Etemadi, Ehsan / Hosseinabadi, Mahbubeh / Taghizadeh, Mohsen / Scarpa, Fabrizio / Hu, Hong (2024): Enhancing the energy absorption capability of auxetic metamaterials through auxetic cells within re-entrant circular units. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 315 (septembre 2024).
José da Silva, Rodrigo / Cesar dos Santos, Júlio / Panzera, Tulio Hallak / Scarpa, Fabrizio (2024): Enhanced core rigidity classifier method (RJS 2.0): A comprehensive approach to properly measure elastic properties of sandwich structures. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 334 (avril 2024).
Duncan, Olly / Bailly, Nicolas / Laird, Katie / Shivkumar, Maitreyi / Bowman, Tom / Goff, John Eric / Scarpa, Fabrizio (2024): Focus on smart materials and structures for sporting protective equipment. Dans: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 33, n. 4 (4 mars 2024).
Benzannache, Naziha / Bezazi, Abderrezak / Bouchelaghem, Hafida / Boumaaza, Messaouada / Scarpa, Fabrizio / Amziane, Sofiane (2018): Effects of adding sisal and glass fibers on the mechanical behaviour of concrete polymer. Dans: Journal of Building Materials and Structures, v. 5, n. 1 (juin 2018).
Bouchelaghem, Hafida / Bezazi, Abderrezak / Boumaaza, Messaouada / Benzannache, Naziha / Scarpa, Fabrizio (2018): Behaviour of reinforced columns with E_Glass fiber and carbon fiber. Dans: Journal of Building Materials and Structures, v. 4, n. 2 (février 2018).
Etemadi, Ehsan / Hosseinabadi, Mahbubeh / Scarpa, Fabrizio / Hu, Hong (2023): Design, FDM printing, FE and theoretical analysis of auxetic structures consisting of arc-shaped and Dumbell-shaped struts under quasi-static loading. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 326 (décembre 2023).
Ji, Wenfei / Zhang, Qicheng / Alvarez-Borges, Fernando / Yuan, Guanjie / Van Duijneveldt, Jeroen / Briscoe, Wuge H. / Scarpa, Fabrizio (2023): Composite sepiolite/chitosan layer-by-layer coated flexible polyurethane foams with superior mechanical properties and energy absorption. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 322 (octobre 2023).
Zhang, Wenjiao / Neville, Robin / Zhang, Dayi / Yuan, Jie / Scarpa, Fabrizio / Lakes, Roderic (2023): Bending of kerf chiral fractal lattice metamaterials. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 318 (août 2023).
Akhzeroun, Abdelhafid / Semcha, Abdelaziz / Bezazi, Abderrezak / Boumediri, Haithem / Reis, Paulo N. B. / Scarpa, Fabrizio (2023): Development and characterization of a new sustainable composite reinforced with date palm stems for rehabilitation and reconstruction of earthen built heritage. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 316 (juillet 2023).
Ouyang, Wenting / Wang, Huan / Dong, Jiale / Gong, Bowen / Scarpa, Fabrizio / Peng, Hua-Xin (2023): Cross-helicoidal approach to the design of damage-resistant composites. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 306 (février 2023).
Yu, Xindi / Zhang, Qicheng / Kontopoulou, Athina / Allegri, Giuliano / Schenk, Mark / Scarpa, Fabrizio (2022): In-plane elasticity of beetle elytra inspired sandwich cores. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 300 (novembre 2022).
Ávila de Oliveira, Lívia / Luiz Passaia Tonatto, Maikson / Luiza Cota Coura, Gabriela / Freire, Rodrigo Teixeira Santos / Panzera, Tulio Hallak / Scarpa, Fabrizio (2021): Experimental and numerical assessment of sustainable bamboo core sandwich panels under low-velocity impact. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 292 (juillet 2021).
José da Silva, Rodrigo / Cesar dos Santos, Júlio / Freire, Rodrigo Teixeira Santos / Bianchini Batista, Fabiano / Panzera, Tulio Hallak / Christoforo, André Luís / Scarpa, Fabrizio (2022): A core rigidity classifier method and a novel approach to account for geometric effects on the elastic properties of sandwich structures. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 282 (février 2022).
Song, Keyao / Scarpa, Fabrizio / Schenk, Mark (2022): Form-finding of tessellated tensegrity structures. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 252 (février 2022).
Wang, Jingze / Addo Nartey, Martinson / Scarpa, Fabrizio / Cui, Weicheng / Peng, Hua-Xin (2021): Design and manufacturing of highly tailorable pre-bent bi-stable composites. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 276 (novembre 2021).
Wang, Jingze / Addo Nartey, Martinson / Luo, Yang / Wang, Huan / Scarpa, Fabrizio / Peng, Hua-Xin (2020): Designing multi-stable structures with enhanced designability and deformability by introducing transition elements. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 233 (février 2020).
Oliveira, Lívia Á. / Santos, Júlio C. / Panzera, Túlio H. / Freire, Rodrigo T. S. / Vieira, Luciano M. G. / Scarpa, Fabrizio (2018): 'Evaluation of hybrid-short-coir-fibre-reinforced composites via full factorial design. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 202 (octobre 2018).
Melo, Arthur Bernardes Lara / Panzera, Tulio Hallak / Freire, Rodrigo Teixeira Santos / Scarpa, Fabrizio (2018): The effect of Portland cement inclusions in hybrid glass fibre reinforced composites based on a full factorial design. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 202 (octobre 2018).
Yin, Hanfeng / Huang, Xiaofei / Scarpa, Fabrizio / Wen, Guilin / Chen, Yanyu / Zhang, Chao (2018): In-plane crashworthiness of bio-inspired hierarchical honeycombs. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 192 (mai 2018).
Del Broccolo, Simone / Laurenzi, Susanna / Scarpa, Fabrizio (2017): AUXHEX – A Kirigami inspired zero Poisson’s ratio cellular structure. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 176 (septembre 2017).
Huang, Jian / Zhang, Qiuhua / Scarpa, Fabrizio / Liu, Yanju / Leng, Jinsong (2016): Bending and benchmark of zero Poisson’s ratio cellular structures. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 152 (septembre 2016).
Durão, Luís Miguel P. / Panzera, Túlio H. / Scarpa, Fabrizio / Filho, Sergio L. M. R. / Oliveira, P. R. (2015): Damage assessment of fibre reinforced laminates. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 133 (décembre 2015).
Agnese, Fabio / Remillat, Chrystel / Scarpa, Fabrizio / Payne, Chris (2015): Composite chiral shear vibration damper. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 132 (novembre 2015).
Günaydın, Kadir / Eren, Zana / Kazancı, Zafer / Scarpa, Fabrizio / Grande, Antonio Mattia / Türkmen, Halit Süleyman (2019): in-plane compression behavior of anti-tetrachiral and re-entrant lattices. Dans: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 28, n. 11 (3 octobre 2019).
Lombardi, Domenico / Bhattacharya, Subhamoy / Scarpa, Fabrizio / Bianchi, Matteo (2015): Dynamic response of a geotechnical rigid model container with absorbing boundaries. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 69 (février 2015).
Sun, Jian / Gao, Hongliang / Scarpa, Fabrizio / Lira, Cristian / Liu, Yanju / Leng, Jinsong (2014): Active inflatable auxetic honeycomb structural concept for morphing wingtips. Dans: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 23, n. 12 (décembre 2014).
Klepka, Andrzej / Staszewski, Wieslaw J. / di Maio, Dario / Scarpa, Fabrizio (2013): Impact damage detection in composite chiral sandwich panels using nonlinear vibro-acoustic modulations. Dans: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 22, n. 8 (août 2013).
Scarpa, Fabrizio / Ruzzene, Massimo / Alderson, Andrew / Wojciechowski, Krzysztof W. (2013): Auxetics in smart systems and structures 2013. Dans: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 22, n. 8 (août 2013).