In-Hwan Yeo
- 공동주택 세대내 경량벽체 내화 및 차음 성능기준 설정 (A Study on the Fire Resistance and Sound Insulation Performance of Apartment House Interior Finish Wall Lightweight Drywall). Dans: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 14, n. 2 (avril 2014). (2014):
- Improvement of Standards on Fire Safety Performance of Externally Insulated High-Rise Buildings: Focusing on the Case in Korea. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 35 (mars 2021). (2021):
- Continuous Real-Time Hybrid Simulation Method for Structures Subject to Fire. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 145, n. 12 (décembre 2019). (2019):