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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Rasoulimanesh, Mohammad / Rahai, Alireza / Shahhosseini, Vahid: Development of an Inspection, Maintenance and Rehabilitation System for Bridge Infrastructures Using Integrated Building Information Modeling, Web Server and QR-Code Technologies: A Case Study of Sadr Bridge. Dans: International Journal of Civil Engineering.


  2. Mahmoudi, Farid / Rahai, Alireza / Hatami, Farzad (2024): Dual Moment Resisting-Shear Link Frames: Experimental and Numerical Investigation. Dans: International Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 23, n. 3 (novembre 2024).


  3. Aminakbari, Nariman / Kabir, Mohammad Zaman / Rahai, Alireza / Hosseinnia, Amirali (2023): Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Beams Under Consecutive Low-Velocity Impact Loading. Dans: International Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 22, n. 1 (septembre 2023).


  4. Homayoonmehr, Reza / Rahai, Alireza / Ramezanianpour, Ali Akbar (2022): Predicting the chloride diffusion coefficient and surface electrical resistivity of concrete using statistical regression-based models and its application in chloride-induced corrosion service life prediction of RC structures. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 357 (novembre 2022).


  5. Ebrahimi Motlagh, Hamid Reza / Rahai, Alireza (2022): Prediction of Long-Term Prestress Loss in Prestressed Concrete Beam with Corrugated Steel Web. Dans: International Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 20, n. 11 (juillet 2022).


  6. Alikhanifard, Mohammad Amin / Rahai, Alireza / Tehrani, Payam (2022): New formulations for prediction of buckling loads in steel plate girders through linear and nonlinear stability analysis. Dans: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 23, n. 1 (juillet 2022).


  7. Zargarian, Mahsa / Rahai, Alireza (2022): An Experimental and Numerical Study on Continuous RC Deep Beams Strengthened with CFRP Strips. Dans: International Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 20, n. 6 (février 2022).


  8. Ebrahimi Motlagh, Hamid Reza / Rahai, Alireza (2022): Long-Term Behavior of a Prestressed Concrete Bridge with Corrugated Steel Webs. Dans: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 27, n. 1 (janvier 2022).


  9. Sanayei, Masoud / Esfandiari, Akbar / Rahai, Alireza / Bakhtiari-Nejad, Firooz (2012): Quasi-linear sensitivity-based structural model updating using experimental transfer functions. Dans: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 11, n. 6 (juillet 2012).


  10. Gandomi, Amir Hossein / Sahab, Mohammad G. / Rahai, Alireza (2011): A dynamic nondestructive damage detection methodology for orthotropic plate structures. Dans: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, v. 39, n. 2 (juillet 2011).


  11. Rahai, Alireza / Shokoohfar, A. (2012): Nonlinear shear strength of pre-stressed concrete beams. Dans: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, v. 41, n. 4 (février 2012).


  12. Saberi, Hossein / Hatami, Farzad / Rahai, Alireza (2021): On axial compressive behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete confined by FRP. Dans: Advances in Structural Engineering, v. 24, n. 8 (janvier 2021).


  13. Asghshahr, Mohammadreza Seify / Rahai, Alireza (2022): Seismic fragility analysis of corroded reinforced concrete bridges in Bandar Abbas, Iran. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Bridge Engineering, v. 175, n. 4 (décembre 2022).


  14. Saberi, Hossein / Bui, Tinh Quoc / Furukawa, Akira / Rahai, Alireza / Hirose, Sohichi (2020): FRP-confined concrete model based on damage-plasticity and phase-field approaches. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 244 (juillet 2020).


  15. Rahai, Alireza / Akbarpour, Hamed (2014): Experimental investigation on rectangular RC columns strengthened with CFRP composites under axial load and biaxial bending. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 108 (février 2014).


  16. Golafshani, Emadaldin Mohammadi / Rahai, Alireza / Kebria, Seyedeh Somayeh Hosseini (2014): Prediction of the bond strength of ribbed steel bars in concrete based on genetic programming. Dans: Computers and Concrete, v. 14, n. 3 (septembre 2014).


  17. Firouzi, Afshin / Rahai, Alireza (2013): Reliability assessment of concrete bridges subject to corrosion-induced cracks during life cycle using artificial neural networks. Dans: Computers and Concrete, v. 12, n. 1 (juillet 2013).


  18. Raisszadeh, Amirhosein / Rahai, Alireza / Deylami, Ardeshir (2018): Behaviour of Steel Plate Shear Wall in Multi Span Moment Frame with Various Infill Plate Connection to Column. Dans: Civil Engineering Journal, v. 4, n. 1 (février 2018).


  19. Raisszadeh, Amirhosein / Deylami, Ardeshir / Rahai, Alireza (2018): Experimental and Numerical Research on Steel Plate Shear Wall with Infill Plate Connected to Beam Only. Dans: Civil Engineering Journal, v. 4, n. 3 (avril 2018).


  20. Dolati, Abouzar / Taghikhany, Touraj / Khanmohammadi, Mohammad / Rahai, Alireza (2015): Scenario-based seismic performance assessment of regular and irregular highway bridges under near-fault ground motions. Dans: Earthquakes and Structures, v. 8, n. 3 (mars 2015).


  21. Alipour, Mohamad / Rahai, Alireza / Harris, Devin K.: Numerical Investigation of the Shear Buckling and Post-Buckling of Thin Steel Plates with FRP Strengthening. Présenté pendant: Structures Congress 2017, April 6–8, 2017, Denver, Colorado.


  22. Hatami, Farzad / Ghamari, Ali / Rahai, Alireza (2012): Investigating the properties of steel shear walls reinforced with Carbon Fiber Polymers (CFRP). Dans: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 70 (mars 2012).


  23. Asghshahr, Mohammadreza Seify / Rahai, Alireza (2018): Seismic Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Under Chloride-Induced Corrosion. Dans: International Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 16, n. 6 (février 2018).


  24. Ebrahimi Motlagh, Hamid Reza / Rahai, Alireza (2017): Dynamic Response of a Continuous-Deck Bridge with Different Skew Degrees to Near-Field Ground Motions. Dans: International Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 15, n. 5 (mars 2017).


  25. Golafshani, Emadaldin Mohammadi / Rahai, Alireza / Sebt, Mohammad Hassan / Akbarpour, Hamed (2012): Prediction of bond strength of spliced steel bars in concrete using artificial neural network and fuzzy logic. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 36 (novembre 2012).


  26. Golafshani, Emadaldin Mohammadi / Rahai, Alireza / Sebt, Mohammad Hassan (2014): Bond behavior of steel and GFRP bars in self-compacting concrete. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 61 (juin 2014).


  27. Asghshahr, Mohammadreza Seify / Rahai, Alireza / Ashrafi, Hamidreza (2016): Prediction of chloride content in concrete using ANN and CART. Dans: Magazine of Concrete Research, v. 68, n. 21 (novembre 2016).


  28. Rahai, Alireza / Asghshahr, Mohammadreza Seify / Banazedeh, Mehdi / Kazem, Hamid (2013): Progressive Collapse Assessment of RC Structures under Instantaneous and Gradual Removal of Columns. Dans: Advances in Structural Engineering, v. 16, n. 10 (octobre 2013).


  29. Esfandiari, Akbar / Rahai, Alireza / Sanayei, Masoud / Bakhtiari-Nejad, Firooz (2016): Model Updating of a Concrete Beam with Extensive Distributed Damage Using Experimental Frequency Response Function. Dans: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 21, n. 4 (avril 2016).


  30. Hedjazi, Saman / Rahai, Alireza / Sennah, Khaled (2007): Evaluation of creep effects on the time-dependent deflections and stresses in prestressed concrete bridges. Dans: Bridge Structures, v. 3, n. 2 (juin 2007).


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