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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Qin, Jie / Tian, Meng / Xu, Xuesong / Yuan, Lei (2025): Mapping high-resolution spatio-temporal patterns of pedestrian thermal comfort at different scales using street view imagery and deep learning. Dans: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 121 (mars 2025).


  2. Zhou, Shijie / Tian, Meng / Xu, Xuesong / Yuan, Lei (2024): Rethinking residential building design in high-density cities for enhancing pandemic resilience: Balancing importance and practicality. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 325 (décembre 2024).


  3. Zhang, Jianfeng / Wan, Yang / Tian, Meng / Li, Hao / Chen, Keyan / Xu, Xuesong / Yuan, Lei (2024): Comparing multiple machine learning models to investigate the relationship between urban morphology and PM2.5 based on mobile monitoring. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 248 (janvier 2024).


  4. Chen, Keyan / Tian, Meng / Zhang, Jianfeng / Xu, Xuesong / Yuan, Lei (2023): Evaluating the seasonal effects of building form and street view indicators on street-level land surface temperature using random forest regression. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 245 (novembre 2023).


  5. Huang, Dengkai / Tian, Meng / Yuan, Lei (2023): Sustainable design of running friendly streets: Environmental exposures predict runnability by Volunteered Geographic Information and multilevel model approaches. Dans: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 89 (février 2023).


  6. Tian, Meng / Yuan, Lei / Guo, Renzhong / Wu, Yongsheng / Liu, Xiaojian (2021): Sustainable development: Investigating the correlations between park equality and mortality by multilevel model in Shenzhen, China. Dans: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 75 (décembre 2021).


  7. Yuan, Songhu / Tian, Meng / Li, Taiping / Lu, Xiaohua (2007): Effect of the Composition of Anodic Purging Solutions on Electroosmosis. Dans: Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), v. 133, n. 6 (juin 2007).


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