 2023).
Zhu, Bin / Zhou, Chuanbo / Jiang, Nan (2023): Dynamic characteristics and safety control of mortar bolts under tunnel blasting vibration loads. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 135 (mai 2023).
Li, Zhihui / Guo, Zhan / Xing, Zhiquan / Chen, Yu / Chen, Long / Zhu, Bin (2022): Progressive collapse performance of beam-column joint with WUF-B-RW connection after high temperature. Dans: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 199 (décembre 2022).
Zhu, Bin / Jiang, Nan / Zhou, Chuanbo / Luo, Xuedong / Li, Haibo / Chang, Xiong / Xia, Yuqing (2022): Dynamic interaction of the pipe-soil subject to underground blasting excavation vibration in an urban soil-rock stratum. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 129 (novembre 2022).
Jiang, Nan / Jia, Yongsheng / Yao, Yingkang / Sun, Jinshan / Zhu, Bin / Wu, Tingyao (2021): Experimental investigation on the influence of tunnel crossing blast vibration on upper gas pipeline. Dans: Engineering Failure Analysis, v. 127 (septembre 2021).
Xue, Weichen / Hu, Xinyu / Dai, Lingjie / Zhu, Bin (2022): Cyclic behavior of semi-rigid precast concrete beam-to-column subassemblages with rapid assembly connections. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 46 (avril 2022).
Yue, Feng / Jaisee, Sujit / Zhu, Bin / Ooi, Yi Hao (2021): Experimental Study on Friction Seismic Sway Bracings for Seismic Protection of Building Nonstructural Components. Dans: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 26, n. 14 (novembre 2021).
Zhu, Bin / Feng, Lingyun / Kong, Deqiong (2019): Modeling Cyclic Embedment of Deep-Water Pipelines Using Large Displacement Limit Analysis. Dans: International Journal of Geomechanics, v. 19, n. 6 (juin 2019).
Chen, Ren-Peng / Sun, Yong-xin / Zhu, Bin / Guo, Wei Dong (2015): Lateral cyclic pile–soil interaction studies on a rigid model monopile. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering, v. 168, n. 2 (avril 2015).
Zhu, Bin / Ying, Panpan / Zhu, Zhoujie / Lin, Weian / Kong, Deqiong (2021): Centrifuge modelling of lateral cyclic behaviour of a tetrapod piled jacket in soft clay. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering, v. 174, n. 1 (février 2021).
Zhu, Bin / Dai, Jialin / Kong, Deqiong (2020): Assess the effects of loading rate and interface roughness on T-bar penetration resistance. Dans: Soils and Foundations, v. 60, n. 1 (février 2020).
Zhu, Bin / Wu, Xiaofeng / Wang, Yubing / Chen, Yunmin (2020): Centrifuge Modeling for Seismic Response of Fixed-End Model Piles Considering Local Scour. Dans: Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, v. 146, n. 6 (novembre 2020).
Zhu, Bin / Kou, Weifeng / Li, Haibin / Li, Ge (2016): Finite Element Analysis for Bearing Capacity of Prefabricated Arch Culverts. Dans: The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, v. 10, n. 1 (décembre 2016).
Wang, Lu-Jun / Zhu, Bin / Chen, Yun-Min / Chen, Ren-Peng / Shi, X. S. (2019): Precise Model for Predicting Excess Pore-Water Pressure of Layered Soils Induced by Thermal-Mechanical Loads. Dans: Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), v. 145, n. 1 (janvier 2019).
Zhu, Bin / Kou, Weifeng / Xi, Jiami / Shen, Yanjun (2016): Numerical Simulation Research of Construction Method for Shallow Buried Large Section Tunnel. Dans: The Open Civil Engineering Journal, v. 10, n. 1 (décembre 2016).
Zhu, Bin / Chen, Ren-Peng / Chen, Yun-Min / Zhang, Zhe-hang (2012): Impact Model Tests and Simplified Analysis for Flexible Pile-Supported Protective Structures Withstanding Vessel Collisions. Dans: Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, v. 138, n. 2 (mars 2012).
Zhu, Bin / Zhu, Zhou-jie / Li, Tao / Liu, Jin-chao / Liu, Yan-feng (2017): Field Tests of Offshore Driven Piles Subjected to Lateral Monotonic and Cyclic Loads in Soft Clay. Dans: Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, v. 143, n. 5 (septembre 2017).
Pei, Huafu / Pang, Cuijuan / Zhu, Bin / Li, Zongjin (2017): Magnetostrictive strain monitoring of cement-based magnetoelectric composites in a variable magnetic field by fiber Bragg grating. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 149 (septembre 2017).
Ma, Yanhong / Scarpa, Fabrizio / Zhang, Dayi / Zhu, Bin / Chen, Lulu / Hong, Jie (2013): A nonlinear auxetic structural vibration damper with metal rubber particles. Dans: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 22, n. 8 (août 2013).