- 확률론적 추정 개념을 적용한 건설 공사 현장의 사고원인별 리스크 정량화 연구 (A Risk Quantification Study for Accident Causes on Building Construction Site by Applying Probabilistic Forecast Concept). Dans: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 17, n. 3 (juin 2017). (2017):
- 태풍타입별 피해 분석 및 다중회귀분석을 활용한 태풍피해예측모델 개발 연구 (Typhoon Path and Prediction Model Development for Building Damage Ratio Using Multiple Regression Analysis). Dans: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 16, n. 5 (octobre 2016). (2016):
- 로지스틱 회귀모형을 활용한 소산 및 전투시설의 방호성능 보강방안 연구 (Reinforcing Method for the Protective Capacities of Dispersal and Combat Facilities using Logistic Regression). Dans: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 16, n. 1 (février 2016). (2016):
- 태풍에 따른 지역별 건물피해액에 영향을 미치는 요인 도출 및 피해 예측모델 개발 (Influence Factors Suggestion and Prediction Model Development of Regional Building Damage Costs according to Typhoon). Dans: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 15, n. 5 (octobre 2015). (2015):
- 변성에폭시 모르터로 내진보강한 5층 철근콘크리트 보통모멘트골조의 경제성 분석 (Economic Analysis of a 5-Story RC OMRF Retrofitted with Modified Epoxy Mortar for Improving Seismic Performance). Dans: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 14, n. 3 (juin 2014). (2014):
- 지휘소 작전지속성 보장을 위한 도파관의 전자기파 차폐성능 향상방안 (Assessment of the Electromagnetic Pulse Shield Effectiveness of the Wave-guided Below Cutoff Filled with Water and Oil for Guaranteeing the Operational Sustainment of the Command Post). Dans: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 13, n. 6 (décembre 2013). (2013):