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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Hu, Yongping / Yin, Yike / Sreeram, Anand / Si, Wei / Airey, Gordon D. / Li, Bo / Singh, Bhupendra / Kaya Ozdemir, Derya / Zhou, Lu (2025): Atomic force microscopy (AFM) based microstructural and micromechanical analysis of bitumen during ageing and rejuvenation. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 467 (mars 2025).


  2. Hu, Yongping / Cheng, Xu / Sreeram, Anand / Si, Wei / Li, Bo / Pipintakos, Georgios / Airey, Gordon D. (2024): Enhancing fatigue resistance and low-temperature performance of asphalt pavements using antioxidant additives. Dans: Materials and Structures, v. 58, n. 1 (26 décembre 2024).


  3. Hu, Yongping / Omairey, Eman / Hughes, David / Bailey, Helen / Watkins, Miles / Twitchen, John / Airey, Gordon D. / Sreeram, Anand (2024): Recovering the properties of aged bitumen using bio-rejuvenators derived from municipal wastes. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 438 (août 2024).


  4. Hu, Jingxuan / Jiang, Xueliang / Shen, Weili / Sreeram, Anand / Ren, Haihang / Xu, Xiong (2024): Innovative Use of Polyurethane Precursor to Facilitate the Reaction-Rejuvenation of Aged SBS-Modified Asphalt. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 36, n. 8 (août 2024).


  5. Hu, Yongping / Ryan, Jack / Sreeram, Anand / Allanson, Max / Pasandín, Ana R. / Zhou, Lu / Singh, Bhupendra / Wang, Haopeng / Airey, Gordon D. (2024): Optimising the dosage of bio-rejuvenators in asphalt recycling: A rejuvenation index based approach. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 433 (juin 2024).


  6. Hu, Yongping / Sreeram, Anand / Airey, Gordon D. / Li, Bo / Si, Wei / Wang, Haopeng (2024): Comparative analysis of time sweep testing evaluation methods for the fatigue characterisation of aged bitumen. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 432 (juin 2024).


  7. Tan, Zhifei / Leng, Zhen / Li, Hui / Ashish, Prabin Kumar / Cai, Xing / Cao, Peng / Sreeram, Anand (2024): Quantitative analysis of asphalt concrete’s tension-compression asymmetry effects on pavement response through 3D numerical modeling with dual viscoelastic model. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 430 (juin 2024).


  8. Adwani, Dheeraj / Sreeram, Anand / Bhasin, Amit (2024): Deconvoluting the Mechanisms of Thermal Degradation and Oxidation during the Aging Simulation of Elastomeric Modified Asphalt Binders. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 36, n. 7 (juillet 2024).


  9. Ashish, Prabin Kumar / Sreeram, Anand / Xu, Xiong / Chandrasekar, Pavan / Jagadeesh, Ajayshankar / Adwani, Dheeraj / Padhan, Rabindra Kumar (2023): Closing the Loop: Harnessing waste plastics for sustainable asphalt mixtures – A comprehensive review. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 400 (octobre 2023).


  10. Adwani, Dheeraj / Sreeram, Anand / Pipintakos, Georgios / Mirwald, Johannes / Wang, Yudi / Hajj, Ramez / Jing, Ruxin / Bhasin, Amit (2023): Interpreting the effectiveness of antioxidants to increase the resilience of asphalt binders: A global interlaboratory study. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 366 (février 2023).


  11. Sreeram, Anand / Filonzi, Angelo / Komaragiri, Satyavati / Roja, K. Lakshmi / Masad, Eyad / Bhasin, Amit (2022): Assessing impact of chemical compatibility of additives used in asphalt binders: A case study using plastics. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 359 (décembre 2022).


  12. Sreeram, Anand / Adwani, Dheeraj / Arras, Benjamin / Blomdahl, Daniel / Misztal, Pawel / Bhasin, Amit (2022): Comprehensive evaluation of the oxidative gas based aging method for loose asphalt mixtures. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 352 (octobre 2022).


  13. Sreeram, Anand / Masad, Ahmad / Sootodeh Nia, Zahra / Maschauer, Daniel / Mirwald, Johannes / Hofko, Bernhard / Bhasin, Amit (2021): Accelerated aging of loose asphalt mixtures using ozone and other reactive oxygen species. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 307 (novembre 2021).


  14. Ferreira, Wellington L. G. / Castelo Branco, Verônica T. F. / Vasconcelos, Kamilla / Bhasin, Amit / Sreeram, Anand (2021): The impact of aging heterogeneities within RAP binder on recycled asphalt mixture design. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 300 (septembre 2021).


  15. Guo, Meng / Liang, Meichen / Fu, Ye / Sreeram, Anand / Bhasin, Amit (2021): Average molecular structure models of unaged asphalt binder fractions. Dans: Materials and Structures, v. 54, n. 4 (2 juillet 2021).


  16. Sreeram, Anand / Leng, Zhen / Zhang, Yuan / Padhan, Rabindra Kumar (2018): Evaluation of RAP binder mobilisation and blending efficiency in bituminous mixtures: An approach using ATR-FTIR and artificial aggregate. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 179 (août 2018).


  17. Sreeram, Anand / Leng, Zhen (2019): Variability of rap binder mobilisation in hot mix asphalt mixtures. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 201 (mars 2019).


  18. Padhan, Rabindra Kumar / Sreeram, Anand (2018): Enhancement of storage stability and rheological properties of polyethylene (PE) modified asphalt using cross linking and reactive polymer based additives. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 188 (novembre 2018).


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