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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Liang, Ci / Ghazel, Mohamed / Ci, Yusheng / Zheng, Wei (2024): Analyzing Rear-End Collision Risk Relevant to Autonomous Vehicles by Using a Humanlike Brake Model. Dans: Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, v. 150, n. 7 (juillet 2024).


  2. Zheng, Wei / Shen, Geoffrey / Wang, Hao / Lombardi, Patrizia (2015): Critical issues in spatial distribution of public housing estates and their implications on urban renewal in Hong Kong. Dans: Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, v. 4, n. 2 (septembre 2015).


  3. Peng, Yunyan / Wang, Cong / Zhang, Xiaochun / Zheng, Wei / Yu, Youming (2024): Inorganic-accelerated aging method: An efficient and simple strategy to obtain antique Chinese fir wood for the restoration of ancient wooden architecture. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 84 (mai 2024).


  4. Ling, Zhibin / Li, Zheng / Lu, Fan / Yang, Huifeng / Zheng, Wei / Zhang, Lingfeng (2023): Flexural strengthening of timber-concrete composite beams using mechanically fastened and externally bonded combining mechanically fastened strengthening techniques. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 78 (novembre 2023).


  5. Dong, Li / Zheng, Wei / Zhou, Aiping / Wang, Zhiqiang / Zhang, Lingyun / Ling, Zhibin / Wang, Jian (2023): Experimental investigation of the lumber-plybamboo-lumber screwed connections used in midply shear walls. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 370 (mars 2023).


  6. Xue, Quan / Zhang, Liwei / Mei, Kaiyuan / Li, Xiaochun / Newell, Pania / Wang, Yan / Cheng, Xiaowei / Zheng, Wei (2022): CO2-induced evolution of chemical, structural and mechanical properties of reinforced concrete: A review. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 353 (octobre 2022).


  7. Zhou, Wanmei / Dong, Xueming / He, Yang / Zheng, Wei / Leng, Jinsong (2022): In-vitro and in-vivo studies of 4D printed shape memory scaffolds with bioactive fillers and coating for enhanced bone tissue regeneration. Dans: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 31, n. 10 (30 août 2022).


  8. Song, Yang / Cao, Huajun / Zheng, Wei / Qu, Da / Liu, Lei / Yan, Chunping (2022): Cutting Force Modeling of Machining Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Composites: A Review. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 299 (novembre 2022).


  9. Zheng, Wei (2013): Fire Safety Design of Indoor Pedestrian Streets of Large Commercial Building. Dans: Procedia Engineering, v. 52 ( 2013).


  10. Ma, Jinfeng / Zhu, Jianing / Bai, Guoliang / Zheng, Wei (2021): Experimental study on anchorage performance of steel bar-corrugated pipe grouted connection. Dans: Structures, v. 34 (décembre 2021).


  11. Lin, Jianqing / Dong, Yuli / Duan, Jintao / Zhang, Dashan / Zheng, Wei (2021): Experiment on single-tunnel fire in concrete immersed tunnels. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 116 (octobre 2021).


  12. He, Yi / Liu, Xiao-Hui / Zhang, Hong-liang / Zheng, Wei / Zhao, Fu-Yun / Schnabel, Marc Aurel / Mei, Yi (2021): Hybrid framework for rapid evaluation of wind environment around buildings through parametric design, CFD simulation, image processing and machine learning. Dans: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 73 (octobre 2021).


  13. Shao, Zhenyu / Jiang, Xinggang / Geng, Daxi / Liu, Yihang / Zhou, Zehua / Li, Shaomin / Zhang, Deyuan / Zheng, Wei (2021): The interface temperature and its influence on surface integrity in ultrasonic-assisted drilling of CFRP/Ti stacks. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 266 (juin 2021).


  14. Duan, Jintao / Dong, Yuli / Xiao, Jianzhuang / Zhang, Dashan / Zheng, Wei / Zhang, Shengyao (2021): A large-scale fire test of an immersed tunnel under the protection of fire resistive coating. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 111 (mai 2021).


  15. Wang, Jun / Cai, Yuanqiang / Fu, Hongtao / Hu, Xiuqing / Cai, Ying / Lin, Haizhi / Zheng, Wei (2018): Experimental study on a dredged fill ground improved by a two-stage vacuum preloading method. Dans: Soils and Foundations, v. 58, n. 3 (juin 2018).


  16. Yuan, Xin / Zheng, Wei / Zhu, Chaoyu / Tang, Baijian (2020): Fatigue performance and life prediction of CFRP plate in the RC bridge roof reinforcement. Dans: Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, v. 17, n. 2 ( 2020).


  17. Yuan, Xin / Zhang, Yuye / Zhu, Chaoyu / Zheng, Wei / Tang, Baijian (2019): Interfacial bond-slip relationship between Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Plate and Concrete after High Temperature of Asphalt Paving Construction. Dans: Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, v. 16, n. 9 ( 2019).


  18. Zheng, Wei / Li, Yue / Zhou, Yu / Zhu, Yixin / Lu, Weidong / Liu, Weiqing / Wang, Hongli (2020): Experimental investigation on the behavior of plybamboo sheathing-to-framing screwed connections. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 262 (novembre 2020).


  19. Yuan, Xin / Zhu, Chaoyu / Zheng, Wei / Tang, Baijian (2019): Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Strengthened Concrete Beam after High-Temperature Action of Asphalt Paving Construction. Dans: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2019 ( 2019).


  20. Tao, Kai / Zheng, Wei (2020): An anthropomorphic fuzzy model for the time-spatial assessment of sandstone seepage damage. Dans: Automation in Construction, v. 109 (janvier 2020).


  21. Dong, Weiqun / Wang, Zhiqiang / Zhou, Jianhui / Zhang, Hao / Yao, Yue / Zheng, Wei / Gong, Meng / Shi, Xinyi (2020): Embedment strength of smooth dowel-type fasteners in cross-laminated timber. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 233 (février 2020).


  22. Zheng, Wei / Shih, Hui-Ru / Lozano, Karen / Mo, Yi-Lung (2011): Impact of Nanotechnology on Future Civil Engineering Practice and Its Reflection in Current Civil Engineering Education. Dans: Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, v. 137, n. 3 (juillet 2011).


  23. Zheng, Wei / Lu, Weidong / Liu, Weiqing / Wang, Lu / Ling, Zhibin (2015): Experimental investigation of laterally loaded double-shear-nail connections used in midply wood shear walls. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 101 (décembre 2015).


  24. Xuan, Dongxing / Zhan, Baojian / Poon, Chi Sun / Zheng, Wei (2016): Carbon dioxide sequestration of concrete slurry waste and its valorisation in construction products. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 113 (juin 2016).


  25. Zheng, Wei / Yu, Yi (2013): Bayesian Probabilistic Framework for Damage Identification of Steel Truss Bridges under Joint Uncertainties. Dans: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2013 ( 2013).


  26. Qian, Feng / Zheng, Wei (2017): An evolutionary nested sampling algorithm for Bayesian model updating and model selection using modal measurement. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 140 (juin 2017).


  27. Pincheira, José A. / Oliva, Michael C. / Zheng, Wei (2005): Behavior of Double-Tee Flange Connectors Subjected to In-Plane Monotonic and Reversed Cyclic Loads. Dans: PCI Journal, v. 50, n. 6 (novembre 2005).


  28. Zheng, Wei / Shen, Jinlei (2016): Adjustable hybrid resampling approach to computationally efficient probabilistic inference of structural damage based on vibration measurements. Dans: Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, v. 6, n. 1 (février 2016).


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