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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Xiao, Liangli / Zhu, Liyuan / Jiang, Sijie / Xu, Chengxiang: Optimizing seismic performance in RC short‐leg shear walls: Numerical simulations of concealed bracing configurations and materials. Dans: Structural Concrete.


  2. Xiao, Liangli / Guo, Chenye / Chen, Yubiao / Xu, Chengxiang (2024): Bond of steel bars in S-PVA-HF concrete with different cooling methods after high-temperature exposure. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 95 (octobre 2024).


  3. Xiao, Liangli / Hu, Hongjing / Peng, Shuang / Du, Zhuang / Xu, Chengxiang (2023): Compression behavior of GFRP reinforced hybrid fibre reinforced concrete short columns subjected to eccentric loading. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 393 (août 2023).


  4. Xiao, Liangli / Shi, Yakun / Li, Yao / Xu, Chengxiang (2023): Seismic performance of L-shaped short-leg shear walls with different concealed support materials. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 171 (août 2023).


  5. Xiao, Liangli / Dai, Siyuan / Jin, Qingping / Peng, Shuang (2023): Bond performance of GFRP bars embedded in steel‐PVA hybrid fiber concrete subjected to repeated loading. Dans: Structural Concrete, v. 24, n. 1 (février 2023).


  6. Xiao, Liangli / Chen, Panhong / Huang, Jinsong / Peng, Shuang / Yang, Zhao (2022): Compressive behavior of reinforced steel-PVA hybrid fiber concrete short columns after high temperature exposure. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 342 (août 2022).


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