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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Shahsamandy, Ahmad Samir / Alae, Mohsen / Han, Libin / Bao, Kan / Xiao, Feipeng (2024): Temperature effect on the failure mechanism of fatigue life in rejuvenated RAP bitumen utilizing LAS method and PSE S-VECD model. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 451 (novembre 2024).


  2. Alae, Mohsen / Zhang, Zhitao / Xu, Ling / Shahsamandy, Ahmad Samir / Xiao, Feipeng (2024): Unveiling the composite rejuvenator efficacy on performance improvement of asphalt binder including high RAP contents. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 446 (octobre 2024).


  3. Xu, Ling / Li, Xianrui / Jiang, Fu / Yu, Xinyao / Wang, Jun / Xiao, Feipeng (2022): Thermosetting characteristics and performances of polyurethane material on airport thin-overlay. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 344 (août 2022).


  4. Zhao, Zifeng / Li, Jin / Xiao, Xin / Li, Ziliang / Xiao, Feipeng (2022): Statistical Analysis on Grading Characteristics between Dense and Stone Matrix Asphalt Mixtures. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 34, n. 8 (août 2022).


  5. Li, Shouke / Xiao, Feipeng / Li, Shouying / Hui, Yi / Yang, Qingshan / Li, Bixiong / Chen, Yuankun / Zhou, Shuai / Liu, Min (2022): Wind Loads on Solar Panels Mounted on Facade of High-Rise Residential Building. Dans: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 22, n. 3-4 ( 2022).


  6. Li, Jin / Chen, Zixuan / Xiao, Feipeng / Amirkhanian, Serji N. (2022): Solution Soaking Pretreatments of Crumb Rubber for Improving Compatibility of Rubberized Asphalt. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 34, n. 1 (janvier 2022).


  7. Koduru, Hari Krishan / Xiao, Feipeng / Amirkhanian, Serji N. / Juang, C. Hsein (2010): Using Fuzzy Logic and Expert System Approaches in Evaluating Flexible Pavement Distress: Case Study. Dans: Journal of Transportation Engineering, v. 136, n. 2 (février 2010).


  8. Zhao, Zifeng / Wang, Jiayu / Hou, Xiangdao / Xiang, Qian / Xiao, Feipeng (2021): Viscosity Prediction of Rubberized Asphalt–Rejuvenated Recycled Asphalt Pavement Binders Using Artificial Neural Network Approach. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 33, n. 5 (mai 2021).


  9. Li, Jin / Xiao, Feipeng / Amirkhanian, Serji N. (2020): Viscous-Elastic Characteristics of Plasma-Treated Rubberized Binders and Their Chemical Composition Influences. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 32, n. 11 (novembre 2020).


  10. Lin, Peng / Huang, Weidong / Tang, Naipeng / Xiao, Feipeng / Li, Yi (2018): Understanding the low temperature properties of Terminal Blend hybrid asphalt through chemical and thermal analysis methods. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 169 (avril 2018).


  11. Xiao, Feipeng / Wang, Tao / Hou, Xiangdao / Yuan, Jie / Jiang, Changshan / Luo, Yong (2020): Waterproof and Antiscour Properties of Asphalt-Based Composite Seals for Airfield Base Layer. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 32, n. 1 (janvier 2020).


  12. Li, Jin / Xiao, Feipeng / Amirkhanian, Serji N. (2019): Storage, fatigue and low temperature characteristics of plasma treated rubberized binders. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 209 (juin 2019).


  13. Xiao, Feipeng / Punith, V. S. / Putman, Bradley / Amirkhanian, Serji N. (2011): Utilization of Foaming Technology in Warm-Mix-Asphalt Mixtures Containing Moist Aggregates. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 23, n. 9 (septembre 2011).


  14. Kocevski, Saso / Yagneswaran, Sriram / Xiao, Feipeng / Punith, V. S. / Smith, Dennis W. / Amirkhanian, Serji (2012): Surface modified ground rubber tire by grafting acrylic acid for paving applications. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 34 (septembre 2012).


  15. Xiao, Feipeng / Hou, Xiangdao / Amirkhanian, Serji / Kim, Kwang W. (2016): Superpave evaluation of higher RAP contents using WMA technologies. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 112 (juin 2016).


  16. Yan, Chuanqi / Xiao, Feipeng / Huang, Weidong (2018): Short-Term Aging of High-Content SBSMA. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 30, n. 8 (août 2018).


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