S. Tsimas
- Rice husk ash (RHA) effectiveness in cement and concrete as a function of reactive silica and fineness. Dans: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 61-62 (juillet 2014). (2014):
- Improving the performance of ternary blended cements by mixing different types of fly ashes. Dans: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 37, n. 6 (juin 2007). (2007):
- Alternative calcium-sulfate-bearing materials as cement retarders: Part II. FGD gypsum. Dans: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 34, n. 11 (novembre 2004). (2004):
- Alternative calcium sulfate-bearing materials as cement retarders. Dans: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 34, n. 11 (novembre 2004). (2004):
- Activation of fly ash cementitious systems in the presence of quicklime. Dans: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 34, n. 5 (mai 2004). (2004):
- Activation of fly ash cementitious systems in the presence of quicklime. Part II: Nature of hydration products, porosity and microstructure development. Dans: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 36, n. 12 (décembre 2006). (2006):
- Influence of quicklime addition on the mechanical properties and hydration degree of blended cements containing different fly ashes. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 22, n. 6 (juin 2008). (2008):
- Low embodied energy cement containing untreated RHA: A strength development and durability study. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 49 (décembre 2013). (2013):
- A comparative study of the physicochemical properties of Mg-rich and Ca-rich quicklimes and their effect on reactivity. Dans: Materials and Structures, v. 48, n. 11 (novembre 2015). (2015):