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Laukkarinen, Anssi / Vinha, Juha (2024): Long-term prediction of hourly indoor air temperature using machine learning. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 325 (décembre 2024).
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Huttunen, Petteri / Vinha, Juha (2023): Dynamic water vapor sorption in wood-based fibrous materials and material parameter estimation. Dans: Journal of Building Physics, v. 46, n. 4 (janvier 2023).
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Lindberg, Taru / Kaasalainen, Tapio / Moisio, Malin / Mäkinen, Antti / Hedman, Markku / Vinha, Juha (2018): Potential of space zoning for energy efficiency through utilization efficiency. Dans: Advances in Building Energy Research, v. 14, n. 1 (août 2018).
Hilliaho, Kimmo / Lahdensivu, Jukka / Vinha, Juha (2015): Glazed space thermal simulation with IDA-ICE 4.61 software—Suitability analysis with case study. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 89 (février 2015).
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Kivioja, Henna / Vinha, Juha (2020): Hot-box measurements to investigate the internal convection of highly insulated loose-fill insulation roof structures. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 216 (juin 2020).
Vinha, Juha / Manelius, Elina / Korpi, Minna / Salminen, Kati / Kurnitski, Jarek / Kiviste, Mihkel / Laukkarinen, Anssi (2015): Airtightness of residential buildings in Finland. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 93 (novembre 2015).
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Kaasalainen, Tapio / Mäkinen, Antti / Lehtinen, Taru / Moisio, Malin / Vinha, Juha (2020): Architectural window design and energy efficiency: Impacts on heating, cooling and lighting needs in Finnish climates. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 27 (janvier 2020).
Ruuska, Tiina / Vinha, Juha / Kivioja, Henna (2017): Measuring thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity values of inhomogeneous materials with a heat flow meter apparatus. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 9 (janvier 2017).
Niemelä, Timo / Vinha, Juha / Lindberg, Ralf / Ruuska, Tiina / Laukkarinen, Anssi (2017): Carbon dioxide permeability of building materials and their impact on bedroom ventilation need. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 12 (juillet 2017).
Annila, Petri J. / Lahdensivu, Jukka / Suonketo, Jommi / Pentti, Matti / Vinha, Juha (2018): Need to repair moisture- and mould damage in different structures in finnish public buildings. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 16 (mars 2018).
Laukkarinen, Anssi / Kero, Paavo / Vinha, Juha (2018): Condensation at the exterior surface of windows. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 19 (septembre 2018).