Azhang, Anahita / Mahdi Zandi, Sayed / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein (2025): Development and full-scale experimental evaluation of a novel replaceable fuses metallic damper with double-stage yield mechanism. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 327 (mars 2025).
Besharatian, Boshra / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein / Garcia, Reyes / Hajirasouliha, Iman (2024): A practical optimisation method for friction tuned mass dampers in multi-storey buildings subjected to earthquake excitations. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 184 (septembre 2024).
Alhamoud, Amgad / Ataei, Abdolreza / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein (2024): Experimental study on cyclic behavior of interior demountable beam-to-column composite joints having precast geopolymer concrete slab. Dans: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 222 (novembre 2024).
Sabzehzar, Saman / Majidi, Noorollah / Shafizadeh, Ali / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein (2024): Proposing a practical equivalent Timoshenko beam for analysis of truss structures. Dans: Structures, v. 63 (mai 2024).
Miri, Seyed Mohsen / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein / Mahmoudy, Seyed Ali (2024): Uniform deformation distribution of structures at different seismic hazard levels using endurance time method. Dans: Structures, v. 60 (février 2024).
Abbasi, Mehran / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein / Zeynalian, Mehran / Rahnama, Mohammad Younes (2024): Parametric study on seismic response modification factor of strap-braced cold-formed steel systems. Dans: Structures, v. 60 (février 2024).
Majidi, Noorollah / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein / Mahdi Zandi, Sayed / Hajirasouliha, Iman (2023): Development of practical downsampling methods for nonlinear time history analysis of complex structures. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 175 (décembre 2023).
Ghandil, Mehdi / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein / Behnamfar, Farhad (2023): Numerical and experimental studies on a new metallic-yielding pistonic damper based on pure-bending flexural yielding mechanism. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 78 (novembre 2023).
Besharatian, Boshra / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein / Garcia, Reyes / Hajirasouliha, Iman (2023): Particle swarm optimization of friction tuned mass dampers subjected to ground motion records. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 172 (septembre 2023).
Majidi, Noorollah / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein / Mahdi Zandi, Sayed (2023): Evaluating the performance of different mother wavelet functions for down-sampling of earthquake records. Dans: Structures, v. 51 (mai 2023).
Ravanbakhshian Habibabadi, Mahdi / Izadinia, Mohsen / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein / Hasan Meisami, Mohammad (2023): Effects of geometric characteristics of U-shaped flexural plates on their cyclic performance. Dans: Structures, v. 51 (mai 2023).
Mohit, Mehdi / Haftbaradaran, Hamed / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein (2023): Investigating the ternary cement containing Portland cement, ceramic waste powder, and limestone. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 369 (mars 2023).
Majidi, Noorollah / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein / Mahdi Zandi, Sayed (2022): Reducing computational costs in site response analysis and its application for the nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures. Dans: Structures, v. 46 (décembre 2022).
Arab, Mohammadamin / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein / Daei, Maryam (2022): Optimum displacement profile for the direct displacement-based design of steel moment-resisting frames. Dans: Structures, v. 44 (octobre 2022).
Ghandil, Mehdi / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein / Behnamfar, Farhad (2022): Introduction of a new metallic-yielding pistonic damper for seismic control of structures. Dans: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 194 (juillet 2022).
Hashemi, Seyed Meisam / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein (2022): Seismic performance of reinforced concrete beam-column joints strengthened with NSM steel bars and NSM CFRP strips. Dans: Structures, v. 39 (mai 2022).
Falahian, Afsaneh / Asadi, Payam / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein / Haghy, Mahsa (2020): Seismic performance assessment of steel frames with shape‐memory alloy wire‐based dampers. Dans: The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, v. 29, n. 16 (novembre 2020).
Tajmir Riahi, Hossein / Zeynalian, Mehran / Rabiei, Amin / Ferdosi, Ehsan (2020): Seismic collapse assessment of K-shaped bracings in cold-formed steel frames. Dans: Structures, v. 25 (juin 2020).
Lotfi Mahyari, Shahram / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein / Hashemi, Mahmoud (2019): Investigating the analytical and experimental performance of a pure torsional yielding damper. Dans: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 161 (octobre 2019).
Saadatnia, Mahdi / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein / Izadinia, Mohsen (2019): Hysteretic Behavior of Rubber Bearing with Yielding Shear Devices. Dans: International Journal of Steel Structures, v. 19, n. 3 ( 2019).
Amouzegar, Hamed / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein (2015): Seismic assessment of concrete frames by endurance time method. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, v. 168, n. 8 (août 2015).
Tajmir Riahi, Hossein / Amouzegar, Hamed / Falsafioun, Mehrdad (2015): The Seismic collapse assessment of reinforced concrete moment frames using endurance time analysis. Dans: The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, v. 24, n. 4 (mars 2015).
Zeynalian, Mehran / Shahrasbi, Ali Zarezadeh / Tajmir Riahi, Hossein (2018): Seismic Response of Cold Formed Steel Frames Sheathed by Fiber Cement Boards. Dans: International Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 16, n. 11 (février 2018).