Li, Jinze / Wang, Xiao / Zhang, Qiyan / Tang, Peng: Multi-objective optimization of EMS facilities using multi-source data: A case study in Dangtu, China. Dans: Frontiers of Architectural Research.
Chen, Cheng / Liu, Wei / Dong, Manman / Ren, Ruiqi / Wu, Ben / Tang, Peng (2024): A novel structural deformation prediction method based on graph convolutional network during shield tunnel construction. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 153 (novembre 2024).
Tang, Peng / Wang, Xiao / Shi, Xing (2019): Generative design method of the facade of traditional architecture and settlement based on knowledge discovery and digital generation: a case study of Gunanjie Street in China. Dans: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 13, n. 5 ( 2019).
Deng, Qiao / Chen, Zhiwen / Tang, Peng / Li, Xinhong / Yang, Chunhua / Yang, Xu (2023): A novel semi-supervised fault diagnosis method for chillers based on neighbor-optimized graph convolutional network. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 301 (décembre 2023).
Wu, Yuanzhou / Tang, Peng / Lv, Henglin / Wei, Wei / Zhou, Shuchun / Liu, Kefang (2023): Degradation of the bond performance between composite limestone powder concrete and steel bars under a sulfate freeze–thaw environment. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 369 (mars 2023).
Zhang, Wenbing / Shi, Danda / Shen, Zhenzhong / Shao, Wei / Gan, Lei / Yuan, Yuan / Tang, Peng / Zhao, Shan / Chen, Yuansheng (2023): Reduction of the calcium leaching effect on the physical and mechanical properties of concrete by adding chopped basalt fibers. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 365 (février 2023).
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Chen, Zhiwen / Zhao, Zhengrun / Deng, Qiao / Tang, Peng / Yang, Chunhua / Li, Xinhong / Gui, Weihua (2023): A knowledge embedded graph neural network-based cooling load prediction method using dynamic data association. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 278 (janvier 2023).
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Shi, Yu-feng / Yang, Jun-sheng / Yang, Feng / Tang, Peng (2014): Study of Stability of Surrounding Rock due to the Approach of Two Excavation Faces and Face Reinforcement in a Large Cross-Section Tunnel in Weak Stratum. Dans: Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development (English Edition), v. 8, n. 1 (mars 2014).
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Wang, Xiao-Hui / Chen, Bing / Tang, Peng (2018): Experimental and analytical study on bond strength of normal uncoated and epoxy-coated reinforcing bars. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 189 (novembre 2018).
Shao, Wei / Shi, Danda / Tang, Peng (2018): Probabilistic Lifetime Assessment of RC Pipe Piles Subjected to Chloride Environments. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 30, n. 11 (novembre 2018).