Ruggieri, Sergio / Bruno, Gianluca / Attolico, Annunziata / Uva, Giuseppina (2024): Assessing the dredging vibrational effects on surrounding structures: The case of port nourishment in Bari. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 96 (novembre 2024).
Khalil, Mohammad / Ruggieri, Sergio / Tateo, Vito / Butenweg, Christoph / Nascimbene, Roberto / Uva, Giuseppina (2025): Assessment of the seismic overpressure in flat bottom steel silos based on advanced FE modelling approach. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 190 (mars 2025).
Di Mucci, Vincenzo Mario / Cardellicchio, Angelo / Ruggieri, Sergio / Nettis, Andrea / Renò, Vito / Uva, Giuseppina (2024): Artificial intelligence in structural health management of existing bridges. Dans: Automation in Construction, v. 167 (novembre 2024).
Nettis, Alessandro / Nettis, Andrea / Ruggieri, Sergio / Uva, Giuseppina (2024): Corrosion-induced fragility of existing prestressed concrete girder bridges under traffic loads. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 314 (septembre 2024).
Nettis, Alessandro / Nettis, Andrea / Ruggieri, Sergio / Uva, Giuseppina (2023): Fragility analysis of prestressed concrete girder bridges to traffic loads considering tendon corrosion. Dans: ce/papers, v. 6, n. 5 (septembre 2023).
Rainone, Luigi Salvatore / Tateo, Vito / Casolo, Siro / Uva, Giuseppina (2023): About the Use of Concrete Damage Plasticity for Modeling Masonry Post-Elastic Behavior. Dans: Buildings, v. 13, n. 8 (2 août 2023).
Martiradonna, Silvia / Ruggieri, Sergio / Fatiguso, Fabio / Uva, Giuseppina / Lombillo, Ignacio (2023): Energetic and Structural Retrofit of Existing RC Buildings through Precast Concrete Panels: Proposal of a New Technology and Explorative Performance Simulation. Dans: Journal of Architectural Engineering (ASCE), v. 29, n. 1 (mars 2023).
Cardellicchio, Angelo / Ruggieri, Sergio / Leggieri, Valeria / Uva, Giuseppina (2023): A machine learning framework to estimate a simple seismic vulnerability index from a photograph: the VULMA project. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 44 ( 2023).
Tosto, Chiara / Leggieri, Valeria / Ruggieri, Sergio / Uva, Giuseppina (2023): Investigation of architectural typological parameters influencing seismic vulnerability of masonry buildings in historical centres: the case of Puglia.. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 44 ( 2023).
Ruggieri, Sergio / Calò, Mirko / Cardellicchio, Angelo / Uva, Giuseppina (2022): Analytical-mechanical based framework for seismic overall fragility analysis of existing RC buildings in town compartments. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 20, n. 15 (6 octobre 2022).
Leggieri, Valeria / Mastrodonato, Giulia / Uva, Giuseppina (2022): GIS Multisource Data for the Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings at the Urban Scale. Dans: Buildings, v. 12, n. 5 (24 avril 2022).
Nettis, Andrea / Iacovazzo, Pietro / Raffaele, Domenico / Uva, Giuseppina / Adam, José M. (2022): Displacement-based seismic performance assessment of multi-span steel truss bridges. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 254 (mars 2022).
Leggieri, Valeria / Ruggieri, Sergio / Zagari, Giuseppe / Uva, Giuseppina (2021): Appraising seismic vulnerability of masonry aggregates through an automated mechanical-typological approach. Dans: Automation in Construction, v. 132 (décembre 2021).
Nettis, Andrea / Gentile, Roberto / Raffaele, Domenico / Uva, Giuseppina / Galasso, Carmine (2021): Cloud Capacity Spectrum Method: Accounting for record-to-record variability in fragility analysis using nonlinear static procedures. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 150 (novembre 2021).
Floris, Ignazio / Sangiorgio, Valentino / Adam, José M. / Uva, Giuseppina / Rapido, Monica / Calderón, Pedro A. / Madrigal, Javier (2021): Effects of bonding on the performance of optical fiber strain sensors. Dans: Structural Control and Health Monitoring, v. 28, n. 9 (3 août 2021).
Porco, Francesco / Uva, Giuseppina / Fiore, Andrea / Mezzina, Mauro (2014): Assessment of concrete degradation in existing structures: a practical procedure. Dans: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, v. 52, n. 4 (novembre 2014).
Ruggieri, Sergio / Uva, Giuseppina (2020): Accounting for the Spatial Variability of Seismic Motion in the Pushover Analysis of Regular and Irregular RC Buildings in the New Italian Building Code. Dans: Buildings, v. 10, n. 10 (24 septembre 2020).
Sangiorgio, Valentino / Uva, Giuseppina / Adam, José M. (2021): Integrated Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Historical Masonry Churches Including Architectural and Artistic Assets Based on Macro-element Approach. Dans: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 15, n. 11 (février 2021).
Uva, Giuseppina / Porco, Francesco / Fiore, Andrea / Mezzina, Mauro (2014): The assessment of structural concretes during construction phases. Dans: Structural Survey, v. 32, n. 3 (juillet 2014).
Raffaele, Domenico / Uva, Giuseppina / Porco, Francesco / Fiore, Andrea (2013): Buckling of Rectangular Isolated R.C. Columns: Closed-form Approximation for Interaction Domains. Dans: The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, v. 7, n. 1 (décembre 2013).
Del Vecchio, Ciro / Gentile, Roberto / Di Ludovico, Marco / Uva, Giuseppina / Pampanin, Stefano (2018): Implementation and Validation of the Simple Lateral Mechanism Analysis (SLaMA) for the Seismic Performance Assessment of a Damaged Case Study Building. Dans: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 24, n. 11 (mai 2018).
Gentile, Roberto / Pampanin, Stefano / Raffaele, Domenico / Uva, Giuseppina (2019): Analytical seismic assessment of RC dual wall/frame systems using SLaMA: Proposal and validation. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 188 (juin 2019).
Fiore, Andrea / Porco, Francesco / Uva, Giuseppina (2015): Effects of the yield and ultimate strengths of the equivalent strut models on the response of existing buildings with infill panels. Dans: International Journal of Structural Engineering, v. 6, n. 2 ( 2015).
Raffaele, Domenico / Uva, Giuseppina / Porco, Francesco / Fiore, Andrea / Mezzina, Mauro (2015): About the seismic return period: a simplified algorithm. Dans: International Journal of Structural Engineering, v. 6, n. 4 ( 2015).
Porco, Francesco / Porco, Giacinto / Uva, Giuseppina / Sangirardi, Marialuigia (2013): Experimental characterization of "non-engineered" masonry systems in a highly seismic prone area. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 48 (novembre 2013).
Casolo, Siro / Milani, Gabriele / Uva, Giuseppina / Alessandri, Claudio (2013): Comparative seismic vulnerability analysis on ten masonry towers in the coastal Po Valley in Italy. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 49 (avril 2013).
Casolo, Siro / Diana, Vito / Uva, Giuseppina (2016): Influence of soil deformability on the seismic response of a masonry tower. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 15, n. 5 (novembre 2016).
Uva, Giuseppina / Porco, Francesco / Fiore, Andrea / Ruggieri, Sergio (2018): Effects in Conventional Nonlinear Static Analysis: Evaluation of Control Node Position. Dans: Structures, v. 13 (février 2018).
Fiore, Alessandra / Foti, Dora / Monaco, Pietro / Raffaele, Domenico / Uva, Giuseppina (2013): An approximate solution for the rheological behavior of non-homogeneous structures changing the structural system during the construction process. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 46 (janvier 2013).
Porco, Francesco / Fiore, Andrea / Uva, Giuseppina / Raffaele, Domenico (2015): The influence of infilled panels in retrofitting interventions of existing reinforced concrete buildings: a case study. Dans: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 11, n. 2 (mai 2015).