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Zhang, Chuan / Yan, Qixiang / Liao, Xiaolong / Qiu, Yunhui / Zhang, Yifeng / Wang, Ping: Deep hybrid neural network-aided electromechanical impedance method for automated damage detection of lining concrete under freeze-thaw cycling. Dans: Structural Health Monitoring.
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Zhang, Chuan / Panda, Guru Prasad / Yan, Qixiang / Zhang, Weilie / Vipulanandan, Cumaraswamy / Song, Gangbing (2020): Monitoring early-age hydration and setting of portland cement paste by piezoelectric transducers via electromechanical impedance method. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 258 (octobre 2020).
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Zhang, Junchen / Yan, Qixiang / Sun, Minghui / Li, Binjia / Chen, Wenyu / Chen, Hang (2021): Experimental study on the vibration damping of two parallel shield tunnels connected by an assembled transverse passage. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 107 (janvier 2021).
Yan, Qixiang / Zhang, Juchen / Chen, Wenyu / Yao, Chaofan / Yang, Wenbo / Chen, Hang / Liu, Xirui (2020): Analysis on the Dynamic Responses of an Overlapped Circular Shield Tunnel under the Different Vibration Loads. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 24, n. 10 (juillet 2020).
Yao, Chaofan / Yan, Qixiang / Sun, Minghui / Zhang, Junchen / He, Chuan (2020): Analysis of a novel subway station structure to mitigate damages induced by normal faulting. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 136 (septembre 2020).
Yan, Qixiang / Zhang, Junchen / Chen, Wenyu / Ma, Longxiang / Wu, Cong / Zhang, Wen (2019): Dynamic Characteristics of Intersection Structure consisting of Twin Shield Tunnels and a Transverse Passage. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 23, n. 11 (octobre 2019).
Yan, Qixiang / Wu, Wang / Zhang, Chuan / Ma, Shuqi / Li, Yuanping (2019): Monitoring and Evaluation of Artificial Ground Freezing in Metro Tunnel Construction-A Case Study. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 23, n. 5 (mars 2019).
Yang, Wenbo / Zhang, Chengping / Liu, Dexiong / Tu, Jiulin / Yan, Qixiang / Fang, Yong / He, Chuan (2019): The effect of cross-sectional shape on the dynamic response of tunnels under train induced vibration loads. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 90 (août 2019).
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Chen, Jiang / Zheng, Junli / Xiong, Feng / Ge, Qi / Yan, Qixiang / Cheng, Fei (2018): Experimental investigation of leak detection using mobile distributed monitoring system. Dans: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 27, n. 1 (janvier 2018).
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