Tounsi, Abdeldjebbar / Belabed, Zakaria / Bounouara, Fatima / Balubaid, Mohammed / Mahmoud, S. R. / Bousahla, Abdelmoumen Anis / Tounsi, Abdelouahed: A Finite Element Approach for Forced Dynamical Responses of Porous FG Nanocomposite Beams Resting on Viscoelastic Foundations. Dans: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics.
Saoula, Abdelkader / Benyamina, Abdelrahmane B. / Balubaid, Mohammed / Mahmoud, S. R. / Aljedani, Jabr / Algarni, Ali / Ramady, Ahmed / Meftah, Sid Ahmed / Tounsi, Abdelouahed: Instability of porous FGM rectangular hollow section (RHS) beam element in a thermal environment.. Dans: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics.
Al-Houri, Saeed / Al-Osta, Mohammed A. / Bourada, Fouad / Gawah, Qais / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Al-Dulaijan, Salah U.: Analysis of Porosity-Dependent Wave Propagation in FG-CNTRC Beams Utilizing an Integral Higher-Order Shear Deformation Theory. Dans: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics.
Zaitoun, Mohamad W. / Chikh, Abdelbaki / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Al-Osta, Mohammed A. / Sharif, Alfarabi / Al-Dulaijan, Salah U. / Al-Zahrani, Mesfer M. (2022): Influence of the visco-Pasternak foundation parameters on the buckling behavior of a sandwich functional graded ceramic–metal plate in a hygrothermal environment. Dans: Thin-Walled Structures, v. 170 (janvier 2022).
Shariati, Ali / Ghabussi, Aria / Habibi, Mostafa / Safarpour, Hamed / Safarpour, Mehran / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Safa, Maryam (2020): Extremely large oscillation and nonlinear frequency of a multi-scale hybrid disk resting on nonlinear elastic foundation. Dans: Thin-Walled Structures, v. 154 (septembre 2020).
Boucheta, Abderrahmane / Bouazza, Mokhtar / Becheri, Tawfiq / Eltaher, Mohamed A. / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Benseddiq, Noureddine (2024): Bending of Sandwich FGM Plates with a Homogeneous Core Either Hard or Soft Via a Refined Hyperbolic Shear Deformation Plate Theory. Dans: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, v. 48, n. 5 (avril 2024).
Gawah, Qais / Bourada, Fouad / Al-Osta, Mohammed A. / Tahir, Saeed I. / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Yaylacı, Murat (2024): An Improved First-Order Shear Deformation Theory for Wave Propagation Analysis in FG-CNTRC Beams Resting on a Viscoelastic Substrate. Dans: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 25, n. 1 (février 2024).
Tounsi, Abdeldjebbar / Bousahla, Abdelmoumen Anis / Tahir, Saeed I. / Mostefa, Adda Hadj / Bourada, Fouad / Al-Osta, Mohammed A. / Tounsi, Abdelouahed (2023): Influences of different boundary conditions and hygro-thermal environment on the free vibration responses of FGM sandwich plates resting on viscoelastic foundation. Dans: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 24, n. 11 (octobre 2023).
Meftah, Sid Ahmed / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Vinh, Pham Van (2022): Formulation of Two Nodes Finite Element Model for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of RHS Beams Accounting for Distortion and Shear Deformations. Dans: International Journal of Steel Structures, v. 22, n. 4 (25 juin 2022).
Beldjelili, Youcef / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Mahmoud, S. R. (2016): Hygro-thermo-mechanical bending of S-FGM plates resting on variable elastic foundations using a four-variable trigonometric plate theory. Dans: Smart Structures and Systems, v. 18, n. 4 (octobre 2016).
Mudhaffar, Ismail M. / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Chikh, Abdelbaki / Al-Osta, Mohammed A. / Al-Zahrani, Mesfer M. / Al-Dulaijan, Salah U. (2021): Hygro-thermo-mechanical bending behavior of advanced functionally graded ceramic metal plate resting on a viscoelastic foundation. Dans: Structures, v. 33 (octobre 2021).
Boukhari, Ahmed / Atmane, Hassen Ait / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Adda bedia, E. A. / Mahmoud, S. R. (2016): An efficient shear deformation theory for wave propagation of functionally graded material plates. Dans: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, v. 57, n. 5 (mars 2016).
Berrabah, H. M. / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Semmah, Abdelwahed / Adda bedia, E. A. (2013): Comparison of various refined nonlocal beam theories for bending, vibration and buckling analysis of nanobeams. Dans: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, v. 48, n. 3 (novembre 2013).
Ziane, Noureddine / Meftah, Sid Ahmed / Ruta, Giuseppe / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Bedia, El Abbas Adda (2015): Investigation of the Instability of FGM box beams. Dans: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, v. 54, n. 3 (mai 2015).
Zemri, Amine / Houari, Mohammed Sid Ahmed / Bousahla, Abdelmoumen Anis / Tounsi, Abdelouahed (2015): A mechanical response of functionally graded nanoscale beam: an assessment of a refined nonlocal shear deformation theory beam theory. Dans: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, v. 54, n. 4 (mai 2015).
Al-Furjan, M. S. H. / Habibi, Mostafa / Chen, Guojin / Safarpour, Hamed / Safarpour, Mehran / Tounsi, Abdelouahed (2020): Chaotic oscillation of a multi-scale hybrid nano-composites reinforced disk under harmonic excitation via GDQM. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 252 (novembre 2020).
Zidani, M'hamed Berrezoug / Belakhdar, Khalil / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Bedia, El Abbes Adda (2015): Finite element analysis of initially damaged beams repaired with FRP plates. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 134 (décembre 2015).
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Mouaici, Fethi / Benyoucef, Samir / Atmane, Hassen Ait / Tounsi, Abdelouahed (2016): Effect of porosity on vibrational characteristics of non-homogeneous plates using hyperbolic shear deformation theory. Dans: Wind & Structures, v. 22, n. 4 (avril 2016).
Abdelbari, Salima / Fekrar, Abdelkader / Heireche, Houari / Said, Hayat / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Adda bedia, E. A. (2016): An efficient and simple shear deformation theory for free vibration of functionally graded rectangular plates on Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundations. Dans: Wind & Structures, v. 22, n. 3 (mars 2016).
Meftah, Sid Ahmed / Tounsi, Abdelouahed (2007): Lateral stiffness and vibration characteristics of damaged RC coupled shear walls strengthened with thin composite plates. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 42, n. 10 (octobre 2007).
Touati, Mahmoud / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Benguediab, Mohamed (2015): Effect of shear deformation on adhesive stresses in plated concrete beams: Analytical solutions. Dans: Computers and Concrete, v. 15, n. 3 (mars 2015).
Bourada, Fouad / Amara, Khaled / Tounsi, Abdelouahed (2016): Buckling analysis of isotropic and orthotropic plates using a novel four variable refined plate theory. Dans: Steel and Composite Structures, v. 21, n. 6 ( 2016).
Atmane, Hassen Ait / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Bernard, Fabrice / Mahmoud, S. R. (2015): A computational shear displacement model for vibrational analysis of functionally graded beams with porosities. Dans: Steel and Composite Structures, v. 19, n. 2 (août 2015).
Attia, Amina / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Adda bedia, E. A. / Mahmoud, S. R. (2015): Free vibration analysis of functionally graded plates with temperature-dependent properties using various four variable refined plate theories. Dans: Steel and Composite Structures, v. 18, n. 1 (janvier 2015).
Chaht, Fouzia Larbi / Kaci, Abdelhakim / Houari, Mohammed Sid Ahmed / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Anwar Bég, O. / Mahmoud, S. R. (2015): Bending and buckling analyses of functionally graded material (FGM) size-dependent nanoscale beams including the thickness stretching effect. Dans: Steel and Composite Structures, v. 18, n. 2 (février 2015).
Djedid, I. Klouche / Benachour, Abdelkader / Houari, Mohammed Sid Ahmed / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Ameur, Mohammed (2014): A n-order four variable refined theory for bending and free vibration of functionally graded plates. Dans: Steel and Composite Structures, v. 17, n. 1 (juillet 2014).
Belakhdar, Khalil / Tounsi, Abdelouahed / Bedia, El Abbes Adda / Redha, Yeghnem (2011): Effect of tapered-end shape of FRP sheets on stress concentration in strengthened beams. Dans: Steel and Composite Structures, v. 11, n. 6 (novembre 2011).
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Krour, Baghdad / Bernard, Fabrice / Tounsi, Abdelouahed (2013): Fibers orientation optimization for concrete beam strengthened with a CFRP bonded plate: A coupled analytical–numerical investigation. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 56 (novembre 2013).